Wednesday 16 January 2013

Cold weather giveaway

Brrrr. IT'S FREEZING!! Because the weather's so cold, I thought I'd hold a winter warmer giveaway to warm at least one of you up. I'm giving away the rest of the turquoise sweater knit fabric that I used for my raglan sleeved dress.  

There's about 1.8 metres in total, but one end does have a chunk cut out of it so I'd say there's about 1.5 metres of usable fabric. That's still a decent amount to play with as it's wide (60 inches). You could make a cosy knit dress, or a Renfrew or a nice woolly skirt, and most importantly you'd be warm!

This is not a simple 'leave a comment' giveaway though. Oh no. This time, just for fun, I'm going to turn into Ealing's answer to Rumpelstiltskin and ask if you can guess the name of my dummy.  

Who else loved Ladybird books when they were little?

I deliberately didn't give my dummy a name when I bought it as it didn't really look like anything in particular, it was just a dummy (it's a standard Lady Valet by the way). Over the years however, one particular name kept popping into my head whenever I used her/it and wouldn't really go away. There's absolutely no story behind the name, it just appeared one day and seemed to suit her. But the big question is, what name is it?  To narrow it down a bit (otherwise we could be here for years) I'll give you one clue: the name begins with the letter A. There, aren't I lovely?!

In fact I'm so lovely, I've decided to throw in a second prize, which is a delightful 50's-style half apron made by my own fair hands. It has an awesome dancing print on the front and contrast blue polka dots on the reverse. Perfect to wear when you're cooking all that warming winter soup. Mmmmm soup.

Before you ask, no, that's not a pigs trotter holding the fabric. It is in fact my porky little hand!

Don't worry if the name you had in mind has already been suggested by somebody else. If there are more than two correct answers then I'll randomly choose the winners. If nobody manages to guess the name, then I'll still put all the comments into a hat as usual. There will still be two winners whether the name is guessed correctly or not. The giveaway is open worldwide and closes at midnight GMT on Saturday 19th January 2013. Please make sure you leave your email address if it's not linked to your blogger profile so I can contact you if you're the winner. Good luck everybody - I'm intrigued to see if anybody manages to guess correctly!  x


  1. Annabel? Thanks for hosting a giveaway, love the colour of the knit fabric ;_)

    1. That was my guess! Annabel.
      I'd love to win that lovely fabric. :) Thanks for the fun giveaway!

    2. Annabel it's also the first name came to my mind... X

  2. Ok, my dummy doesn't have a name either, but a name that often comes into my head for no apparent reason is Dilys. Just perhaps this might be the name of your dummy that you have telepathically communicated to me ??? Dilys ...... Did you ever hear such a thing

  3. Is it Audrey? It would be really strange if it is, because that's the name of my dummy! In fact, it's our family name for all dressmakers dummies. Bit of a story behind that one!

  4. Adelaide! Mine's Phoebe from Friends. Joy at toolboy dot net

  5. Annabel popped into my head, too. Great fun and very generous!

  6. I thought it may be Audrey. shezzlec at btinternet dot com.

  7. I like this idea to get our minds working - I was thinking Annabelle too :)

  8. Cool competition question^

    my guess is Aunt Sally (or, if I'm allowed .. Auntie)


  9. Amber Valet-ta!?!?! Terrible I know! Mine is Maud...goodness knows's just her name.

  10. Hmmm, I've never been good at guessing at random, but I'll give it a go. I'll say her name is....Annabelle!

  11. Anthea is my guess. Maybe because I watched Dancing on Ice at the weekend? xox

  12. Ummmmm....Alma?

  13. I'll guess Alice (my own real life name is Alyssa but no one ever names anything Alyssa). My personal mannequin is Daphne, both after Jack Lemmon in "Some Like It Hot" and Daphne Blake from Scooby-Doo. My second mannequin, for theatre sewing is Lily, after Lily St.Regis in Annie.

  14. I named mine Mandy (because that was the twin name my mom had picked out, had she had twins. I don't know why she thought of this, I had a hard enough time agreeing with my husband on one name each for my kids - well and middle names). But that doesn't start with A.

    okay, an 'a' name.....
    though it was really hard to decide on one, because I like Agnus too. but I will stick with Abbie.

