Thursday, 13 June 2013

Strange but true sewing tip

Right at the final stage of making my Juniper trousers a few weeks ago, a funny old sewing tip came magically to my rescue. I had occasion to use this tip again yesterday, which reminded me to share it.... As I was sewing the last cream button onto the waistband, I suddenly noticed that the button and thread were turning pink. I'd only gone and pricked my finger on the needle and was bleeding all over the button and thread. Doh! I used two metres of bright red fabric, red thread, even red interfacing, but I had to go and bleed on the one tiny non-red area of my trousers. What are the chances?! Now I know what you're thinking, it wasn't an absolute disaster. The button was plastic and could wipe clean and I could have easily removed the now pink thread and re-sewn the button on. But it was the very last stage, almost the last stitch on my make and I was desperate to get them on and photographed whilst the sun was out. So without even stopping to think what I was doing, I found myself repeatedly spitting on the button thread. Oh my god!!! 

Apologies if you're easily offended, but that's what I did folks. I was putting into practice a sewing tip I'd read on a sewing blog yonks ago and filed away in my subconscious waiting for just the right moment. Apparently it has to be your own er spit (sorry), something to do with the enzymes in the saliva breaking down the proteins in the blood. Anyway, I'm delighted to report it worked like magic - it was pretty amazing seeing the thread turning colour from pink back to white right before my very eyes!!

I discovered this tip on Sherry's blog - Pattern, Scissors, Cloth*. Apparently, a more experienced seamstress colleague taught her the trick when she worked in the garment industry and she's been good enough to pass it on in turn. And despite the grossness, this sewing tip actually worked like a dream for me. Have you ever found yourself automatically putting into practice a weirdo sewing tip you've read about and stored in your brain? And did it work?? I'd love to know!

That's it for now, I have an urgent appointment with some piping and a pair of PJ bottoms. x

* As an aside, does anybody know what the story is with Sherry and her blog? She suddenly stopped blogging last summer and I for one have missed her dearly. Her blog was one of my favourites, absolutely packed to the gills with wonderful tips and tutorials as well as her own beautifully stitched wardrobe. Whatever the reason for the blog break, I hope you're well and happy Sherry, we miss you! 


  1. Hi Jane - not sure why but you asked the question about Sherry and her blog. So up for a challenge I did some research and have found a new blog about running So I guess she's still blogging but not about sewing. Thank you for introducing her blog though it looks like an invaluable resource full of good tips

    1. Thanks for this. It's good to know she didn't fall off the Earth. Although, I miss her blogging about sewing.

  2. How funny! Hopefully I won't have to use this tip, but I'll tuck it away in my brain for a rainy day. :)

  3. It's not that gross at all, the enzymes in saliva break down the enzymes in blood, so it's actually the most effective way of getting rid of blood! [This makes me feel smart for saying, but it comes from plenty of google searches of "how do I get blood out of clothing?"]

    I'm glad you remembered that in the nick of time!

  4. I dearly miss Sherry as well! I constantly use tips of hers and refer to her tutorials again and again. She's utterly brilliant. I hope nothing bad happened! If you are reading this Sherry, we miss you! Come back soon!

  5. I remember reading that tip from Sherry too... she was working on a wedding dress. I haven't forgotten that tip either although haven't had the need to use it. I knew she had a running blog but I miss the sewing too.

  6. Thanks for the tip, I am always pricking my finger with those pesky needles so will store this away for use later.

  7. Where have you been all my life???!?!!?!?! I'm a diabetic so I check my blood all the time!! I have tiny dots of blood on my clothing and if I had know this I could have saved them!!!! I'll probably be using this tip sooner than later. Thanks.

  8. Hydrogen peroxide works too. I know what you mean but that very last stage!

  9. Fascinating! I am constantly pricking myself with both needles and pins when sewing so this is such an awesome tip 'cos I'm awesome bleeder! ;)

  10. I love Sherry's blog too and I did email her to find out how she is, but got no response. I'll have to check out the link Sew Sleepy provided...

  11. Thanks for the tip! I must agree with you -- her blog was one of my favourites and I really miss her posts!

  12. I am grateful to have received this tip early in my sewing career. I haven't been sewing enough to pick up any tips of my own, but you are an inspiration Jane with your self made wardrobe.

  13. [LOl] That's a very old, quilting technique! Along with threading the needle with the end of the thread that you've cut. Double-wrapping the button's thread "shank" etc.
    Oldies but goodies work! Like your trousers.

  14. Not too sure why she stopped blogging but she can be assumed to be 'ok' in the general sense as she is teaching night classes here in Auckland on Patternmaking and sewing etc.

    1. That's really good to know - thanks! x

  15. I, too, have been a huge fan of Sherry's blog and have missed her brilliant posts! Glad to know that she is keeping well and is teaching sewing, and I do hope she comes back to her wonderful sewing blog soon.



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