Friday, 13 January 2012

Beignet in Black

I made my first Colette Patterns Beignet skirt over a year ago, and despite my best intentions a second version just never managed to make it onto my sewing table.  The shape is supremely flattering, it fits like a dream and it seems to go with any top, so why the digging in of heels?  I think it's because this is such a time consuming make... it's constructed in panels, it's fully lined, with facings, twelve buttons and button holes and six REALLY fiddly little belt loops.  Compared to the Ginger skirt, I'd say the Beignet takes about four times longer to make.  But it's definitely worth it in the end, I don't actually own a black skirt so this little madam will slot into my wardrobe perfectly.  It's really difficult to photograph a black skirt - nothing shows up!  These are the best of the lot...
Worn with its near relative - the Violet blouse

Not sure if a black and white version makes it better or worse?
I used gabardine for the main skirt and covered buttons, and silk cotton for the lining.  Gabardine is great to sew with and the perfect weight for this skirt.  One thing I love about my original Beignet is the contrast polka dot facings and pockets.  Why fiddle with something when it's already perfect, I asked myself?  So this one is also polka dot faced and pocketed. In my defence, I managed to stash bust the last of the fabric from my Violet blouse at the same time, which is good.
Contrast facing....
....and pockets, yay
I picked up the silk cotton lining on my visit to the Goldhawk Road with Suzie, Alana and Gail last week.  Yet another good thing about meeting up with fellow sewists is that they can lure you towards previously dismissed fabrics.  After my last encounter with silk lining, I was steering well clear of anything with silk in the title.  But Alana assured me that it sewed up like a dream so I went for it.  She was absolutely right, it really behaves itself and at £4 a metre (from Classic Textiles, on the left as you go in the door if you're interested) it's a lovely, affordable alternative to standard lining.

The pattern is so clever - I particularly like the way the lining and facing keep everything neat and out of sight.  Sewing the two opposite curves of the lining and facing together is a true test of sanity though - my only advice would be to do exactly what the pattern says.  You may think you know better (as I did) but in the end the steps in the pattern do make it easier.  And finally, I wrestled with my overlocker and managed to overlock all the seams.
Overlocked seams - aren't they gorgeous?
Much quicker and much more professional looking than usual.  Hoorah!  Have a great weekend. x


  1. Ooh deeply jealous of those lovely overlocked seams! Beautiful Beignet Jane - just think of everything it will go with in that colour!

  2. Am sure you'll get loads of use out of it, it looks great with your Violet blouse too.

  3. That looks lovely, Jane. Whatever your wall is, can I have it, please? Or is that a huge dresser? Can I still have it? Hurrah on overlocker loveliness!

    1. Thanks Karen! It's a bit of my kitchen/back room and it's a sideboard with shelves above. Super-hero husband made the shelves for me and I LOVE them! x

  4. Stunning skirt, and I love how the facing secretly matches the shirt! I really need to get on the Beignet bandwagon...

  5. Beautiful skirt, and its well made. Well made garment are worth the time and effort to sew, so that you can quality instead of quantity.

  6. beautiful! it's so flattering, and looks wonderful on you. I bet you'll get loads of wear from it. and yay for the overlocked seams! x

  7. Gorgeous, and it fits you beautifully. I love the secret polka dots inside!

  8. Very classy - especially with the blouse!
    A black skirt... now THAT's what I should make next - duh! ;)

  9. So much to love about this skirt, I don't know where to start! Love the polka-dot facings (that match the blouse!), the dreamy cotton silk lining and the fact that it's black and will be the perfect wardrobe staple!

    But do you know what I really love? The beautifully finished seams...sigh. Right, that's it - I'm off to order one of those Brother overlockers RIGHT NOW!!!

  10. P.S. I meant what I said. Overlocker has now been ordered! Woohoo - sexy seams, here I come!

  11. Great skirt in such a useful color. I really love this pattern.

  12. Gorgeous! Love the polka dot contrast!

  13. This is gorgeous Jane! The contrast fabric is a brilliant touch and it looks like you've got your overlocker tension spot on! You'll be getting a lot of wear out of this beauty, that's for sure!

  14. Love this skirt,Jane!
    And the polka dot contrast fabric is a great idea :)
    great job!

    my sewing and vintage blog:

  15. Oh yay, your seams look so pretty :) Love the polka dot facings & pockets - little surprises like that make me WAY more happy than they should... and might actually be one of my favorite parts of sewing - you rarely see stuff like that in RTW.

    1. They make me ridiculously happy too, glad I'm not the only one! x

  16. Fabulous!! And I love your Violet blouse too. :)

  17. Looks great! this pattern is a must I think!

  18. Beautiful! I've been planning to do this one for spring, so now I know that perseverance will be required! Hope mine turns out looking as nice as yours!

