Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Hooray, hooray, it's a holi, holi-day

I'll be off on holiday later in the summer, so today I thought I'd rummage through my wardrobe to work out which of my handmade clothes will work best in the heat. Because I generally tread the same path regarding colours, style and patterns, most of my garments tend to work well together. I've gone for lightweight fabrics and nothing too high necked - I can't bear high necks at the best of times, but especially not in hot weather. Here's what I've decided on...

Vintage Shirt Dress

1950's-style shoulder tie dress

Lemon Mortmain dress
This is my Parfait dress, made during my first year of sewing and still going strong! The straps and gored skirt make this really cool to wear and the double gauze is light and breathable. 

I was also hoping to pack my Simplicity sundress, but sadly I ruined it in the wash - the blue linen-look cotton ran into the white bodice band. Now, instead of being snowy white, the band is a lovely shade of dishcloth grey. I pre-washed both fabrics, but the blue fabric obviously had a bit more dye to get rid of - so annoying as I loved that dress. 

Just a couple…my Barkcloth skirt

And my floral A-line skirt from a vintage pattern. I refashioned this skirt a couple of years ago (shortened it and removed the waistband), and as it's made from very thin cotton lawn, it's now an ideal holiday skirt. 

Gertie Capri pants, perfect for evenings teamed with a top and sandals.

I won't be packing the ukulele
My tie front blouse is great for wearing with high waisted shorts. Here's evidence from a couple of years ago...

I have no idea who the cowboy hat dude is!

Sleeveless Granville - goes with absolutely everything.

A toned down version of the Simplicity 2154 bow blouse. It pairs up perfectly with lots of my denim or blue coloured bottom halves. I can also undo the necktie if it gets too constricting.

The new Fifi set from Tilly and the Buttons. 

Comfortable and pretty - perfect for hot summer nights!

I'll be packing a few store bought pieces too: my swimming costume, the red shorts above, several solid coloured strappy vests and a couple of striped T shirts. But the majority of my holiday wardrobe will be handmade, which I'm very pleased about. I just need to remember the sunscreen and a big hat! Happy holidays! x


  1. Such a shame about the Simplicity dress. Have you considered sewing ribbon over the top of the white (grey) bit to rescue the dress without taking it apart? Or even a hemmed bit of fabric. I can see that dress with a small Liberty style blue print in place of the white.

    1. Yes, I think it can probably be rescued as it's only the band that's affected. I could replace the band if I can possibly bear it, if not then a Liberty print is a fab suggestion, thanks! x

  2. What a lovely holiday wardrobe you've put together and how satisfying to know you made most of it. How annoying to have the colour run on your sundress. I tend to throw a colour catcher in with any load that has white bits of fabric in. Not much help to you now, I realise. What about dyeing the dress a nice navy blue to rescue it?

    1. Oh yes, that's another great suggestion! I'm so thick sometimes, I never seem to be able to think of these things myself! Thanks Fiona. x

  3. Very impressive collection! I particularly like the Lemon Mortmain Dress. Enjoy your holiday.

  4. I love your style and you have an enviable collection of holiday clothes. It's great wearing handmade and even better on holiday!

  5. such a great wardrobe plan! Hope you get the good weather to go with it...!

  6. What a fabulous summer wardobe's the stuff dreams are made of! Have an amazing time away!xxx

  7. This is some happy vacation wardrobe. I'd wear every piece of it. Your sense of style and colour is very sharp. Envoy your summer holiday!

  8. Is it possible to launder using a pre-wash enzyme cleaner first? There are several to choose from: if the band is not too bad it could be just enough to remove that staining. Love the wardrobe choices: I am very fond of that lemon dress and the newer shirt-dress as well. I have the pattern but have yet to make it up.

    1. I've tried a few different stain removers and even taken it to the dry cleaners to see if he could help, but nothing made any difference I'm afraid. Thanks anyway! I love the lemon dress too! x

  9. What a lovely selection - I really like your shorts! Not something I've attempted yet. LOVE your lemons Mortmain - inspiration on so many fronts x

    1. Ah that lemon fabric is the best isn't it?! Shorts are quite satisfying to make - all the challenge of trousers but on a smaller scale! x

  10. What beautiful pieces- enjoyed looking through your selection :-)

  11. Have you tried Dylon Colour Catcher? you can get it from Sainsburys you bung it in the washer with your garment and it somehow picks up all the loose dye. It might be worth a try.

    The rest of your holiday wardrobe looks super, very well co-ordinated and stylish.

  12. WOW. I need to be packing for our holiday. I have packed some handmade for the small girl so far but need to move on to the small boys and myself. :)

    1. Yes, I like to start my packing very early! x

  13. SO jealous (in a love it all, inspiring way...not a spiteful, envious way!)

    How I wish that were my wardrobe <3

    I have finished my B5605, yet to blog about it. I wore it to my sons graduation last's a sneaky peek for you...

    Have a fabulous holiday xx

    1. Thank you so much! Your B6505 turned out beautifully, perfect for a graduation! x

  14. What a collection! Especially love the lemon dress and the floral skirt/red combo. Gorgeous 💜

    1. Thank you! I have a soft spot for that lemon dress too! x

  15. Looks like a lovely lineup of holiday clothes! Have a fantastic and safe time!!

  16. I love it all but especially the bark cloth skirt and capri pants. They look fab. Hope you have a great holiday.

  17. What a great wardrobe! Everything looks comfortable and cute.

  18. great selection, something for every activity. My favourite is the lemon print dress! Just gorgeous!

  19. still loving that lemon dress! they're all fantastic but I want that lemon dress lol!


  20. What a wonderful holiday wardrobe!

  21. Wow, I'm in awe of your holiday wardrobe. Still so much love for that lemon print dress.

  22. What a great selection! They're all lovely! :D



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