Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Finished Sailor Trousers

Hoorah, I'm happy to show you my second ever pair of me-made trousers and I must say, I'm pretty pleased with them.  I did have reservations about the frumpiness of Simplicity 2654, but having decided to copy Christi's masterstroke of replacing the strange front tabs with vintage buttons, I felt reasonably confident they would turn out OK.  

There were no horrors lurking in the pattern instructions, and they came together pretty easily.  Because of my inherent laziness, I've now got away with not making a muslin for the past five garments I've sewn.  Tut tut.  I just got away with it on this occasion, but my luck must be about to run out soon. I cut a 14 and the fit was a little tight.  I did notice that the tucks at the front were quite generous so simply reduced the width of them and they were instantly roomier.  However, this was done before my operation and I must have lost a few pounds since then, as they're now a big baggy. Doh!  Nothing a hook and eye won't put right - when I can bring myself to sew one on (shudder).  There's nothing more tedious than sewing on hooks and eyes, I hate them!

I cut them straight from my (ahem) blue/black twill and although the drape is really lovely and heavy making them hang beautifully, the fabric itself is disappointingly cheap and nasty.  There's a pretty high polyester content in it and it frays like nothing you've ever seen.  To make sure my seams didn't unravel the minute I wore them I had to zigzag them on the smallest stitch size, which took forever. Hence the immediate purchase of an overlocker.  So no more of that tedious zigzag nonsense thank you (once I've plucked up the courage to actually use it that is!)

So, what do I like about the trousers?  Well, I like the fact that there's a facing rather than a separate waistband. 

The other pair of high waisted trousers I've made do have a separate waistband  which tends to dig in uncomfortably whenever you eat anything.  I'm also hoping that this style will be a little more forgiving after a mammoth pie eating session... 

And finally, the buttons... If ever there was a case for the simplest addition completely lifting a garment to a new level then this is it. 

Ooh look, gingham pockets too!
They really do transform the look of the trousers so thank you so much Christi for the original inspiration.  I've a feeling they're going to be worn a lot.

Next up is my Autumn jacket, which sadly I will have to make a muslin for.  Happy Wednesday everybody. x


  1. Fab looking trousers. They look a great fit.

  2. I LOVE them Jane - they're so incredibly chic and look really expensive. The gingham pockets as such a sweet detail to add. Really really lovely. Now if only I was confident enough to attempt trousers, I think I'd go for this pattern too.
    Totally agree on hooks and eyes - nasty little gnatty bothersome thingymajigs... they also twist around for me and never seem to work the way they should...

  3. Firstly, I'm so pleased to see you back and looking so great Jane! And then there's your stunning pair of sailor trousers that I am instantly drooling over! I absolutely love them and will definitely give them a go soon. I have another 2 pairs of trousers on my cutting table at the moment though...also inspired by you ;o)

  4. And so you should be pleased - they are a fine pair of sailor pants with a lovely shape and a lovely drape - plus they look great on you!

  5. These trousers are so gorgeous on you. The fit is fantastic and they look so comfortable to wear. I really love the cheeky gingham pockets!
    Thanks for the link to the overlocker...I'm getting one for my birthday this month but I'm a bit lost as to which one to choose!

  6. Maybe the fabric is cheap and nasty, as you say, but it made up into some expensive-looking pants! They look perfect on you, and the details are wonderful too.

  7. Nice looking pants, love the pocket lining fabric! I wouldn't have thought of sewing Simplicity 2654 as sailor pants. I might consider it sometime in the future.

  8. They look wonderful! I think you'll really like them, and I love your pocket addition. :)

  9. Or the pocket lining fabric actually. I don't know why I was thinking addition. Brain and fingers working differently I guess. lol

  10. Beautiful! I need to get on with trousers! x

  11. They look fantastic, not cheap and nasty looking at all! Vey chic :)


  12. Beautiful job. You look great. Thanks to you and Christi for the inspiration.

  13. Those are some fabulous looking trousers, I love the high waist and the buttons! They look fantastic.

  14. oooh i LOVE these! what a flattering cut! love the gingham pocket fabric - little touches like that are my favorite :)

    i used to hate sewing on hooks & eyes, but i recently learned the ~right~ way to do it - tiny blanket stitches. it makes them sturdier & i think it actually looks nicer too.

    also, i think i am the only sewing blogger who doesn't have that brother serger lol. i have a babylock. i love my serger!

  15. Great trousers, very stylish and very you. The button detail really makes them. Love the gingham pockets too.

  16. I love your trousers Jane , these will work so well with most of your other items in your wardrobe.

  17. Great trousers! I recently bought an overlocker as well when the fabric I was making princess seams with frayed when I looked at it! Can't wait to see yours in action!

  18. Wow these are great, the shaped yoke is perfect, and the buttons really make the whole outfit (and the gingham pockets of course). So much better than the pattern envelope illustration!

  19. Yay! What wonderfully beautiful trousers Jane. I love the look of them on you, nice vintage vibe going on and they fit so well. And comfy too! Triple win! Glad that you are back with us and hope you are ok. And now you have an overlocker !! More fun!!

  20. They really look great! I love the buttons on the front and the pockets, too. I have all the pieces of my first trousers cut out and just waiting for me to work up the courage to sew them. :)

  21. Oh my good Jane, they are GORGEOUS!! Fantastic job, love them!

  22. These look great Jane - love the gingham pocket and the buttons which totally transform them!
    Congratulations on your new overlocker!

  23. Beauuuuuuutiful! I want them! x

  24. Gorgeous! I really want a pair of high waisted trousers. I think i may need to check out this pattern. They look great on you.

  25. Oh what gorgeousness. They are absolutely amazing. I too share the fear of the hook and eye. My sausage fingers just weren't made for doing such things!

  26. Wow, thank you for all your wonderful comments, I'm so appreciative. Apologies if you've been trying to leave a comment and Blogger won't let you, I've reported the problem and hopefully it should be sorted soon. Please keep trying though as receiving comments is one of my favourite things about blogging! x

  27. this is so cute! i love wide legged pants. and the details in the pocket!


  28. Fab! Any excuse for big buttons is good enough for me!

  29. Very cute! Love the buttons :)

  30. Glad to see you looking well and happy. I love the trousers with the cardigan.

  31. These are great, I LOVE them, in fact they are very similar to some I tried on in Anthropologie that also had a facing and a similar wide leg but cost the earth and were very badly finished, tut, tut. There'll be no stopping you when you start using the overlocker, I love mine. Great pocket shot with the gingham. Bethx

  32. I really would like a pair just like these. I'm sure that you will have a lot of imitators! Good work.

  33. those trousers are so lovely - well done you! cath x

  34. I have been after a pair of sailor trousers for some time. I had a pair when I was in high school, bought at a vintage store, and I somehow lost them in my university days. It never occurred to me until I saw your post that I should just make a pair of me own! Thanks for the inspiration...yours look fabulous.

  35. Sorry to comment on such an old post (catching up on blog reading after illness), but I just had to say (a) these are gorgeous! And (b) thank you for posting about this pattern! From the envelope pictures, I never would have looked twice at this pattern, but now I've seen your version, I've ordered the pattern. (I, too, have a love of sailor trousers!)

  36. i need this pattern! those trousers are amazing! they suit you really well!

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