Monday, 18 October 2010

Frock wearing dilemma

This dress was one of the first things I made on my dressmaking course and was very easy to make.  I like it because it’s such a traditional shaped dress, or maybe that should be frock?  

The thing is, I've never worn it as I’m not sure which occasion it fits.  If I still worked, then problem solved, I could swan around the office like Joan Holloway (I wish) - but those days are gone. I was thinking of adding a little cardigan and wearing it in the daytime if I suddenly decide to have a ‘smart’ day. In which case, I'd probably need to shorten it so it's more knee length.  I just can’t decide.

The fabric is from the V & A and was one of several Liberty print quilting cottons that were produced to coincide with this summer’s quilt exhibition.  I love the tiny seedhead pattern, but am not 100% sure about the colour, it’s a reddy, orangey, coral in real life, which isn’t top of my list but I couldn’t resist the pattern.  I bought the fabric before I actually went to the exhibition and was completely over excited to find these matching covered buttons in the shop afterwards.  

Just noticed I need to twirl the bottom two buttons round so they're all facing the same way!
I’ve suddenly made a decision whilst writing this post, I’m going to wear it to dinner at a friend’s house this weekend.  If it looks old fashioned, who cares?  It’s a proper frock and a lady should wear a proper frock to dinner.  x


  1. what a lovely dress! which dress pattern did you use?

  2. Thanks Shivani! It was a McCall's 'easy' pattern - M2401. There are a few other options on it too: V necked, square necked, sleeveless, long sleeves so it's a pretty useful pattern. x

  3. Love that fabric! I have a few yards of it myself (also in the red) but have yet to make anything with it. It really suits that pattern and I would wear it both casual and dressed up. I don't do offices anymore as I work from home these days, but I enjoy the dressing up all the same. Go on, channel your Joan!

    And speaking of V&A fabrics, I only just discovered today that they're selling some of the Horrockses ones by the metre, should you be interested!

  4. I WILL channel my Joan, you've persuaded me! Ooh, ooh Horrockses fabrics, I'm going straight onto the V & A website now. I've got a book about Horrockses dresses and some of the fabrics are right up my street. x

  5. Having read about the Horrockses fabric on the True Up blog, I did the same and went straight onto the V&A website... only to completely fail to locate it! Fortunately True Up had a link... So just in case you're having the same difficulties I had earlier, let me enable you with the following link!

    Delighted to have discovered your blog (via SewRetro) and looking forward to your next projects!



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