Thursday, 30 June 2011

MMJ: The Last Few Days!

Day 27
MMJ: Day 27
Dress: Me-made Socialite dress
Belt: Anthropologie
Shoes: Marks and Spencer
Me-Made Category: A

It was hot, hot, hot in London on Monday, so this dress was perfect.  Apologies for the crazed expression!

Day 28
MMJ: Day 28
Vest and cardigan: Boden
Skirt: Me-made from New Look pattern, pre-dates my blog
Shoes: Clarks
Me-Made Category: A

Roobeedoo commented that this skirt looks Bodenesque so I thought I'd embrace the fact today!

Day 29
MMJ: Day 29
Shoes: Clarks
Me-made Category: Blouse, B, Skirt, A
It's a Colette Patterns frenzy today.

Day 30.... last day!!!!!

MMJ: Day 30
Top: Me-made from 1950's pattern
Vest: Primark
Skirt: Me-made A-line skirt
Shoes: Marks and Spencer
Me-Made Category: top, now A, skirt, B
As today is the last day, I thought I'd go out with a bang and a full complement of me-made garments

Well, I've done it, I've worn at least one me-made garment every day for the month of June!  I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, I must admit.  If you'd told me I'd have been doing this challenge last June, I'd have stared at you blankly, having exactly two me-made garments in my wardrobe at that point. So what have I taken away from this challenge?

  • I've realised that the vast majority of my me-made garments form a capsule wardrobe i.e. they can all be worn with each other.  This was part intentional, part accidental but it's come in very useful during the past month.
  • The above point is true because most of my wardrobe is made up of navy blue, with the odd splash of red, grey and occasional green.  I need to experiment with a few more colours.
  • The surprise star of MMJ has been my Beignet skirt.  I barely even considered it for this challenge as I thought it was strictly a 'must be worn with tights skirt'. How wrong I was.  I've also realised I'm not too old to show my knees.
  • Taking my photo every day, although tiresome, really highlights which styles suit me and which don't.  I think high waists are more flattering on me, as are knee length skirts.
  • I love wearing my handmade clothes, and any compliments I've received during the past month have felt well and truly earned.

So my post-MMJ list of urgent things to make is as follows:

  • Black Beignet skirt
  • Another pair of high waisted trousers
  • Two Ginger skirts, one denim, one red

I've really, really enjoyed taking part in this challenge, I've loved seeing how everybody else has been wearing their handmade clothes on a day to day basis.  Being part of the MMJ Flickr Group community has also been very inspiring.  You'd be hard pressed to find a more talented and supportive group of people anywhere.  Thank you Zoe for setting the challenge, and thank you to everybody who read my MMJ posts and took the time to comment.  Your encouraging comments, compliments and advice on what to wear were the highlight of my day.

And finally, I can't finish off a post on MMJ without mentioning Karen from Did you Make That's amazing daily posts.  She set herself the challenge of photographing herself with a stranger (whilst wearing her me-made outfit) for the entire month.  And boy did she deliver!  Each post is beautifully written and photographed, and she manages to go from hilarious posts to posts that made me literally cry my eyes out in the blink of an eye. What an amazing achievement!   Happy Thursday everybody. x


  1. Yes, this challenge has thrown up some unexpected combinations for me too - and makes me realise how badly I need to make a pair of high waisted trousers! I really missed them on the days I didn't want to wear a dress or skirt. Thank you so much for the generous mention - I'm glad (I think!) that I made you laugh and cry. You've looked wonderful in all your photos, and I've enjoyed seeing what non me made items you've mixed with. You have a nice wardrobe!

  2. Woo hoo! I have really enjoyed your outfits and been impressed at how well it all goes together - you mean you PLANNED it?!
    My to-do list is very similar to yours. Must get it written up tonight!

  3. hi Jane - I've really loved seeing your MMJ outfits - lovely combos. x

  4. Hurray for MMJ! I'm very glad to have discovered your blog during this challenge. Looking forward to following your future sewing adventures. :)

  5. I love your outfits - these feel-good clothes are exactly what I need after a stressful day at work

  6. Hi Jane - I've really enjoyed seeing your MMJ outfits and must say that I've loved them all. I love that you have subconsciously sewn a capsule wardrobe and I think that's why you managed to pull off such an excellent MMJ. It's also great that the experience helped you to identify gaps in your wardrobe! I can't wait to maybe join in one day ;o)



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