Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Giveaway winner and Saturday Sew In at John Lewis

Big thanks to everybody who entered my giveaway to win a Sew Over It Doris pattern. It was great to read all your comments regarding side zips - definitely one of those sewing features you either love or hate! Anyway, without further ado, the winner of the Doris pattern is…. Joanne from Sew Little Time!!! Congratulations Joanne, please email me your address and I'll get the pattern sent out to you ASAP.

In other news, I'll be part of a Saturday Sew In at John Lewis Oxford Street on Saturday 21st May. John Lewis is now a stockist of Tilly and the Buttons patterns, so I'll be joining Tilly, Marie and Freya for a day's sewing to celebrate this exciting news. If you're in the area, come and say hello whilst we sew, we'll be in the Haberdashery dept from 11am to 5pm!  Have a good day! x


  1. Oh I'll bet you have fun at John Lewis! Lots of chatting, sewing &.....CAKE?? The majority of sewing blogs I read seem to be London ladies' & I must say, you seem to have such a lovely comaraderie. Such a joy to observe. Have fun, Jane! :)

    1. Thank, I will! And I certainly hope there'll be cake! x

  2. That's exciting
    Can you tell us what you're going to be making at the sew in?

    1. I think I'll have a go at the Bettine dress if I can find the right fabric. Otherwise the Fifi set! x



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