Monday 27 December 2010

Star buys

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are now feeling thoroughly stuffed (I can barely move).  Before I get back to dressmaking, I just wanted to share with you two of my favourite recent purchases, which I’m completely over-excited about. 

First is the essential dressmaking aid for the modern seamstress – a Tailor's Ham and Seam Roll set from The Cupcake Goddess.  I first saw the seam roll on Sewaholic’s blog  when she was waxing lyrical about it and as is my wont, immediately wanted one of my own.  When I contacted The Cupcake Goddess (aka Sunni Standing) about purchasing one she had none in stock, but very kindly offered to make me a custom order.  She also casually pointed out that it usually came as part of a pressing set, together with a tailor’s ham. A what?  A tailor’s HAM?  Despite not even knowing what this was, I had to have one just because of the name.  I’ve since discovered that the seam roll is for pressing open seams (of course) and the tailor’s ham is for pressing darts into shape (which will come in very handy when I try to negotiate all the complicated darts on my Crepe bodice).  Sunni asked me which colours I like, and as most of my sewing accessories are red and light blue, they were what I chose.  Here’s what she made, especially for me…

Aren’t they just gorgeous?  They each have a 100% wool side and a 100% cotton side. The cotton side is for pressing with high heat and the wool side is for pressing with low heat.  What more could a girl want? I absolutely love them and even though I paid ridiculous international shipping and customs charges (they’re filled with SAWDUST and therefore extremely heavy, doh), they’re worth every penny.  I can’t wait to use them.  I even, very sadly, wrapped them up myself, and gift tagged them from Father Christmas, just so I could open them on Christmas Day!  Even then I was still overcome with glee.  Thanks again Sunni!

My other super purchase was also an idea stolen from somebody else (I can’t help myself).  It’s two prints by Eloise Renouf whose work I discovered whilst reading Karen’s lovely blog - Blueberry Park.  I’ve been looking for something to put on my bedroom wall for ages but nothing seemed quite right …. until I saw these.  They are limited edition giclee prints, which I bought from her etsy shop.

The colours are a perfect match for my bedroom and I love the mid-century stem patterns. I’ll post more pics when I eventually get round to buying frames for them. 

All in all a very satisfied customer. x


  1. Those prints are just gorgeous! I too was inspired to purchase prints after readig Karen's blog post. The one's she spoke about on her blog look great in 'Real Life'! I got lots of inspiration from her lovely home when I went on a sewing course there a couple of weeks ago!!

  2. I read about the sewing course on both your blogs and was extremely jealous! I wish there was a southern equivalent!



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