Wednesday, 22 June 2011

MMJ: Days 19, 20, 21 and 22

This is a quick catch up to bring me right up to date with Me-Made-June…

Day 19

Blouse: Newly me-made Violet 

Skirt: The very first thing I ever made! It's New Look 6843, before I had a blog
Shoes: Hobbs
Me-Made Category: Blouse, C as it's only just been born, skirt, A

This skirt is a winter wool skirt which I had to retrieve from its packed-away state to combat the weather.  I've worn it to death, it's very plain but a really good fit, and it goes with everything.

Day 20

Blouse: Me-made Rabbit blouse

Skirt: Gap
Shoes: Marks and Spencer
Me-Made Category: B

I really like this blouse and will try to wear it more.  Not necessarily with this skirt though, I think just on the knee is a more flattering length for me.

Day 21

Blouse: Boden
Skirt: Me-made Beignet
Shoes: Clarks
Me-Made Category: A

My Beignet is fast becoming the skirt equivalent of my 1940's trousers.  A second version is right at the top of my list after MMJ is finished.

Day 22

Cardigan: John Smedley
Necklace: Superdrug (!)
Skirt: Another pre-blog make from New Look 6843
Shoes: Clarks
Me-Made Category: A

I made this skirt as an in-between project on my dressmaking course (we were supposed to make one garment per term but you know me, I wanted to gallop ahead.)  I'm amazed by how well made it is: perfectly constructed lining, invisible zip, cool waistband made from bias tape etc.  Beginner's luck I think!

In other news, I made my first Sorbetto top yesterday!  No photos yet, as London was engulfed in torrential rain all morning - so any pics would have come out pitch black.  And finally, I finished my Oolong Dress!!!!!   I'm just leaving it to hang before taking photos but I'm VERY pleased with it! x


  1. Jane I LOVE all of your outfits. Can's wait to see your Sorbetto too. Am a wee bit hooked on that pattern...I have 3 to blog about....eeks!!
    Ooolong too?! Well done!

  2. Day 21 and Day 22 are fantastic - you're really rocking the blue and red colour combinations!

  3. LOVE these! Love Day 22 the best!!! beautiful combo!

  4. How funny - I thought your day 21 top MUST be handmade, but that your day 22 skirt was probably Boden! :)
    Lovely outfits!

  5. Love all your outfits, especially the last couple - you look awesome in red and blue!

  6. I agree with Portia - every outfit is a delight. I cannot wait to see your new makes.

  7. I'm loving your outfits and all the combinations you're coming up with Jane. Cannot wait to see your Sorbetto and Oolong!!!

  8. 21 and 22 are so cheery!

  9. Love everything, you look too cute in all your handmade things! looking forward to the oolong

  10. All your outfits are great - it is very inspiring to see everyone's wardrobes. I also love the way all your pics are in the same place in your house. I managed a pic or 2 of my Sorbetto yesterday before the rain, and am already wrestling with another one (fiddly fabric, only just enough, needs lining....!) Thanks for the birthday wishes

  11. Your outfits are so classic and lovely! I am becoming a very big fan of your shoes :)



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