Thursday, 24 September 2015

British Sewing Awards 2015 - vote for me!

Exciting news alert….Handmade Jane has been nominated in the Best Sewing Blog category of the British Sewing Awards 2015!! Whaaaaaat??!! Yes, I couldn't believe it either! 

I'm absolutely floored by the news and very VERY grateful to those of you who took the time to nominate me - thank you!  The voting period opened yesterday and continues until December, so you have plenty of time to cast your votes (there are lots of other categories as well as Best Sewing Blog!) 

The competition is fierce in the Best Sewing Blog category, so I'm not expecting miracles, I'm just delighted to have been nominated. But, if you enjoy reading my blog and would like to cast a vote my way, then I'll love you forever! You can vote online here or via the button in the sidebar. There will also be voting forms in the November and December issues of Sew Magazine, who run the awards.  

I promise faithfully not to spam you with voting requests ten times a day - I'm terribly British like that! After today I won't mention it, (well maybe a tiny reminder in December!) If you do take the trouble to vote - thank you very much in advance.

Happy Thursday! x


  1. woo! great news :-) ill head on over and vote seing as you asked so nicely :-P

  2. What wonderful news!! Clicking over to vote, right now...

  3. Wahoo. Think you stand a great chance. Great news.

  4. Voted for you so hope your lucky .Rosie xx

  5. Drat! The voting is only open to UK residents. I'd vote for you if I could.

    1. Didn't realise that about UK residents. Ah thanks anyway.x

  6. Just done it! Yours is the first sewing blog I discovered a few years ago and is my first stop for internet R & R. However, I do hold you partly to blame for my costly Liberty lawn addiction. After seeing your lovely blouses and then Joe's gorgeous fig tie I clicked the sewbox link and there was no turning back! Susan x

    1. Aw thanks for voting Susan. And sorry (not sorry) about leading you into Liberty temptation! x

  7. How exciting - off to vote now!

  8. Done. Fingers crossed for you :0) Xx

  9. Sorry can't vote - not in the UK :(

    1. Thanks for the thought anyway, much appreciated! x



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