  15. Definitely Ada! I loved, loved, loved your pairing of turquoise and red. I'm stealing that.

  16. Alice?

    Oh I love the old ladybird books. I was delighted to discover they use the same endpapers in the new versions!

    thanks for the giveaway :)

  17. Snooky??? Who knows! Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Abigail???
    Mine is called Matilda - no idea why!

  19. Three names come to mind; Ariel Alize Angelique (that would be all one name by the way-therefore no commas) LOL

  20. Ooooo, I totally need that fabric! How about Adele?

  21. I used to love that story! haha thanks for bringing up an old childhood memory. I was thinking Annabelle as well.

    That fabric is lovely!

  22. I'm going to go with Agnes, dunno why but it starts with A and sounds quaint.

  23. I like Ada. My dummy is named Lou - after Louis Armstrong and the dummy song. g

  24. For some reason the name Alma popped into my mind, so I'm sticking with it :)

  25. I'm thinking annabel maybe?

  26. I'm guessing Anastasia, just because i don't think anyone said that yet. (Right now it's pretty warm where i live and it doesn't feel like winter at all!)

  27. I am going to go with Alice... but if I get more than one guess, I would also guess Abbie, Anne or Aster. But my first guess is Alice!

    my email is nikitoes02 [at] gmail [dot] com

  28. Aurora! For some reason, Rumpelstiltskin made me think of it.

  29. What a lovely giveaway! Annabel is my guess.

  30. My first thought was Annie. I'm really intrigued now!

  31. Now that I think about it, there are so many lovely names that begin with A. But I'll toss my hat into the ring with Aimee/Amy

  32. Araminta! No idea, but nobody else has said it, so there.

    Mine (yes, I got a Lady Valet for Christmas!) is called Mrs Danvers, because she stands there looking critical, helping point out all the flaws in the fit of my sewing...

  33. Ooh, what about Austen after Jane (see what i've done there?!) or is that just silly … or Agnetha (from Abba, does your dummy sing?) or Amy, because that's my name and I've stopped trying to be clever! Brilliant idea Jane.

  34. Hmm maybe Agatha?

  35. Brilliant idea this guessing game, so much more exciting than just leaving a comment!
    I'm going to try with 'Aggie'

  36. Arabella! Great apron, thanks for the giveaway.

  37. Brilliant question. My dummy is Doris as I've always loved Doris Day! OK, my daughter is Alyssa and my niece is Anwen but I don't think it would be either of those ... my guess is Angelina! X

  38. I'm going to guess Anastasia, because I don't have a dummy but if I had one that's what I would call her! Thanks for the giveaway.

  39. I'm going to guess Antoinette, because like Marie Antoinette, she has no head?

  40. I'm going for Ava. My mailadress is

  41. First name that came into my head was Anne, so I'm going for that. Loved the dress you made with this fabric.

  42. I have the same dress form- mine started off as Anastasia, (but or some weiirrrrd reason is now called Lady Mary in our house!) so I'll go for Anastasia.
    I'd make the same dress you did I think! If your dress form started off a bit Russian sounding

  43. I'm going for abigail! Mine is called Marjorie as the lady in the late 1960s instructions looks like she should be a Marjorie!

  44. Like others Annabel was the first thing that popped into my head as well so I'm gonna go with it!

  45. My guess is Agatha, I always think of dummies having old-fashioned names!

  46. Andrea? First thing that I thought of..
    email is harlequin96 at yahoo dot co dot uk :)

  47. My guess would be "Dfor", as in "D-for-dummy"...J

  48. Am convinced she is Angela......

  49. I think Amelie would be a great name for a dummy!
    (a dot schauenburg at g mail dot com)

  50. Audrey...just like mine!

    Gaynorwalsh @ talktalk dot net

  51. Agnes. It's old skool and rad!

  52. Agnes popped into my mind when I was reading your post so I'm going with that:-)
    Your sewing has inspired me to make trousers! I orders the pattern and its waiting at the shop for me to collect on excited, thank you:-)

  53. Arabella jumped into my head

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. What fun! My first thought was Abigail, as in party, then I thought Andrea as in redfern, but could it be anthea as in turner? Trying to get into your cultural mindset shouldn't be so hard considering you are always there for me when I make my 80s references !!

