Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Handmade Jane is five!

Well I never! My blog is five years old this week! Time certainly flies when you're having fun.

I thought I'd brighten your day by posting a photo of me when I was five years old...

Ha! Pretty scary eh?! If only they were casting for Village of the Damned that day, I could have bagged myself a starring role…. 

Sorry, I digress…  I have fond memories of writing my very first post, which featured a lovely, but stiff-as-a-board Colette Sencha top. I may not have got much wear out of it (the higher than average neckline always made me feel like I was being slowly strangled), but it taught me a lot about sewing, fitting and, above all, fabric choice!

Having a blog isn't just about making things and taking photos. It's also about interacting with the sewing community and for me, that's been by far the best thing that's happened since I started writing it. I've learnt lots about sewing during my first five years and I still have a long way to go. More importantly, I've met some of the kindest, most talented and generous people ever. And the funniest… I've been on some meet-ups where I haven't stopped laughing the entire time!  In short, sewing and writing a blog have made me very happy and kept me sane - you can't ask for more really!

So to everybody who has followed my blog and supported my sewing endeavours for the past five years - THANK YOU! It means an awful lot to me.  xx


  1. I bet you never thought this is where you'd be, five years on, when you wrote that first post. I don't always (make that often these days!) comment, but I enjoy reading and admiring your lovely makes. Here's to the next five.

    1. I never DREAMED I'd still be writing my blog five years on! Thanks Fiona! x

  2. Happy blogiversary to one of my favorite bloggers!! Funny enough a Sencha was about the first thing I remember sewing when I re-started, and had the same feeling about it... I also didn't know anything about interfacing so my neck facing was as stiff as a board, ha! I see your love of polka dots hasn't gone anywhere in 5 years. ;-)

    1. Aw thanks Tasha! That's funny about the neck facing! And yes, my love of polka dots is undiminished, even after five years! x

  3. I love your hairdo in your five year old picture! So adorable. Bet you didn't think people would be wearing that style in the 2010s as well!

    1. Ha! That hairdo was my mum's pride and joy, she used to get people stopping her in the street complimenting her on her daughter's hair! x

  4. Congratulations! Can't wait to follow along with year 6 :-)

  5. Happy blog-iversary! Thanks for the continued inspiration.

  6. Happy blogiversary! Here's to 5 more (and then some)!

  7. Awwww, you were a darling! And yes, Happy 5!

    1. I know, butter wouldn't melt in my mouth! x

  8. Go you! :) I do love the earth tone pinafore and skivvy - had a wardrobe of those too. Such fun!

    1. Thanks Maryanne! I loved that mustard coloured polo neck, it didn't really go with anything except that pinafore! x

  9. 5 year old you looks like a handful! LOL!! :) Happy 5th blog-a-versary! I concur that the community of sewers is downright awesome!

    1. It's a fab community to be part of isn't it?!! And yes, five year old me was a right little madam! x

  10. Happy 5th birthday! Yours was one of the first seeing blogs I started reading and I still look forward to your posts.

    1. Aw that's so lovely to hear, thank you! x

  11. Congratulations! It's so interesting to look back.

  12. That's great! I remember yours was one of the first sewing blogs i found and I loved reading right back to the start.

    1. Oh wow, that's so nice to hear, thank you! x

  13. Congratulations on your 5th blog anniversary Jane! I really enjoy your posts and here's to many more!

    1. Thanks so much Sherry! Soooo pleased you've started blogging again! xx

  14. congratulations! I really love your blog and tutorials always interesting and informative. Here's to next five years! x
    P.s. Love the photo really cute.

    1. That's so nice to hear, thanks Mary! x

  15. Congratulations, many more blogging years to come. Your blog is one of my favourites and I appreciate the effort that goes into posting a blog

    1. Thank you very much. Sometimes it does take a lot of effort so it's good to know it's appreciated! x

  16. Hurrah and here's to the next five. Love reading you blog.

  17. Happy blogiversary Jane. I always love seeing one of your posts pop up in my feed so I'm looking forward to the next five. Who knows, maybe I'll even make it along to a meet up one day and meet you in person! x

  18. A belated congratulations and happy blogday!!!!

  19. Five years, well done. Interacting with the sewing community is possibly the greatest thing. I always find seeing what everyone else has sewn and how certain patterns fit in real life is the most useful thing about peoples blogs. That and a perfect way to waste time by reading about other peoples sewing and not doing any myself...

  20. Happy 5 years! Yours was one of the first UK sewing blogs I found when I started sewing 5 years ago. I can't wait to see what you come up with in the next 5 years! x



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