Monday, 23 September 2013

The Liberty Book of Simple Sewing giveaway - winner announced

Thank you to everybody who entered the The Liberty Book of Simple Sewing giveaway - I'm really pleased so many of you liked the look of it. I had no idea cloud cushions would prove so popular! 

So without further ado, the randomly chosen winner of this lovely book is …. Jane from Plain Jane (great name)! Yippee and congratulations! Please email me your address Jane and I'll get the book out to you ASAP.  x


  1. Woooooohoooooooo - thank you so much! I'm really excited (can you tell?) It's come on the day as I've signed up to run a sewing club at school so I'll be able to show the children some lovely inspiring images! Thank you again and another woooooohoooooox

  2. Oh poodles - I don't know how to send you an email because I haven't got outlook express on my pc. Could you contact me at and I'll send address that way??? Thanks!

  3. Hi Jane: Will you be reinstating your Blog List? It was a great selection and I miss checking them! Ann

    1. Hmmm, thanks Ann, I didn't even realise it was gone! I've just given my blog a new domain name (proper announcement coming soon) and there have been a few teething problems. This is obviously another one! I'll reinstate it soon I promise. x



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