Thursday, 4 August 2011

Finished Parfait

Sewing-wise I’ve been going a bit mad on separates recently, which is all well and good, but sometimes, especially when the sun comes out, nothing fits the bill quite like a sundress.  When it’s hot - and it has been hot in London recently, despite the depressing downpour today - a dress is just so comfortable, no tucking in required.

I don’t actually own a proper, strappy sundress -  a couple of shirt dresses and wrap dresses, but nothing that screams ‘wear me on the beach’.  I decided to make the Colette Patterns Parfait to take on holiday in a few week’s time. Sadly my sewing time will be drastically reduced over the next few weeks, due to the small matter of having my children at home with me every day! So I just about finished it before the school holidays started.  I’m glad I did, as I’ve been able to wear it in the London sun.  It’s SSOOO lovely and cool to wear and such a comfortable shape. 

I chose a silvery grey Japanese double gauze fabric which I got from Fabric Tales during a splurge at the end of last year. I’m glad I waited to use it for this dress as it’s just perfect.  I’ve sewn with double gauze before, and it really does have magical properties: it’s warm and cosy when it’s cold and light and cool when it’s hot.  I also love the print of the fabric – a tree print with random animals scattered around.  Here's a tip for when your children are bored: get them to find all the animals on mummy’s dress!  So far they’ve found a crow, a donkey, a stag, a fox and a rat (!)

I was pretty relieved with the way the fabric looked once it was cut out and sewn together.  There wasn’t enough fabric to have a go at matching the pattern (plus I wouldn’t really know where to start).  I like the donkey walking across the middle of the skirt, I’m not so keen on the rat on my right boob….

Apart from the Crepe dress which was a bit of a wild card when it came to fitting, I seem to be pretty much a standard size 8 for Colette Patterns.  The Parfait was no exception, although I did decide to ride by the seat of my pants and not make a muslin.  Fitting the bodice as you go along is actually part of the instructions, and I only needed to take it in a tiny bit at the sides, otherwise it’s a good fit.  The pattern itself was the usual high standard you'd expect from Colette Patterns: straight forward instructions with all the stages making sense!

The Parfait has some lovely details: a midriffed bodice, gathered bust and buttoned shoulder straps.  I didn’t add the gathered pockets as I thought they’d get a little lost amongst all the wildlife.  The only thing I didn’t like about making this dress was the invisible side zip.  It’s a personal gripe – I just find side zips in a dress a pain to put in, especially when it’s got to zip over a midriff section which invariably consists of a couple of layers plus interfacing.  I much prefer putting zips in centrally, but that’s just me.

Having now worn the dress two days running, I can confirm it’s a winner.  The panelled skirt and midriff are very flattering and the cut of the bodice and straps cleverly conceal your bra straps – a big bonus in my book.  I really like the shape and design of the dress – it’s comfortable and roomy enough to run around after the kids in, yet fitted enough so you still feel like you’re making an effort.  I can’t wait to wear it on holiday now. x


  1. It's fantastic, well done. The shape looks great on you and I love the fabric pattern. The silvery grey means there are a lot of different colours you could wear with it too. Another win!

  2. Jane, it's stunning & very flattering - a great fit. The choice of fabric is awesome - how amazing to wear a subtle menagerie! The more Parfaits I see, the more I like them - yours is truly amongst the loveliest I've seen. Glad that you have been able to wear it in the sunshine :-)

  3. I love it Jane, so breezy and cool and flattering all at the same time! Wasn't sure about this pattern until your version though...I might be tempted now! I know what you mean about side zippers, they are a real pain compared to lovely centred ones! Oh and bad luck about the rat on your boob ;o)

  4. It's brilliant! Looks like it fits like a glove - well done you! And I love the print :)

  5. Wow, Jane, that's gorgeous. It really suits you and is beautifully made. I hope we have enough summer for you to show it off some more - it deserves it!

  6. There you go making me want to buy another Colette pattern. It looks so pretty. Hope you enjoy it on holiday.

  7. Jane! Jane, Jane, Jane! Yet again your SUPERB taste in fabric leaves me flabbergasted. This is the best version of the dress I've seen. It is just perfect. I love it! You look absolutely gorgeous. It is indeed very flattering. You clever woman, you. I totally understand what you mean about inserting the side zipper.

  8. NB Favourite sewing quote ever: 'I’m not so keen on the rat on my right boob.'

  9. That is so beautiful Jane! I need to make more grey clothes Its such a lovely colour and that fabric is to die for!

  10. Love the pattern, love the fabric, love the it all!! Oh dear now I am spoilt for choice as to whether this or the Crepe dress should be my next pattern purchase...I think this would look great over a long sleeved top or with jeans in the winter as well as a sundress..decisions decisions....!!!

