Wednesday, 8 June 2011

MMJ: Days Five, Six and Seven

Thank you to everybody who took the time to comment on my last post.  I LOVED reading about how long you’ve all been sewing, how you’d categorise yourselves and what you've achieved (a lot).  It’s a subject I could happily discuss for days on end and never tire of.  I’ll definitely be returning to it at a later date. In the meantime, I’ve got outfits to talk about.  Want to know what I’ve been wearing for the past three days?  Read on..

Day Five
MMJ: Day Five
Top: Me-made from a vintage 1930’s pattern
Trousers: Me-made from Simplicity 3688
Shoes: Camper
Me-Made Category: blouse B, trousers A

I’ve only worn this blouse once before, but it was when I met up with my lovely fellow bloggers in Brighton so it did have an appreciative audience! Today, paired with my 1940’s trousers, this was a super comfortable outfit.  I ended up staying indoors as it rained all day so they were in effect a form of high class PJ’s.  And yes, I was totally overdressed for a day of slouching around, but did I care? No.

Day Six
MMJ: Day Six
Top: Marks and Spencer
Trousers: Me-made from Simplicity 3688
Shoes: Camper
Me-Made Category: A

These trousers are amongst my most worn me-made pieces.  They go with absolutely everything and make my legs look  longer than they actually are.  What’s not to like?

Day Seven
MMJ: Day Seven
Top: Me-made Colette Patterns Sencha
Belt: Jigsaw
Trousers: Banana Republic
Shoes: Camper
Me-Made Category: B

After a long run of navy blue, I needed some colour today, so out came my Sencha.  It’s made from a stiff quilting cotton (a rookie error) so looks much better untucked.  I also lowered the neckline an inch or so when I made it as it was unwearably high necked in its original state. It’s been worn twice, both times when I hadn’t been sewing for long, so I felt really self-conscious in it.  Having now made and worn my own clothes for over a year, I’m a firm believer that if you feel good in what you’re wearing, the chances are that you’ll look good too. Amazingly, this time round, this blouse has had a really positive reception – five compliments received today!  I could get used to this…  


  1. I LOVE your Sencha !! I have yet to start on the pattern - but you have done a cracking job ! Dont you just love Colette patterns ? I wish i could join in 'MMJ' but unfortunately I am yet to make a wearable garment. Hopefully next year I can join in the fun.

    I also want to quickly mention that I L.O.V.E.D. your crepe dress ! The fabric choices were amazing and yours was defo my favourite of the bunch. I am still having fitting issues with the back of mine, so, as is usual for me, I have an unfinished garment. I cant wait to see what else you have in store for the rest of June. K xx

  2. Lovely outfits! Glad you lowered the neckline on your Sencha and are much happier with it. I had to do the same with mine.

  3. I love the print on your Sencha! The polka dots really pop and it's not the most common color combination.

  4. That Sencha blouse is brilliant - I'm not surprised you've received lots of comments. WHY have you only worn the rabbits blouse once up till now? You're crazy, woman! That is a blouse to die for - I wouldn't have it off my back.

  5. Love the Sencha blouse! So nice to see you wearing it as it looks really fab, colour, fit, quilting cotton and all.

    My gripe with this notion that you can't use quilting cotton for clothing is - how exactly are you supposed to resist it when there are so many brilliant prints out there, only available in quilting cotton?! In fact I happily use it for dresses and skirts as I find the stiffness can work well with the A-line of the late 40s/ early 50s dresses I make... And since nobody I know has a clue that it's supposedly 'wrong' for clothing, I usually only ever get compliments too! I admit it doesn't work for everything and anything, but my feeling is that its 'wrongness' is also due to a certain snobbery about fabrics among the sewing community...

  6. I love all your outfits - you look very oo-ordinated and pulled together! Like other commenters, I love your Sencha - I have the pattern and keep meaning to make it but have never, yet, managed to get around to it - seeing your lovely version has reminded me of this!

  7. Kirsty, keep persevering with the Crepe, I think most people have had fitting issues with it!
    Kerry, Stephanie and Eugenia, thanks for your comments!
    Karen, I have no excuse re the rabbit blouse, you've shamed me so much I'm going to wear it tomorrow.
    Nathalie, Quilting cottons ARE hard to resist! I've also found they work better with A-line shapes. Have you come across Get Cutey? It's a shop in Brighton that sells 50's style dresses, all made from the most amazing quilting cottons. I still prefer drapey fabrics for dressmaking though, that Sencha top felt stiff as a board to wear! x

  8. I love all your tops! I really need to sew some tops because I have heaps of skirts and nothing to wear with them. I am thinking of making a couple of the sorbetto tops from colette and I would love to make violet too.

  9. Hi Kat, yes, I might give the Sorbetto top a go. I've actually cut out fabric for a Violet blouse so that should be appearing in the next week or two! x

  10. And another one over here! I love love love that green Sencha blouse. It needs outing more often and that amazing colour really suits you! x

  11. I love the trousers - I would be wearing them all the time as well!



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