Wednesday, 19 October 2011

I promised you a giveaway...

Just over a year ago, I tentatively wrote my first blog post on my then fledgling blog, little knowing what an important part of my life it was soon to become.  Over the past year I've really enjoyed having a blog and posting my handmade efforts onto the blogosphere.  As well as increasing my sewing productivity about twenty-fold, having a blog has also completely changed my approach to clothes purchasing and consumerism in general.

But perhaps the best part of having a blog has been the on-line (and off-line) friendships I've made.  The on-line sewing community is just awesome: I've been inspired beyond belief by so many of you and the feedback and encouragement I've received in turn has been wonderful.  I've also had the pleasure of meeting a few of you in 'real life' and let me tell you, you do not disappoint!  I'm honoured to count a few of you amongst my true friends - you know who you are.

So as a thank you for your amazing support during my first blogging year, I'd like to announce a rather special giveaway - the lucky winner will receive a copy of The Colette Sewing Handbook.  

It's not published in the UK until the beginning of December but I can't think of a better Christmas present for a sewing blogger.

For those of you who've been inhabiting another planet for the past few months, The Colette Sewing Handbook is the first book from Sarai Mitnick of Colette patterns.  At the last count, I've made nine Colette pattern garments, and have many more I'd like to sew, so you could say I'm a fan.  I hope you are too, as the book contains five beautiful new patterns for modern classic pieces.

Licorice Dress
Pastille Dress

Truffle Dress

Taffy Blouse and Meringue Skirt

With their trademark easy-to-understand instructions and focus on a wonderful fit and finish, what's not to like?

To enter this giveaway all you need to do is be a follower of my blog (I think that's only fair, as some of you have been loyally following me right from the start) and to leave a comment on this post.  The giveaway is open worldwide and closes at midnight GMT on Friday 28th October. The winner will be chosen at random after this date and notified by e-mail.  The book will be posted to you as soon as it's published.  Good luck everybody and thanks once again for your support. x


  1. Oh...count me in please! I am already a follower of your blog and also a huge Colette Patterns fan.
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  2. What a fantastic generous giveaway Jane! Count me in!!

  3. Very generous, indeed. Love your blog!

  4. Count me in. I don't know any real life people who sew, so I'm trying to 'encourage' my step daugher via this book!

  5. A wonderful giveaway that would make my Christmas! And what a wonderful, touching tribute you've written to the sewing blogging community. I agree - it's had a massive, unremittingly positive impact on my life and I've made some lovely friends.

  6. Hi Jane, Thats very sweet of you !
    Congratulation on your 1st year. Your blog is a wonderful read and inspiration. xx

  7. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway and Congrats on your first year and all you have accomplished in it. :)

  8. Congrats Jane! Its been lovely seeing you at all the meetups! I have another one coming up soon to Walthamstow or Goldhawk and it would be lovely to see you!
    Please count me in for this giveaway! I've been waiting sooo patiently for this fabulous book!

  9. Yummy. Yes please Jane and congrats, i always enjoy catching up on your blog. xx

  10. Fab giveaway, please pick me!!!!!

  11. What a lovely giveaway. Belated happy first blogiversary!

  12. What a fab giveaway, thank you x

  13. I am a loyal follower and have been lusting after this book...count me in and Thank You!!!

  14. Such an amazing giveaway!! I love Colette Patterns and I adore your blog! Since I am a hobby seamstress to, we have a lot in common and I enjoy reading your blog! :) Thank you!

  15. Great giveaway! Hope I win and happy blogiversary!

  16. I've been following for a while, and count me in!

  17. Congrats on the blogiversary - your blog is one I really enjoy reading as I love everything you make.
    What a fantastic and generous giveaway - thanks so much for the opportunity!

  18. What a generous giveaway! And a very happy blogiversary to you!

  19. ooh, yes please, I'd love to win this book!

  20. This would be brilliant! It's already on my amazon wishlist sent to family and friends (I get in early with my xmas wishlist), the Truffle dress is my favourite.

  21. Oh, great giveaway!! I love her patterns, too. :) Thank you for opportunity. I'm a follower of you blog!

  22. Wowzers Jane! What a brill giveaway. I have just passed my 1 year mark too and my experience of blogging has been much the same as yours. Who'd have thought the simple step of starting a blog would bring so many rewards?!