  11. fantastic! it fits you so well & i love the fabric... especially the donkey hanging out center stage hehe. and it will look equally amazing with a shirt underneath it if you decide to wear it in colder months!

    i've never sewn with double gauze but i really want to try it!

  12. Wow, Jane, this looks amazing! It fits you beautifully and suits you very well indeed!

    I've been reading your blog for a while now and have only just read your bio: I can't believe you've only been sewing for 18 months - your work is always so well-executed and flawless, I thought you must've been sewing for ages! I consider myself suitably shamed!!! Love your work :)

  13. Oh, I love it! I almost bought that pattern but decided against...and now I am kicking myself because your version is just so fantastic! Well done! And I love the animals on your fabric :)

  14. It's gorgeous!! So pretty :) The fabric is lovely. I think this might have to be the next pattern purchase. Though by the time I've got through my planned projects, it'll probably have to be made as a winter dress! :)
    Ashley x

  15. Beautiful dress as ever Jane! Great that you have had the chance to wearit already.

  16. Oh Jane. This is so beautiful. I think its my favourie dress of yours! I bet it feels lovely too. It certainly looks like it does. x

  17. It's gorgeous! It fits you perfectly - good work. Didn't you use that fabric for your Crepe dress? Or am I thinking of someone else? It's lovely, in any case. x

  18. Wow, I think this might be the most gorgeous Parfait I've seen! The fabric is lovely and the dress is so flattering to your figure. Well done, Jane!

  19. Wow - what bee-yoo-ti-ful fabric, and it fits you so well. I've always thought that the line drawing doesn't do the Parfait justice, because it really is a lovely dress, and it really suits you. Lovely!

  20. Jane it's beautiful. You look stunning in it and I am in total agreement on centre back zips!

  21. This is gorgeous! I love the pattern, the fabric and the wonderful finish of the dress, really love the little animals!

  22. The fabric is so fun. You did a great job.

  23. Really, really nice! What a perfect summer dress!

  24. Wow! It's a very flattering dress and fits you well. I've been considering buying this pattern. Yours looks so good I think you've convinced me. Great job!

  25. It's beautiful! That colour is great on you. And I thought the rat was a leaf until I squinted.

  26. What a fabulous fit! I don't blame you for avoiding any pattern-matching: it would have been impossible I think!
    Ooh - double gauze! Now there's a fabric I hadn't thought about for autumnal layering. Thanks for the link!

  27. LOVE.

    Jane can i steal your clothes please?

  28. That fabric is so awesome! I love this make, Jane - it's fab, and it suits you so well.

  29. Wow - this dress is really really lovely, the style suits you so well. And the fabric choice is perfect.

  30. What an amazing dress. The pattern has always struck me as fairly average, but seeing it on you has changed my mind!
    Love the fabric too, even the rat ;)

  31. That turned out really great! That color is particularly flattering on you too.

  32. Oh it's lovely. Not the usual 'summer dress' colours, but looks summery nonetheless!

  33. Totally perfect fabric choice for this dress. I've never used double it similar to a linen texture?

  34. Absolutely gorgeous, I love everything about it! This has to be one of the nicest, if not THE nicest, Colette Parfaits I have seen yet.

  35. I'm so pleased to see this on you and get your opinion as, oddly, I was looking at the pattern last night and thinking it's something I'd like to make. It looks great, especially in the echino gauze (I have some of the same but in the purple colour waiting in my stash).

    I think I might be making a similar version soon! Bethx

  36. One of the most fetching Parfaits I've seen to date! :) I just love the fabric you used; so whimsical and yet the colorway is such that it'll be classic for years. :) Sewing the side-zipper in this particular pattern was a bit of a frustration for me too (though I normally am not too bothered by them)--I think if I made this particular pattern again I'd swap it out for a center-back insertion to make it easier.

  37. Wow, thank you so much for all your wonderful comments everyone, I appreciate each and every one of them. Thanks also for your empathy about the side zip, glad it's not just me!
    Karen, your comment about the rat cracked me up!
    Clare, THANK YOU!
    Tilly, nope, not me, this is the first time I've used it, I think Patty may have used the same fabric for her Crepe though.
    Lynneb, yes the texture is a bit like linen but much softer
    Beth, that's so funny, I think this is a sign for you to make a purple version!

  38. I love your version of Parfait! You're fabric choice is adorable. Great job!

  39. Super cute! I'm with you on the pocket issue...

  40. This could be the summer dress for me! Just stumbled upon your blog and love it.

  41. That does it! Now I have to make this dress. I've just seen too many lovely versions of it. I love your fabric and the fit and style is perfect. Well done!



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