Thursday, 27 October 2016


A good friend of ours is having his 50th birthday party in December...with a disco theme. Oh yes! Now don't worry, I'm not going to come over all mid-life crisis and turn up in full spandex tights and boob tube, I'd just like to make some kind of fabulous evening top to wear with skinny trousers and heels. Maybe with a hint of Studio 54 about it. Although the late 1970's is not really one of my favourite eras style-wise, I do think there's something utterly, utterly glamorous about the fashions.

Amidst all the slashed-to-the-waist dresses and transparent blouses, I also found this top/tunic worn by Farrah Fawcett. It still says disco to me and is a bit more age appropriate! 

Let's just take a moment to admire that guy's perm!! 

Back to Farrah's top…. it is quite voluminous so I won't try and totally replicate it, but I'll use it as inspiration for a modern day version. I did find a vintage Halston pattern from the 1970's that looked promising but I've decided to use something that I know fits me well. 

The Anita Tie Top from Sew Over It Vintage is what I have in mind: it's drafted to my measurements and is already adjusted to be slightly slimmer fitting than the original. I'll need to lengthen it by a good few inches (which I forgot to do with my first version, hence the shorter length). And possibly widen the neck for an off-the-shoulder look.

For fabric I'll be using a remnant of luxury crepe left over from my Big Vintage Sewalong dress - I love the colour and the drape is perfect. If it still doesn't have enough disco-ness about it once it's sewn, then I may make it again in gold or silver! Let's see how the first version turns out - and how brave I'm feeling! What do you think? 50th disco party-appropriate or mutton dressed as lamb (I can take it!) Any other pointers on late 70's disco glamour ?

I'll leave you with this effortless moustache and boots combo. Have a good day! x


  1. I like the top and like the fabric but am not sure about it being 50th birthday party disco-y enough. The silver or gold you mentioned perhaps appeals more. But as you said, you'll see how it turns out. I was at uni on the 70s and at lots of discos but none very glamorous I'm afraid!

    1. I tend to agree Anne, I'll make a turquoise one anyway to get the fit right, then may have to go gold and silver fabric shopping! x

  2. With your hair, it'd be a crime not to go as Debbie Harry!! The top would be perfect, especially if in a sparkly fabric. With a chain mail clutch (remember those?!) and a leather jacket and shades, you would look like the real thing!! And lots of black eyeliner. Looking forward to seeing your get-up!

    1. If only! Don't think I'll ever be able to emulate the edginess and super cool glamour of Debbie Harry but it's a lovely thought! Thanks for the idea! x

  3. I'm sure you'll look wonderful with whatever you decide on!

    As a 20+ child of the 70's I can relate to the see-thru tops and the guy with the perm!
    The photo of the guy with the boots and mustache and hair is just priceless...reminds me of one of my BILS.

    1. Thanks Linda! I also remember non stop perms in the 70s and early 80's! x

  4. I love so many of the fashions of the 70's - especially the backless and sleeveless jumpsuits. But alas, they were clearly designed for women who don't need to or don't care to wear a brassiere. I can't get away with that so I stick to the 50's and 60's vintage.

    I agree with Lulu that you should go for something Debbie Harry-esque!

    1. Yes, that's another reason why I prefer something with a bit more coverage! I wish it wasn't the case though because I love the gold halter neck dress Bianca Jagger's wearing in the second photo. x

  5. Not sure the crepe is disco enough unless you were wearing it with disco trousers. Chain belt? I think a gold or silver would be better, and definitely go off the shoulder.
    I think it would suit you. Big, fluffy hair required though 😀

    1. I think you're right. I don't have any disco trousers (sadly!) so I think it's going to have to be gold or silver. May have to experiment with big fluffy hair too!

  6. It is quite fun to look through photos from the 70s! Can't wait to see what your outfit looks like!

    1. I know, I had a lot of fun finding them! x

  7. I think "go big or go home" has never been more apt than with regards to a 70s/disco costume. Trying to make it look ok to our modern tastes might run the risk of looking good/great at home but weird/not quite right once in a sea of disco divas and disco....daves?

    It's a great theme. I love those languid styles that they made look so effortlessly (and somehow elegantly) sexy. Enjoy it!

    1. You're right, I'm going to take all your advice and go big, bold and gold! x

  8. Gold lame Jane, it has to be! Seriously, whatever you decide, I'm looking forward to seeing this!

    1. I'm convinced! Planning a gold lame seeking mission to Goldhawk Road next week! x

  9. That looks like it will be a good make, why not go the whole way and make it in some sequinned fabric? A bit bouncy to sew but very 70's. x



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