  19. Jane, fantastic skirt and it goes so well with the violet!! The lining looks great and the seam finishing is also awesome. Great work, as always.

  20. Lovely skirt! I know what you mean about it being a time-consuming pattern, though - I've had a version in blue corduroy on my sewing table since December, which is complete apart from the buttonholes. I just can't face them!

    P.S. kudos on the lovely collection of Midwinter!

    1. No, it took me a year before I could face them a second time, worth it in the end though!
      Why thank you for spotting my Midwinter collection! x

  21. PERFECT! I just love it--a great classic skirt! And the polka dot lining is so much fun!

  22. Awesome! Fantastic make as ever. Must make my own - have had the pattern for a while now....

  23. I never tire of seeing the Beignet. This is on my list to do but I'm dreading the buttons. Your skirt looks wonderful.

  24. What a lovely version of this skirt; I had overlooked it til now, but your version is so nicely fitted and chic, I'm turning into a convert - LOVE the covered buttons and the sweet lining; it's details like that which make sewing your own SOOO much better than RTW - cheers! :)

  25. Absolutely gorgeous, Miss Jane! It's a brilliant skirt and I love your Violet blouse. I also love the polka dot plates in the background, too! ;)

  26. It is a perfectly lovely and different "little black skirt." Well done!

  27. Hurrah overlocker! This skirt is so lovely and is on my long, long to do list.

  28. Lovely! It looks worth the trouble.

  29. Jane you are the gorgeous Colette patterns girl! I love this skirt, the lining is super rights and I can see it being a pivotal part of your wardrobe. I think the backdrop for the photo is lovely too!! Well done on overlocker success too :-)

  30. Very lovely! I need to dig out that pattern again and make another Beignet... I made one in a gold-tone cotton awhile back, that I wore to death and finally succumbed to a bad run-in with a cup of tea. :/ But I loved how the skirt fit and it was one of my go-to favorites. :)

    I had to chuckle at your comment about not having any black skirts in your closet--I have too many! Wanna swap closets?! lol. I have got to get out of this black/gray clothing-rut I've gotten stuck in the past couple months. Ugh!

    1. I love the fit too and I remember your yellow one, it was lovely, what a shame about the cup of tea episode!
      ps. I'll swap closets with you ANY TIME Casey! x

  31. Great skirt, and lovely as usual! Everyone needs a black skirt - or two!

  32. I feel ya! I just tackled Beignet this week and couldn't believe how much longer it took than my normal patterns. And oh that lining and facing step... I think I stared at the instructions, then my fabric, and back and forth for about 10 minutes before I attempted it. But yours looks great and I love the polka dot blouse!

    1. Thanks Christine, yes, I did exactly that too and I'd made the skirt before! x

  33. This is soooo stylish. I love the whole ensemble. And always a pleasure to see your nothing less than perfect finishes x

  34. Ooh I LOVE it! Love the lining too. I really do need to get more adventurous with my linings after seeing this!

  35. Although I do love your new skirt, my eye was drawn to your lovely display shelves so neatly organised and showing off your fab crockery and teapot collection! Oh how I'd love one of those, sadly my husband defines that kind of thing as my 'clutter' that he hates and wont allow me to display. Really do like the new version of the skirt though, looks great. Bethx

    1. Haha, it was my husband who insisted on making the shelves (he's not normal!) He was sick of my clutter being stuffed in cupboards and carrier bags! x

  36. It was such a pleasure to meet you and other girls. Thanks for the tips on where to buy liberty fabrics. Your skirt is fantastic. I am inspired to make up this pattern soon after I get back to Sydney.

    1. It was a pleasure to meet you too Gail, I had a fab day. Have a safe journey back home. x

  37. What a stunning black skirt! I love the way it turned out!

  38. Ooh it's gorgeous! Looks so chic all black. I know what you mean about it taking a long time - you think, "Beignet, my old friend, a simple skirt," but fitting the curves on the lining to the facing, covering those buttons and all that does take its toll. (Speaking of which, am I seeing things or did you miss out a button, lady?!)

    Also, I can't NOT comment on your kitchen. YOUR KITCHEN!!! So very beautiful, and so very Jane :)

    (Hope you don't think I'm spamming you with comments this morning - just catching up with my internet favourites after a busy week!)

    1. Aw thanks Tilly, I love my kitchen too, especially those shelves - I can look at red and white polka dots all day long!
      And no, you're not seeing things: the buttons are all there but I forgot to button one up and didn't notice until I'd spent hours taking pics, cropping them etc. Grrr. I couldn't be arsed to re-do it all for the sake of one button! x



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