Tuesday 2 November 2010

Twirly whirly party dress

Somehow during half term I managed to squeeze in enough time to make a dress for my niece Hannah’s Christmas present.  She’s only three and loves looking pretty so it had to be a twirly whirly party dress (New Look 6881)

Hannah’s brief to me was “pink with flowers” and as she lives in Australia I sent her a couple of choices via the magic of e-mail. Happily she chose my favourite, which I found in one of the amazing fabric shops on the Goldhawk Road in Shepherd’s Bush. 

Bargain Goldhawk Road fabric
Clever girl, she’s got great taste, just like her Aunty!  I love the fabric, it could almost be a Liberty print, whilst at the same time reminds me of my pillowcase when I was little. Once it was made into a dress though I think it was definitely more Liberty print than 70's pillowcase! I lined it in plain pale pink cotton.

The front view with a big skirt for twirling 
The back view
This was my first attempt at making children’s clothes from a pattern and the whole process was a pleasure from start to finish. I have two boys who wouldn’t be seen dead in any item of clothing I made them (unless it happened to have premiership footballers plastered all over it) so it was a real treat for me. I particularly liked cutting out the teeny tiny dress pieces, just like doll’s clothes! It was good practice for me too - there were a few techniques I used for the first time (inserting a dress lining and putting in a lapped zip) but it was all on such a small scale that it didn’t actually take that long.

I can’t wait to see photos of her twirling around in it.


  1. that's lovely, my first thought was that it was a liberty print!

  2. Ah, Jane it's BEAUTIFUL! Hannah will absolutely love it. The twirly skirt is perfect. Thank you so much. xxxxxxxxxx

  3. "Hello Aunty Jane, I love all of it. I will wear it on christmas day."

    Hi Jane, Hannah just typed the above out (with a bit of help). We've just been looking at the pics and talking about how lovely the dress is.

    Love Becky xxxxx

  4. It's been packaged up and will be posted to Miss Hannah today. Hope to god it fits!! xx



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