  56. That is a gorgeous coloured knit! My guess is Amy!

  57. oooo fun! Just to be unique, I shall guess Auriolle!

  58. Agatha was the first thing that popped into my mind.

  59. Like many others above, Annabel comes to mind :)

  60. My guess is Angeline, though I also fell in love with the name Auralie after I saw my all time fave Xmas film 'Love Actually'.

  61. Oh I want this fabric so badly! I even went back in your blog to find photos of her so I could better determine what name would suit her (ha). But really, there's no way to know. I keep getting stuck on Agatha so I will say that. Thank you!

  62. Adelaide is the first "A" name that popped into my head! I do like the idea of naming your dummy.

    Not sure if your contest is open worldwide? I'm in the US. :)

    1. Yes, it is open worldwide, the more the merrier! x

  63. First thought was Avery, but instead I'm going to go with...


  64. My first thought is Annabel :).

    It was many and many a year ago,
    In a kingdom by the sea...

  65. Anna Maria (also I'm in the US so I'm not sure if I'm eligible to win). I love the color of that knit!

    1. It's open worldwide so you're definitely eligible. x

  66. Adelaide.

    That's what popped into my head and I'm not wandering through the forest to find out if it is correct or not. What a fun giveaway challenge!

  67. Amanda jumped into my head - not sure why, mine doesn't even have a name!

  68. Ava - It my daughters middle name and I think its cute and retro. Also have been looking at a form for myself as I have just come back to sewing/dressmaking

  69. I am going to guess Amelia. I'm looking forward to finding out what the name really is!

  70. Is it Annie ? I love the colour of the fabric.

  71. I had a dream about a girl called Adela, so that's my guess :)

  72. I had a dream about a girl called Adela, so that's my guess :)

  73. Agatha, I'm sure!

    eleanorkrause87 at gmail dot com

  74. I'll go for screen siren ava!

  75. How about Aurelie?
    I loved the Ladybird books, especially the 'jobs' ones and read the nurse book frequently as I so wanted to be one - and now I am!
    When I see Rumpelstiltskin now it makes think of 'Once Upon a Time'...

  76. Amelia? Angela? Angel? April?

  77. I keep thinking Amelia... or Amelie. I want a dressform to name, mostly just a dressform lol.

  78. Aretha Mannequin is my guess!

  79. The book made me think of Aurora too, so I'm going with that. Mine is called Edie, don't know why. What a fun giveaway!

  80. My first guess was Alice, but I think it could also be Adelaide or Agatha.

  81. I am going to guess Annie, since that is the name of my daughter!

  82. I'm going to go with Agatha! My middle daughter is Abigail, but she was almost an Agatha...

  83. Ariane! Because that's the first name that came into my head..Mmmm turquoise - a colour somewaht lacking from my own local fabric shop!!!

  84. Alice. Has that been suggested yet?

  85. Mmm.. let's say Audrey xxx

  86. Alma? As in peaceful cooing Alma?

  87. Andora ! ... Although not sure if I'm allowed a second guess ?

  88. Agatha came to mind to me first. Mine is called Anne as in Anne Boleyn as she has no head! Heehee

  89. I'm going to guess Amanda...because that is my name.

  90. Haha! What fun. I'd have called her Audrey. Looking forward to being formally introduced though and finding out her real name...

    catriona dot m dot m at gmail dot com

  91. Arabella...I was gonna say amelia and anastascia but for me it's more Arabella.
    good luck to the winners
    ciao joan in italy

  92. sorry meant to ask the jiving print material you used for the apron, who is it made by ?

  93. My guess would be Anne, but not for any partucular reason.
    wahooguard63-info at yahoo dot co dot uk

  94. My first instinct is 'Alice'...I'm not sure why but it's worth a guess!x
    franceseljones at yahoo dot co dot uk



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