Sunday, 20 November 2011

Apple Print Ginger

Let's talk about the Colette patterns Ginger skirt.  I love the shape of this skirt: it's simple but so flattering, definitely a cut above your usual A-line.  I made my first one back in the summer and it was an instant winner - a good fit, ridiculously easy to make and denim.  What's not to like about a denim skirt?  I've worn it to death, and when it finally falls to pieces, I'll have to make an exact replica.  To avoid this sad occurrence, I thought I'd better make a second one, as contingency.

I made my second one from an apple print needle cord which I managed to nab when Kitschy Coo was selling off some of her stash.  Kitschy Coo makes children's clothes and I think the fabric was originally used for that purpose.  Now, the thought of a 42 year old woman dressed in children's clothes does conjure up images of horror, but the muted colours and Orla Kiely-esque print made me think I could just about get away with making it into a skirt.

Spot the deliberate mistake...
The only slight problem with the fabric was the lack of it: I had barely a yard.  By this point though, I'd absolutely set my heart on an apple print Ginger so there was no going back.  Thanks to some extremely cunning pattern placement, I just about managed to cut out all the pieces, but some apples are (ahem) facing the wrong direction....

The needle cord is quite thin and I was concerned about it riding up when wearing tights, so a lining was required.  I just happened to have some left over from my jacket that was the perfect colour - yay.

Lining it was pretty simple, thanks to Scruffy Badger who gave me the idea.  I made an exact copy of the skirt with lining fabric, but didn't sew up the centre back seam.

I then followed the directions in the pattern for attaching the inside facing, simply continuing to sew down to the end of the invisible zip on both sides.

I then sewed up the centre back seam.  Because there was a full lining rather than just a facing, I omitted the step which attached the back facing to the front.  I'm glad I made the effort: it's much slinkier to wear with a lining and I managed to stash bust at the same time - hooray.

The light is shocking at the moment for photographing garments, but the background of the fabric is actually a dark chocolatey brown.  So I can wear it with brown tights and boots.  And a big, mad necklace….

...and if I want to show off the high waistband, I can wear it with my 1930's blouse.

Another thumbs up for the Ginger, it's a great addition to my autumn wardrobe.  Next up I'm going to tackle the Jasmine blouse.  Happy Sunday. x


  1. Jane, you are too adorable. I love that apple print! Can't wait to see what you do with Jasmine x

  2. Oh that's lovely that is. Great lining too - perfect colour combo. I have the Ginger but haven't made it up yet. This makes me want to. I really like the waist. Good job!

  3. Jane, that's lovely. Well done!

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely Jane! Your fabric is brilliant and I'm so glad yo managed to squeeze the pattern out of it! I love the way you've lined it too, must give that a go!

    And the outfit in your second to last picture is simply perfect!!!

  5. Yay! It is really great Jane! And looking forward to seeing your Jasmine - I have mine ready to sew but just haven't got round to it.

  6. Fantastico! That fabric is great, I love it. I've had the bits for a ginger toile cut out since summer but not got round to stitching it up, I really must. Had been planning denim but this needlecord version may just sway me...


  7. It's really gorgeous Jane, and works perfectly with the other items in your wardrobe!

  8. Yet again, I am highly irritated by your excellent taste in fabric. When oh when will I develop half your eye? Great make!

  9. Oh that fabric is lovely. I wish I could see that fabric on a roll and think that would make that!

  10. It's really beautiful! I would want to have one myself :)

  11. It's fantastic, and the apple fabric is gorgeous! :)

  12. so pretty & colorful! and i love that it is corduroy. the ginger is such a great pattern, i want to make millions of them.

    also, i am totally coveting your big mad necklace. WANT.

  13. Love the apples - not child like at all!

  14. Love it! The colours are fab. You've made up my mind, I have to make a Ginger now!

  15. I was excited reading your blog the other day when you mentioned you were going to snap a new ginger ! How much do I L.O.V.E. your skirt Jane ? ALOT, that's how much :-) I adore the fabric which is absolutely perfect for the pattern. I think you look fabulous in the 'brown outfit'. And WOW what a necklace. xx

  16. Ah love the lining! Perfect colour. Cute apples as well. Am v tempted to buy this pattern. I'm working on my Jasmine blouse at the moment, it's so nicely drafted. x

  17. Looks great, Jane! Love the fabric, lining etc and the way you've styled it with brown tights, wrap etc. We're heading into...well, actually, we're well into hot weather Down Under, but my fave 'look' last winter was skirts like your gorgeous Ginger with tights/ boots. I made seven skirts from one pattern, in all different fabrics and wore them to you, I intend to clone a few when they fall to bits!

  18. Wow, I love the apples! They're so cute and fun, without looking childish - which is my major problem when it comes to prints.
    And what a coincidence, that the jacket lining goes so nicely with the skirt - the fates must be smiling on you, haha!
    Anyway, I am seriously considering buying this pattern - this is just adding to the stack of awesome Gingers that I've seen around (now there's a sentence you don't see every day...)

  19. Looks absolutely fantastic with the cardie and big necklace. And I don't think anyone will notice the upside down apples unless you point them out!

  20. VERY cute outfit, Jane! LOVE that necklace!

  21. great skirt! I must put this pattern on my shopping list! and I love the OTT necklace :)

  22. Gosh that fabric is amazing! Love it in the skirt. And that mad necklace is perfect. You look fantastic.

  23. You inspired me a while ago to buy this pattern as I'm a big fan of A-line skirts and rarely use bought patterns these days but fancied trying this one. This version is lovely, the print does have a very Orla K feel and no-one will notice the upside down apples, I hope it doesn't bother you (I know I focus on the incorrect bits when I wear clothing I've made, it always seems to jump up and down and wave at me!). Lovely, especially with the shirt. Beth/The Linen Cat

  24. What a lovely skirt, hadn't even noticed the direction of the apples until you pointed it out, its not noticeable at all. I agree with you, I love the shape of the skirt.

  25. Jane it's beautiful - such an inspired make and it goes do wonderfully with your blouse. I'm glad you also lined it- I think it makes it more comfy in the winter. Really suits you!!!

  26. Love the bright pattern without being over the top.

  27. Such artistic, stylish <a href=">Ladies skirts</a>! Great post!

  28. Now this is a brilliant skirt!! I absolutely adore the print - this coming from the Polka Dot & Big Loud Print Crazy Woman - and it looks smashing on you! Well done on your terrific lining and invisible zip!

    Thank you so much for coming by and commenting on my blog today. You are one of my superstar bloggers and it really made my day. :)

  29. Wow Sarah, thank you so much, your comment just made my day too! x

  30. Thank you for your lovely comments about my skirt (and necklace!) everybody, I appreciate it.
    Looking forward to the flurry of Jasmines that may be rearing their heads soon too!



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