Thursday, 4 August 2016

Maritime Shorts

Oooh look! Lovely new blue shorts! They're the Maritime Shorts by Grainline Studio and I love them to bits, but they weren't an easy sew…

This was mostly down to a silly error I made regarding the instructions (sigh). The area I struggled with most was the zip fly, a few of the steps seemed to be incorrect and some of the diagrams were downright confusing. After eventually working out how it all went together, I decided to email Grainline to point out the errors I'd encountered. It was only when I was looking up Grainline's email address that I discovered an old email from them which included (you guessed it) updated PDF instructions for the fly steps. Nooooooo! When I looked at the new instructions (with gritted teeth I might add), every single point that I'd struggled with was explained more clearly and/or a different diagram used. Grrr I'm so annoyed at myself for not updating my PDF file when I first received it. I still don't think the new fly instructions are absolutely foolproof, but they're a vast improvement on the earlier version.

If you have no prior experience of sewing a zip fly then I'd recommend using the step-by-step tutorial on the Grainline blog alongside the written instructions. It definitely helped me figure out what to do when I was floundering!

Apart from the zip fly, construction of the shorts is relatively straight forward. Just take note that the very first step on the curved side pockets involves sewing convex and concave curves together - once you've figured that bit out, you're laughing.

I like how the rear patch pockets have a nice, clean finish to them once they're topstitched into position. By the way, the top folded edge is actually supposed to be on the inside of the pocket but I prefer it this way round.

For the front pocket lining I used a soft blue cotton, which gives a cute little burst of floral to the insides.

The fit is amazingly good. I was tempted to size up 'just in case', but I knew my fabric had a lot of stretch, so I cut the size that corresponded to my actual measurements - size 6. I fully expected to have to tweak the centre back waistband as I'd read a few reviews mentioning excess room in that area, but they don't gape at all.

I love the fit - they sit snugly just below my natural waistline and are really comfortable. There isn't any digging in at the waist and the width of the thigh is just right. This makes me happy as I've tried on lots of shorter length RTW shorts recently and not one pair did me any favours. To get a comfortable fit at the waist, they're always either too big round the hips or wide in the leg (think Don Estelle).

The fabric is a medium weight stretch cotton sateen from Fabric Godmother with a slight sheen to it. It's perfect for shorts as it's easy to cut out and sew and very robust. If you like the look of this particular pattern and fabric combo then Fabric Godmother also sells a Maritime Shorts Kit which includes the pattern, fabric and notions and works out slightly cheaper than buying everything separately.

As shorts go they're a bit shorter than I'd usually wear out, but for holidays and hot days they're absolutely perfect. This pair are going straight into my suitcase, ready for my holiday in a couple of weeks time! I'm pretty sure I'll make another pair next year too, just as soon as I've put the horror of the zip fly behind me! x

Fabric for the shorts was given to me free of charge by Fabric Godmother for review. All views my own.


  1. They look great! It looks like you got the fit just right. I tend to wear skirts on holiday in the day but shorts are more practical. You will end up with pair in every colour!x

    1. I think I will, I usually wear skirts on holiday too but this pair have converted me! x

  2. Zip flies are just one of those things! Horrendous the first few times then something clicks and you got it! I ain't got it yet! Totally avoid a fly myself! These little tailored shorts are super chic! And I love the pop of colour!

    1. Thank you Christina! This is only the second zip fly I've sewn, so I'm hoping I'll get better with practice and my brain slowly works out what to do! x

  3. They look fab! Hoping to attempt a pair too when my fabric comes through the post!

  4. Even with updated instructions I struggled. I'm told by Those Who Sew Flies Often that the Ginger Jeans sew along fly method is the one to use.... These are tres cute btw!

    1. Aha, good to know on both points, thanks! x

  5. These are great! I think I have that exact fabric in my stash that I bought to make Maritime shorts. I've made two pair already and love love love them, so I need to get around to making the fancy blue ones. Great job!

    1. Ooh yes, this fabric is perfect for shorts! And thank you! x

  6. Fantastic shorts! I've been sewing for yonks but am only now brave enough to tackle my first zip fly in the shape of some Ginger jeans. Love the chevron shirt - did you make that too? Susan x

    1. Thanks Susan! The shirt is actually a bargain buy from Marks & Spencer! x

  7. Think Don Estelle - LOL :)

    1. Haha! Glad somebody got the reference! x

  8. Jane, my love! You look teeny tiny and perfect in these shorts! I've always loved the look of this pattern and I think they've turned out brilliantly for you! Happy holidays xxx

    1. Oh you sweetheart Marie, thank you! I think the camera angle was especially flattering! x

  9. These look amazing!! I love the color and the fit is spot-on.

    1. Aw thanks Susan, I was very lucky with the fit! x

  10. These look great, and in one of your signature colours too, perfect for summer! I'm working on a pair of shorts in stretch cotton, a Burda pattern though so luckily a side zip as not sure I could handle a fly front with Burda instructions!

    1. Thanks Kathryn! The thought of a fly front with Burda instructions makes me feel a bit faint! x

  11. Get you! looking good! and oh so slim and 'beach ready' !? loving that colour too. well done for persevering I may well have thrown them across the room...
    best Ashley xx

    1. Haha, thanks Ashley! Don't know about beach ready, I'm white as a sheet! I DID throw them across the room...but the fabric was so nice I picked them back up again and gritted my teeth! x

  12. Oh, a zip fly has been my undoing more than once! But don't you just love it when something like this fits straight off?

    1. Yes! It's a massive bonus I must admit! x

  13. These shorts look great and well worth the head scratching, hope you have a super holiday (I like holiday sewing, tend to make different things than normal)

    1. Yes, I tend to make different things too, that's what I like about holiday sewing! x

  14. These are gorgeous Jane, the fit is fab and I love the colour. I like that it's bold but is still going to go with everything!

    1. Thanks Fiona, I was so lucky with the fit! The colour's so lovely, it really does go with everything! x

  15. Your post is so timely for me. I have two fabrics awaiting a pattern for shorts and this one is on the "short list" (haha). Thanks for the tip about the fly instructions. They do look great on you!!!



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