Saturday, 19 September 2015

Tooth Fairy Cushion Tutorial

Have you seen the September issue of Love Sewing? If you have, you may have noticed a rather splendid looking tutorial for a Tooth Fairy Cushion - by ME!!! I'm so excited to see my work featured in such a great sewing magazine! 

I first posted about these cushions here when I started selling my work at craft fairs. Since then I've received countless emails from readers asking if I can put together a tutorial, so that's what I've done! There's limited space in magazines to print every single step-by-step photograph, so this is a good opportunity to include a few extra ones here on the blog. 

These little cushions were always a best seller at craft fairs - they’re an ideal gift for both boys and girls and make great keepsakes. 

So without further ado, here's my tutorial. As always, if you spot anything that doesn't make sense, please let me know in the comments. Happy stitching! x

Tooth Fairy Cushion Tutorial

Tooth fairy cushions are the perfect place for children to keep their teeth safe until the fairy pays a visit! Once the precious tooth is safely stored in the front pocket, they can be hung from a bedpost or door handle. This makes it much easier for the fairy to retrieve the tooth and leave a reward without waking the child!

You will need:
Two squares of your chosen fabric* each measuring 15cm x 15cm
One square of contrasting fabric for the pocket measuring 6cm x 6cm
A piece of grosgrain ribbon about 32cm long
Toy stuffing

*Fabrics used are Periwinkle Fairies and Dig It, both by Michael Miller and available from Sew Scrumptious Fabrics.

The front and back pieces don’t have to be exactly the same design. Just make sure that on the front piece, there’s an obvious space or gap in the middle of the design for the pocket.

1.We’ll start by making the pocket. With the right side facing you, fold the top edge of the pocket square to the outside by about 0.7cm and press. Using a 0.5cm seam allowance, sew down one edge, across the bottom and up the opposite side (don’t sew across the top).

2. Snip off the top and bottom corners to reduce bulk.

Turn the top edge of the pocket right side out then fold the sides and bottoms inwards using the stitching line as a guide.

They should naturally turn in because of the stitching. Press well.

3. Position the pocket in the middle of the front piece and pin in place.

Sew down one side of the pocket, across the bottom and up the other side, keeping very close to the edge. I find it’s best to use a smaller stitch length. Back stitch securely at each end.

4. Fold the ribbon in half and place on the top edge of the front piece, about halfway across.

With right sides together, place the back piece face down on top (if you’re using a directional print, make sure both pieces are facing in the same direction!) Pin round the edges so that the ribbon is sandwiched between the fabric.

Using a 0.5cm seam allowance, start about 3cm in from the bottom corner and sew all the way round until you’re the same distance from the other corner. Make sure the looped end of the ribbon is out of the way! Back stitch at each end.

5. Snip the corners diagonally then turn the square the right way round, through the gap you’ve just left.

Use a chopstick or similar to poke out the corners, then iron the seam down across the gap so that it’s straight. Give the whole cushion a good press.

6. Stuff the cushion until it’s nice and plump, don’t forget to stuff the corners too.

Now all you need to do is sew the gap closed, keeping close to the edge and backstitching at each end.

You now have a perfect little tooth fairy cushion!

And here's a view from the back


  1. That is so adorable. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. What a great idea, so cute! Thanks Jane.

  3. That is gorgeous! I shall definitely be making one of those - thanks!

  4. Absolutely adorable loved it!

  5. Great idea. My eldest is desperate for the tooth fairy to come - not soon though (even though she's 6 - not a hint of a wobble yet) so maybe I'll be able to make this for her before they start to wobble! Lovely idea!

  6. Ooh lovely! I was always such a fan of the Flower Faries. There's just something special about them :)

  7. Always a pleasure having you in the mag!

  8. I love this tooth fairy cushion idea!



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