Friday, 12 August 2011

Charity Shop Fabric

I've never had much luck with charity shops in my area: they don't seem to have any decent fabric (or any fabric at all come to think of it), just lots of Primark cast offs and other tat.  But miraculously my luck changed recently, and for the princely sum of £5 I managed to find this lovely lot in one fell swoop:

First up is 3.5m of a medium weight cotton (it's not very wide, only just under 90cm). The lines of the flowers are chocolate brown and the green is more minty coloured than the photo suggests.  I can’t imagine what I’d make with it, and the colours aren’t really me... but I just couldn't leave it all alone in the charity shop.  So if anybody likes the look of it, leave me a comment by the end of the day on Sunday 14th August telling me what you'd make with it and I’ll happily send it to you.  If more than one of you wants it, I’ll just draw names out of a hat.

I can definitely see a use for this one though:

Isn’t it fab? It’s like a cross between a Liberty print and a 1930’s feedsack print. In fact, it reminds me of this repro feedsack print from Fabric Rehab

There’s about 3m of this one too so I think I’m going to make a long sleeved Autumn blouse with it.

Finally there was this cheeky little print depicting cocktail hour essentials (including ice cubes) .

Sadly, there was only about half a metre of it, so not enough to make a garment, not even a Sorbetto.  I was pondering a little half apron, but it’s a silky kind of fabric so probably not best suited to having greasy fingers wiped on it.  Hhmm, not sure, maybe a couple of cushions?  If anybody else has any bright ideas I'd love to hear them.

Because I’m an optimistic kind of gal, I returned to the scene of the crime a week later and struck lucky again!!  I found 3m of this beautiful grey wool fabric for £3.  

I’m planning on making my first jacket in Autumn (more on that in a future post) and this will be absolutely perfect for a first attempt.  I’ll keep my fingers crossed it turns out wearable, but if not, then I’ve only spent £3 trying.  Good things come to those who wait…


  1. If I won the minty green fabric, I'd make a dress for my 2 year old daughter out of it (I'm feeling unusually selfish at the moment). Or maybe a top for me! (if normal selfish service has resumed)

    If the cocktail fabric is light enough, how about a neck scarf - time to learn how to do rolled hems. Or, undies. Perhaps the free bloomers pattern from Colette Patterns.

  2. Wow what fabulous finds. There's never any pretty fabric in any of the charity shops around here either, but I shall be staking them out now lol!

    Please enter me into the draw for the green fabric which is beautiful. I've had my eye on the Colinette dress patterns for a while now, although I'm not sure which one I'd go for, but I think it would look lovely made up as a dress.

  3. These are great finds Jane, especially being lucky on your 2nd visit...what will you find 3rd time lucky?!?

  4. Congrats on your fabric finds! It's nice to get a pay off for wading through all the tat they are mostly populated with.I do love the look of the floral you're planning to make into a blouse. It's perfect for Autumn sewing.
    Re the green cotton, I'd like to enter the draw. I could see it as quite a full skirt, 1950s style.

  5. I have never had luck with charity shop fabric finds. Glad to know that I should just keep looking.

    That Liberty-inspired print is gorgeous. I am such a sucker for floral fabric.

  6. Who is giving away all this fabulous material? I adore the libertyesque print and the grey wool. I have an idea for your cocktail one - why not make it into a few wine bottle gift bags with drawstrings - reusable, fun and sticking to the theme?

  7. great finds! don't you love stumbling across gorg fabric for super cheap? it doesn't happen very often, but when it does - yay!!

    re: the cocktail fabric - could you use it as a panel or contrast for a garment? like maybe omit the pleat in the sorbetto & cut a wide panel down the middle and use the fabric for that? or cut a yoke neckline (like the kind on the macaron) and make a contrasting yoke with the fabric. or make a regular ol' top w/sleeves, and make wide cuffs & a wide band at the bottom with the fabric. so many ideas! haha!

    put me in the hat for the green fabric giveaway :) i would make (another!) rooibos with it... with chocolate brown contrast & piping :) and i would wear it with a cream cardigan, which i don't actually have. yet.

  8. What fantastic luck! the charity shops near me have a good range of quilts and stuff but actual material is rather thin on the ground! If I won the green fabric I would make a Colette Macaroon out of it, the pattern has been sat on my desk for a while waiting for the perfect fabric, plus I have a pale turquoisey green sheet (from one of the said charity shops) that would probably match perfectly for the contrast!

  9. oooh - what a haul! I never have any luck in charity shops, but then I lose patience very quickly!

    I think I forgot to post about your amazing Parfait - gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! x

  10. Also, I fairly recently picked up a little sleeveless knit top (from GAP) that was fine knit on the front and silky on the back, it is great for wearing under cardis or suit jackets where a full knit might get too hot or bulky , and has a fun waistcoaty feel, whilst still being cosy. You could refashion the cocktail fabric into a the back of a top with a navy jumper or something. Or add it on as the top of a dress as a yoke at the front, but extending further down the back.