  23. congratulations on a year of blogging! here's to hoping for many more wonderful years :)

    count me in for this giveaway :) so very generous of you!! wow!

  24. What a cool idea! I've been following your blog for a little bit and really look up to established bloggers AND seamstresses!

  25. Hi Jane - happy blog birthday! I'd love to be entered for the giveaway please, like you I'm a big fan of Colette Patterns and love the look of the new book.

  26. What a lovely giveaway! I would love to participate. :)

    Happy anniversary!

  27. Congratulations Jane!
    I like Colette patterns too and would love to win this book!

  28. How lovely of you Jane ! That is a real gift for anyone, please count me in. I have been following since you made the most beautiful colette crepe dress, and you inspire me often. Thanks for your generosity xx

  29. Wow! That's a lovely giveaway! Please count me in. Congratulations for the first birthday!

  30. Why thank you my dear for the giveaway! Blogging really is a great way to expand your world and I enjoy mine too.

    Steph @ Tart Deco
    tartdeco at gmail dot com

  31. Happy blogiversary Jane!! What a wonderful giveaway. It's def on my amazon wish list. I too am so happy to be in this blogging community and like you, meeting in real life is the business!! Xx

  32. I'm a follower as well...please enter me in the giveaway!

  33. Such a great giveaway, and congrats on a year+ of blogging! I found out about the Lady Valet dress form through you (love it!) and always love seeing your creations!

  34. this book is on my Christmas list. I would love to win it. I am already a follower. Thank you!

  35. Such a fabulous giveaway! Enter me please!

  36. This is just too fabulous! I love the Colette patterns (who doesn't?!), and it's so sweet of you to host this giveaway! Please count me in!!! :D

  37. I am a follower! Please enter me in this giveaway.

    Nadine (

  38. wow, I can't believe you've only been blogging a year - congratulations!

    Thanks for hosting such a fab giveaway


  39. Wow what a great giveaway, the book looks fantastic. Congrats on your anniversary :)

  40. I love your blog! Your projects are so inspiring!

  41. Wonderful giveaway...congrats on a fabulous year of blogging!

  42. Yeah for your anniversary. Truly the online sewing community has been a huge inspiration to me!

  43. Happy Anniversary! I am a follower and I have been very interested in getting this book. Thank you!

  44. Since months I followed your blog in my favourite list, since I found your site It is just great and I love it. Your giveaway is as great as your blog! Thank you for having the chance to win it!

  45. Thanks for the giveaaway. I am already a follower of your blog and find it inspiring to actually start sewing for myself and not just my kids.

  46. Nothing like a give away to bring your followers out of the woodwork! I'd love to own this book, so Jane please count me in. Thank you for your generous offer.

  47. I would absolutely love to win this book - I bought my first sewing machine this year and am starting classes very soon, so it would be great to have some projects to work on.x

  48. Wow! Fabulous give away - have just received 2 or the 3 new Colette patterns, so the book would be incredible! Happy 1st Year Anniversary! Sharon x

  49. Congratulations on your first blog anniversary. I'm already a follower, though not a great commenter. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  50. congratulations on your first year blogging, plaese count me in

  51. I would like to enter the drawing - thank you for the opportunity! As an aside, you and I have sew several of the same garments during the past year and it has been inspiring to see your finished pieces!

  52. Oh yes please! thank you for the opportunity and congrats on your blogaversary!

  53. I am a new reader and am enjoying all the sewing advice. Thanks, Simone

  54. Congratulations on a year of blogging. I've loved seeing your creations and marvelling at your skill. Don't enter me for the draw though - it needs to go to someone whose garment sewing skills are greater than mine!

  55. Oh, yes please! I'm already a follower of your blog.

  56. thank you for hosting this giveaway! I'm following on google friend connect and bloglovin'. thanks for sharing your creations with us and happy first blog-iversary!

  57. Happy anniversary. I love seeing your completed sewing projects.

  58. What a lovely thing to do! Thank you so much for some lovely inspiration and such a fantastic giveaway too! Happy blogging and sewing!

