Sunday, 28 August 2016

Thoughts on Gingham

Hoorah for gingham! It's so fresh, so crisp, so perfectly ordered, it's definitely one of my favourite fabric patterns. I've always loved it, so when Karen announced she was running a Ginghamalong at Did You Make That? I was onto it like a shot.

The big question is, what kind of gingham masterpiece shall I attempt to make? I have a gingham board on Pinterest which is chock-a-block with inspiration. I've also sewn a lot with it over the years, making tops and blouses (here, here and here), dresses (here, here and here) and skirts (here and here). But the gingham item I've worn most by a million miles is my 1950's sleeveless blouse, now sadly deceased. 

I loved that top and it had a good life - I literally wore it until it fell to bits! There's just something about navy gingham that seems to work for me. 

With my gingham twin Scruffy Badger
I've been making a concerted effort recently to only sew things I know I'll actually wear, so a classic navy gingham shirt seems to be the way forward. It's not the most exciting choice in the world but it's certainly chic.

Image from Pinterest

Image from Pinterest
Image from Pinterest
I love the fit on the Sewaholic Granville Shirt, so that's the pattern I'll be using. I'll probably keep the sleeves short or even go sleeveless as I find long sleeved shirts are a massive pain under fitted cardigans. I've ordered my fabric (½' yarn dyed cotton) and can't wait to get started!

That's what I'm up to gingham-wise, how about you? Are you taking part in the Ginghamalong? And, more importantly, what are you making?!! x


  1. The first Pinterest image you show is Jean from Extra Petite (; she's probably my favorite style blogger. :-) I won't be participating in the Ginghamalong, but I do look forward to seeing what everyone makes! I usually think of gingham as a casual fabric, so it will be fun to see it dressed up and down.

    1. Ooh thanks for the link, I like the look of her blog! x

  2. Where do you get your gingham? I love it too but local stores typically have cheap poly blend.

    1. Most gingham I've used before now has been pretty rubbish poly cotton too, hence my favourite blouse falling to bits....Cotton and Steel have released a 100% cotton range called checkers which looks lovely quality. Village Haberdashery stock it but I didn't order mine from there as they'd sold out of navy. I got mine from an eBay seller and it's allegedly 100% cotton - I'll add a link to the blog post if it turns out to be nice quality. x

  3. What's not to love about gingham?! I've finished my ginghamalong make which is a tiered maxi skirt. In fairness, I was half way through it when the ginghamalong was announced, and it's an easy make. I had a load of gingham left over from a recent dress make, (because I stupidly kept ordering the wrong sized check!!) and it didn't seem fair to enter the dress when it was finished beforehand. Good luck with your make, it will be brilliant!

    1. Yes, I get confused by the different sized checks too! Looking forward to seeing your maxi skirt! x

  4. Gingham is my absolute favourite fabric!! I have a couple knocking around in my stash that need using asap!

    1. It has to be done! You'd look fab in a gingham dress! x

  5. Love your opening picture, great eye candy post! I have quite a bit of gingham in my me made wardrobe. I was just given rolls of vintage gingham bias in every colour and I'm plotting how I can put them to good use ;o)

    1. I love that picture too, so stylish! I forgot about gingham bias tape, that's definitely got to be incorporated somewhere! x

  6. I've just finished making a gingham Archer shirt for the gingham along and am very happy with it. So much so, I've been wearing it ever since the last button was sewn on :-)

    1. Result! That sounds fab and very encouraging, thanks! x

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