Friday, 10 April 2015

Liberty T shirt

When I say T shirt. I mean something that's very wearable and classic in style, with the added bonus that you can just pull it on over your head. I didn't want to make it from traditional T shirt fabric either, I wanted to step it up a notch, so this little number is made from Liberty Tana lawn. 

After a great deal of head scratching and pretending I knew what I was doing (I really didn't), I came up with a basic tee shape that I was happy with. Sadly, I can't give you the magical formula of how it was drafted as it's mostly a mash-up of my bodice block and the Colette Laurel top, with a bit of Simplicity 2154 thrown in for good measure. There are no zips or buttons (hoorah) so it does indeed slip on over your head like a T shirt, but there are also six darts added to give it a bit of shape. Once I'd stopped fiddling about with the pattern pieces, this was a very quick make. The hem and sleeves are simply overlocked and hemmed and the neckline is finished with bias binding (as per the Laurel top instructions).

I bought the fabric during a Liberty shopping trip with Scruffy Badger (Winnie), last summer. We both decided to make Laurel tops from our Liberty lawn (you can see Winnie's here), but she was a bit quicker off the mark than me - nearly a year quicker as it happens! Anyway, after my recent Liberty giveaway I had a mad urge to make something from a Liberty print so out it came. It's only a one metre remnant, but I was still able to get a top with sleeves out of it by folding the selvedges into the centre before cutting. The fabric design shows circles of black and cream flowers with some sort of polka dot action going on in the background. It's a very busy design which comes in handy for hiding all those darts, even I have to look carefully to find them!

I can see it becoming a real all-rounder in my wardrobe as it's such a classic style. It looks good tucked into a denim skirt, or worn loose with slim trousers and wedges.  Ah, a Liberty T shirt, the best of both worlds in my opinion!  x


  1. Looks fabulous! Love the Liberty.

  2. The perfect tee! You look fabulous.

  3. This looks great! I'm loving this style at the moment as you note it's so versatile :-) x

    1. Thanks, I think it will be really versatile over the summer. x

  4. I really love the idea of a classic t-shirt silhouette in a woven cotton! It looks fantastic, easily dressed up or down.

    1. Yes, that's exactly what I wanted so I'm really pleased with the finished T shirt! x

  5. Great idea! I still need to get a hold of a good woven t-shirt or top pattern for summer... Weirdly it's easier said than done. Or maybe I should just copy you and draft my own! Decisions, decisions

    1. You're right, I couldn't find one I liked either, especially one with the amount of shaping I was after. You could draft your own in a minute Jenny! x

  6. Ooh lovely, pretty and versatile, nice sandals too!

    1. Thanks! Sandals are from Clarks a couple of years ago, I bought two pairs because I loved them so much. This is the second pair!

  7. Love it! you can't go wrong with Liberty. Did you add bust-darts?

    1. I agree, Liberty fabric always looks fab! Yes, there are two bust darts, two contour darts in the back and two contour/waist darts in the front. It started out without the front contour darts but I just looked pregnant, so they were quickly added! x

    2. Thanks for the deets! I made something similar a while back. One with darts and one without. The darts win as they just give a enough shape. x

  8. Love it. I'm stealing your idea to make something similar from a metre of a beautiful cotton I have. 6 darts though! I have a good self drafted sleeveless top (princess seams in front, darts in back) that fits well, so I just need to figure out sleeves. I have Laurel, but I also have a Sewaholic top pattern with a raglan-esque sleeve, which might be easier and I quite like a raglan. If it works out, I can definitely see a Liberty splurge in my near future.

    1. The self drafted sleeveless top you describe sounds perfect. The sleeves from the Laurel were a nice fit on me so may be worth considering them. Good luck! x

  9. I love that fabric, what with this and your giveaway I think I am going to have to invest in in some Liberty lawn I have just picked up Simplicity 1692 and I think it would be perfect.

    1. Simplicity 1692 would be absolutely perfect in a Liberty print. I think you may have to invest! It will be worth it! x

  10. It's so lovely! I want one, too!

  11. Gorgeous T shirt & fabric.

  12. I just finished another Anna dress but with the first piece of liberty tana lawn I've ever bought. It is such a gorgeous fabric and I managed to leave myself enough for a simple top. Love your one!

    1. Ooh an Anna dress in Liberty fabric sounds lovely! x

  13. Love your Liberty top. Have been wanting to make a similar top but am concerned that it would turn out too boxy looking. Will have a go now with my tana lawn and use the Lauren pattern.

    1. The Laurel pattern is very close to ideal but it was too boxy for me. I added two contour darts to the front and still managed to get it over my head, so well worth trying. Good luck! x

  14. Looks gorgeous, like the idea of no closures, just throw on and go :)

    1. Yes, no closures was a definite deciding factor! x

  15. Sometimes simple is the best, this is simply lovely. Well done very inspiring.

  16. great t-shirt as we say in Danish, I have sewn myself several from the pattern in this magazine:
    it is the one to the left
    thanks for a great blog also, from Dorte in Denmark

  17. Good afternoon. I love to comment on Liberty tees and tops when I'm wearing mine. It's gotten so hot here but pulling a Liberty simple over one's head is like being offered an icy drink. Lovely. I love that print -- does it have a tiny splash of a color from the flower on it?


  18. i have grainline's scout tee all printed AND some liberty-like print in my stash... i may have to copy you!

  19. This is a lovely t-shirt. I could see myself wearing it everyday.

  20. That has timeless style. Jo x



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