  11. Hm. If I won that lovely fabric, it would make fantastic two-tone dresses for both the three-year-old and the baby!

  12. Oh wow - excellent finds! The charity shops around me are also normally full of Primark cast-offs (probably worn once my the owner before chucking!!)...I would have jumped on those fabrics if I had seen them too!!!

  13. Oooh! Lovely! The pale green is gourgeous, it's just crying out for a 50s stlye dress with a fitted bodice and a full skirt, 3.5m should be the perfect amount! I'd love that... Even possibly put some piping around the neck or waste?? My mind is going round and round with ideas...

    The Liberty style print will look lovely. I can't wait to see how you make it up.

    The cocktail fabric is either crying out to make gift bags as stitchandwitter has said, or maybe it could be just a part of something to wear. Or a table runner?? Loads of ideas!

    I must have a proper look and see if some of our charity shops have something. Normally I'm just looking for books!

  14. ooohhh! Fabulous fabric finds!! I love that minty green dress. I'd either make a neat 1930's blouse and then coordinate with brown wool skirt and jacket. OR I'd make a cute 1940's fitted dress (again with brown as a colour coordinate) OR I'd make a 1950's inspired fitted dress (though there may not be enough of this for would be a cute bombshell dress as well!! woohhooo!

  15. Cocktail napkins!!! You should definitely sew some up with that fabulous print.

  16. What great finds! For the cocktail fabric, how about a cute little purse?

  17. I absolutly love the color! If I won, I would make pillow shams, it happens to match the colors in my bedroom perfectly!

  18. Wow!! What a haul! The charity shop near me never has anything like this. All the fabric is gorgeous, and good luck with whatever you make with it.

    Please can you enter me in the draw for the the lovely green and brown fabric. I would make a Colette Ginger skirt. I made my first one last week, and it's lovely! Thank you for the chance! Lynne :)

  19. That's a fantastic haul! I think the minty green fabric would make a fab skirt, I've got an Anna Maria Horner skirt pattern that I think it would be perfect for, so please enter me in the draw!

    I think the cocktail fabric would be a cute cocktail hour clutch bag!

  20. I love that minty green fabric, I would make one of the Collette dress patterns, as I really love them at the moment and need an excuse to buy one heehee!

  21. What neat finds! Isn't it funny how you can find nothing for ages, and suddenly lots! The minty green is my fave - when I first saw it I thought it would be nice on you, but I am sure you can tell better in real life! I see it in a gorgeous 50's dress too.

  22. I second the suggestion for cocktail napkins. The material is perfect for them. Or perhaps coasters if you can't get at least 8 cocktail napkins made from the piece you have.

    Well done on the finds. I never have much luck either.

  23. What gorgeous lucky finds!

    I think the cocktail fabric would make up into something pretty for the kitchen, like a toaster cover..

    I would also love a chance to scoop the green fabric, so please pop me in your hat :o)
    If I won it I would cut a piece off to make a gorgeous scarf, and with the huge piece left (which kinda puts me in mind of peacocks!?) I would make some gorgeus cushion covers as that would suit my lounge perfectly.

    Have a great weekend,

  24. I have an 18 year old off to Uni and I would make her a dress or skirt if I won this fabric!

  25. I would love this fabric! Perfect for a pussy bow necked blouse pattern for the autumn! Love the blog by the way.

  26. Hey Jane
    Your cocktail fabric could be used as accents on a plain blouse. I'm picturing a plain blouse, with peter Pan collar and covered buttons from your cocktail fabric....
    The green cotton in the first pic? I'd Sorbetto it for sure and add a contrasting white sailor or Peter Pan collar and vintage white buttons

  27. I am trying not to be jealous! You got some amazing's all gorgeous. And 3m?! Cool. Enjoy. I always feel righteous when I get a bargain.

  28. What a lucky find. I never have any luck with fabric in my area either. I love that minty green fabric, it's sooo... me! I would love to win it. It would live out it's life as a dress :)

  29. Oooh what fantastic finds. I've never looked for fabric in charity shops but maybe I should start! I would love to be in with a chance to win the green fabric, I think it would make a gorgeous skirt!

  30. What a great haul! I'd be making a 1940s blouse!

  31. Hi Jane. If I won the minty fabric i would make a skirt from the Sew What! Skirts book. I have only started sewing again recently and love this book at he moment. I can see the fabric made up with a border hem and ric rac edging and maybe a tote bag with the remainder!
    Sally x.

  32. I'm so pleased you got lucky this time Jane! And it looks like you got really lucky. They are lovely finds x



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