Saturday, 23 October 2010

Crafty Christmas Club

Tired of spending a small fortune on gifts nobody really wants?  Fancy being creative and saving money this Christmas?  Then join the Crafty Christmas Club!

The Crafty Christmas Club is a fantastic new blog sharing forum set up by Tilly from Tilly and the Buttons.  In Tilly's words, "It's a hub to discuss your Christmas crafty plans with likeminded people, gain inspiration from other craftsters, share tips and tutorials, and perhaps - most importantly - show off your finished goodies without spoiling the surprise to friends and family who may be reading your own blog."

I've joined the group because I’d love to make some handmade gifts this year - I think they’ll be really appreciated and I’ll get a lot of pleasure from making them.  To test the water, I made birthday presents for my mum and my mother in law this year and they both went down a storm.  Even if it’s just a lavender bag, to me handmade means much more than yet another gift set from Boots.

So this year I’ll be making little purses, make-up brush rolls, lavender bags and of course, 50's style half pinnies!  I’d also like to have a go at this fabric yo-yo necklace – primarily for me to wear at Christmas rather than giving as a present, does that count?!  Of course, if it’s easy peasy then it will be added to my present making list!  But my biggest challenge of all will be thinking of something tasteful yet premier league football related for my older son!  Any ideas would be VERY gratefully received! 

Anyone interested in joining should follow the link above. There are instructions for becoming a contributor on the blog.  Please join in, then I can see what everybody else has been making, which is basically my favourite pastime! x

1 comment:

  1. I signed up earlier too and can't wait to get started! I hope this will be the push to make more handmade gifts this year. Only 8 weeks to go! Good luck to you as well!



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