Thursday, 19 January 2012

Snood Update

It's official - snood frenzy has now infiltrated the teaching profession....

When I first sported my snood in public, it was immediately commented on by Linda, one of my son's teaching assistants.  Linda is a wonderful woman, not only does she do an amazing job teaching my son, but she happens to be pretty nifty with the knitting needles too.  Very impressively, she identified the wool (sorry, yarn) my snood was made from, just by looking at it!  I passed on the free pattern for her to try, and the rest as they say, is history.  Look at the result, doesn't she look gorgeous?
Snood accessorised with a brooch - now there's a good idea...
Inspired by the free snood pattern, she even made up her own-design snood in her knitting class: a knitted rectangle that fastens with a button.  Sometimes the simplest things are the most effective.

So that's one more to add to the World Map of Snoods methinks.  It can only be a matter of time before knitting a snood becomes part of the National Curriculum. x


  1. Knitting a snood as the national curriculum. Classic! It has to be!!! Off to update my world map of snoods...

  2. Snoods have gone viral! She looks great.

  3. Absolutely fabulous! I love Linda's own take on the snood, very clever!

  4. isn't she clever. great job Linda !

  5. they look so great!
    PS my dress arrived today and it is lovely, many thanks. x x x

  6. They're gorgeous! I love the green one, do you know what yarn she used?!

    1. Hi Lynne, sorry for not getting back to you before now, I haven't seen Linda all week. Apparently the yarn was from a chain of shops called Tiger. I don't know if they have them where you live? They're a bit like a high street Ikea. They get deliveries of yarn from time to time but I think it's a matter of luck what they have in stock though! x

  7. The way of the snood is certainly spreading!! They are beautiful examples.

  8. Haha! I love it when sewing blogger memes spread to the IRL world. Linda looks lovely and good on her for posing for your photos. xx

    1. I know, Linda's a top woman and very indulgent of mad parents like me snapping photos of her in the classroom! x



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