Monday, 2 December 2013

Sew Scrumptious winner

Thank you so much to everybody who entered the Sew Scrumptious Fabric giveaway. There was an amazing response (which is hardly surprising with such beautiful fabrics up for grabs), but sadly, there can only be one winner, and that person is ….

Manju from sewmanju!!!!

Congratulations, you win the gorgeous Blend Fabrics FQ bundle and a metre of your chosen fabric - Enchant Birds in aqua (oooh lovely!) Please email me your address Manju and I'll forward your details to Sew Scrumptious.

In other news, I've now finished all my christmas craft fairs, which is quite a relief as I can now concentrate on juggling the three sewing projects I have on the go at the moment. My raincoat (you'll be glad to hear that slow and steady progress is being made), a party dress to wear next Saturday (not even cut out yet…) and my one and only handmade christmas gift - a quilt for my son.

Don't worry, the quilt's quite a bit further along than this!

Hopefully I'll have something to show you soon.  Happy Monday! x


  1. Congratulations to manju !!

  2. Oooh wow squeal! So excited never won anything in these giveaways before. Thanks will send my details.

  3. Oh wow I really like the little bit of colour I can see in your sons quilt. Congratulations to the winner.

  4. Well done to Manju - and good luck Jane with your urgent-ish party frock!

  5. Well done manju what a lovely prize - enjoy. Big hugs



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