  59. Well what can I add to the lovely comments already made! Not only can I visit your fab blogspot for inspiration and sheer enjoyment, but now can enter for a chance of a giveaway, and not just any giveaway, but a Colette giveaway! Count me in as well! x

  60. What a generous give away. I just love reading your blog and seeing what you have made for yourself. It's inspiring!

  61. What a great giveaway! Thanks,

  62. Thanks, Jane...but I've just ordered it off of Barnes & Noble.

    Congrats on 1 year!!

  63. Happy anniversary, having been following you on google reader since march.
    Keep up the sewing and the trips down memory lane for me of London.

  64. Congratulations! I actually found your blog through your Colette items! I love her patterns - I have 3 of them - and I'd love to make a few Licorice blouses.

  65. Been following your blog for about a couple weeks, so I'm fairly new, but hoping that Blogger will give me some luck in signing in as a follower, for some reason it never wants to accept my account. :P I found your blog looking for high-waisted pants and yours look fab so now I'm hooked!

  66. This looks like a fantastic book!

  67. Happy anniversary!
    I like reading your posts and follow you via google reader since I do not use that blogger feature.

  68. What a lovely looking book. I agree - I would love to find this in my stocking on christmas morning! :)

  69. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  70. This is great! Happy anniversary. I've been reading your blog for forever, but now am "officially" a follower!

  71. I've made two items from very simple Colette patterns before, but I'd love to make some more. Please count me in!


  72. Oh, oh. Pick me, Pick me! I love Colette patterns, and I've been reading your blog for months. Especially I liked the dress you made for the wedding. Lovely. ;-) And the me-made month: so impressive! Kay

  73. Hi Jane,
    Just found your blog when I jumped over from What's Up Cupcake? I can't wait to read through all your achives and learn all of your tips and hints. I have learnt so much about sewing through generous people such as yourself.

  74. Wow I bookmarked this book on Amazon as soon as I heard about it, so would love to win one!

  75. Congratulations on your annivesary! You and I are both newbies so to speak. Please count me in on the Colette giveaway.. and I agree that their patterns are incredibly well thought out and designed.

  76. This book is on my birthday list, so would love to win it! Jane, I only discovered your blog a few months ago and love it! Thanks

  77. I would love to win! I've been eyeing off the Colette patterns for a while but never made the plunge to buy and try! Cheers, Susan

  78. I'm a very happy follower of your blog. Congrats on your blog birthday. I hope there are many more years of blogging for you.

  79. What a fabulous Christmas present!!
    Please count me in!

  80. What a great giveaway! Thanks a lot.
    I'm in!

  81. Fabulous idea for a giveaway! I'd love to have a go at that Truffle dress. Congratulations on your blogoversary :)

  82. I'm a new follower but your blog is ace and wow what a giveaway!

  83. What a great looking book! Thanks for a chance to win! And congratulations on your blogoversary! I'm a new follower! :)

  84. Congratulations on your first year of blogging. I have enjoyed reading about your sewing adventures and am looking forward to lots more to come!

  85. Congrats on your very first year of blogging! I have had mine some weeks ago and can only agree with you about the benefits. Wishing you lots of luck and many new years to come!
    Beautiful giveaway. Thank you for that!

  86. Love this book, and your blog! Congrats on a whole year x

  87. Hi Jane
    I found your blog through 'did you make that' and it's wonderful - I'm now following through RSS. Congratulations on a whole year of blogging!

  88. Jane, I would love a chance at the Collette book! I've been reading and commenting for awhile, so now, I will officially become a "follower!)

  89. Oh what a nice giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity! Love your blog!

  90. Wow you have a lot of comments! Looks like a fantastic book - I would love to have a chance. Cathx

  91. Congratulation on your blogging anniversary! I actually just whipped up Simplicity 2654 after seeing your version. I loved your and now mine are my new favorites. Thanks for your posts and for the fabulous giveaway.

  92. What a great giveaway! I love reading your blog too!

  93. Happy birthday Jane's lovely blog! I think you'll find the pleasure has been all ours!! I would love very much to be entered for your giveaway.... what a wonderful prize!

  94. I love reading your blog and who doesn't love Colette.

  95. Congratulations your blog. Well done. Please toss my name into the hat. I've been admiring the Colette Patterns since they first came out but still haven't purchased one. This book will give me an opportunity to take a closer look at the methods behind the wonderfulness.

  96. What a great giveaway. Love your blog and love Colette Patterns. Sonia



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