Wednesday 1 June 2011

MMJ: Day One

Hoorah! Today is the first day of Me-Made-June - a whole month of wearing handmade clothes.  It will be really interesting to see what gets rotated the most, and I'm determined to give everything I've made a spin out of the wardrobe.  In the past few weeks I've been going through all my me-mades, trying to see which pieces work together - I noticed that they fall into three distinct categories:

Category A
Me-made clothes I wear all the time and that I feel are indistinguishable from store-bought clothes.  Happily, about two thirds of my handmade clothes fall into this category.

Category B
Me-made clothes that have been worn once or twice but for some reason haven't really made the grade.

Category C
Me-made clothes that have never been worn.  Ever. 

These are the clothes equivalents of those poor kids that used to always get chosen last for the rounders team.  I feel more than a little sorry for them and a bit guilty too, so one of my objectives is to give the clothes in this category a turn and actually wear them.  There are only three pieces in this category and they're all lovely.  "So why don't you wear them?"  I hear you all cry.  I will. I will. I promise.   

And what did I wear today?  Well, it's half term here in the UK (again) so no dressing up for me today as I have to entertain my sons.  In my experience, small boys are like dogs and need to be regular exercised or they go a bit nuts.  So for the next three days I have to be suitably attired for running around the park and playing football.  On Saturday, when my husband's around and can take over football-playing duties, I'll dress up a bit.  For now...

MMJ: Day One
Top: My second Pendrell blouse, blogged here
Trousers:  Next
Me-Made Category: A

So far, so good.  See you all tomorrow... x


  1. Very nice. You look great. I too, am entertaining my boys and we just got back from hiking. So causal it is for me also. Great job with day 1.

  2. Casual or not, you look great Jane! I'm so excited to see so many wonderful bloggers that I follow, take part in this challenge. I only hope that by the next me-made/ self-stitched month I have enough stuff to join in!

  3. Love the idea of categorizing your items ! xx

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing what falls into the poor children category! x

  5. Nice photo. Ditto what toboldysew says!

  6. Hello! Love your Pendrell blouse! I really want to try my hand at one - how did you find sewing it up? :)

  7. Hi Smashknits and thank you! I'd definitely recommend sewing the Pendrell, I've made two versions and wear them both a lot. It's very easy to sew up and if you're not sure of anything, just follow Sewaholic's instructions on her sewalong posts (there's a button in the right hand column of my blog). The only change I made to the pattern was to narrow the hip width a tiny bit as I'm not pear-shaped and it fitted perfectly. Good luck! x

  8. I love this on you Jane. You look so pretty. Looking forward to seeing more. I can't wait to be able to do a me-made month! Maybe next year! x



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