Monday, 4 August 2014

Weaving Destination Fashion Show

If you read this blog post by Debi on My Happy Sewing Place, you'll have heard about the forthcoming Weaving Destination event at the Edinburgh Festival. Weaving Destination is a fabric social enterprise that Debi co-founded with Javita Narang almost two years ago (read more about it here), so it's a fabulous achievement that their fabrics are now going to be part of an exclusive fashion show at this year's Edinburgh Festival! How amazing is that?!

A call was put out for people to make garments or products from Weaving Destination fabrics, which  will be showcased at the fashion show. As well as garment sewing, the competition is also open to craft and houseware items which will be sold on the Weaving Destination craft stall at the event. This is the part where I get involved! After the initial announcement, Debi contacted me to see if I'd be able to help out by making something for the event. Unfortunately, the timing wasn't great as it was approaching the end of the school year - once my children break up for the summer, my sewing time grinds to a halt. Realistically, I didn't have time to make something for the fashion show, but I am a dab hand at making things for craft fairs, so that's what I did! Debi sent me some fabrics and I set to work.

Cushions and reversible tote bags...

…zipped purses…

…and covered notebooks…

All items were made using Weaving Destination fabrics. I would have liked to have made more, but just ran out of time. If you live in the Edinburgh area, why not support Debi and Javita's work by going along to the Fashion Event? It's being held on Thursday 14th August from 18.00 to 19.30 and you can purchase tickets and find further information here.

I'm so thrilled to have been able to help with this initiative, even if it was in a tiny way. It was a pleasure to be involved and I hope Debi and Javita raise a TON of cash for Weaving Destination. Good luck ladies and don't forget to go and support them if you're in the area! x


  1. Wow! Beautiful fabrics and makes! I wish I could attend. You are amazing.

  2. Geez!! What would you have done if you'd had more time? That is a sizable amount of product right there!! All items are lovely, design placement well thought out, and obviously perfectly sewn. I hope the event is a great success.

  3. YAY! You are AMAZING JANE!!! thank you, thank you, thank you! Everything is so bright and cheery will be a great addition to the show & craft fair!!!

  4. How brilliant, the fabrics look really lovely.

  5. Thanks for posting Jane. I will be in Edinburgh then on hols, so will try and get myself down there. I also had this fabric favourited on my Etsy, so it's great to see it featured and your makes. I love the green. Have a fab summer off with your family x

  6. They all look great Jane. I already have my ticket for the big event. I'm really looking forward to it and can't wait to see everyones makes. x

  7. I will be there modelling one of my creations! If anyone sees me please say hello!

  8. Lovely fabrics and great makes, they seem perfect for your product choices.



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