Monday, 4 June 2012

Shirt dress giveaway winners

I'm delighted to announce the winners of the vintage shirt dress patterns. The winner of Simplicity 6700 is Kerry from Kestrel Finds and Makes!

and the Maudella 5184 goes to Symon from Symon Sez!

Congrats ladies, please e-mail me your addresses and I'll send them to you ASAP.

Everybody's gone a bit Jubilee bonkers here in London, so I feel a pressing need to go and bake some scones or do something suitably partyish.  Will be back when the hysteria has subsided - with my new shirt dress!!!  x


  1. Oh brilliant! I'm raring to make a shirt dress and am definitely going to use this pattern straightaway. Woo hoo! Thanks Jane - will drop you an email.

  2. Shirt dresses are certainly popular at the moment. I have a Lisette shirt dress pattern I really want to make but I'm not happy with my buttonhole function on my machine so maybe a bit more practice first! Cant wait to see your finished dress.

  3. Yay!!! thank you SOOOO much!! :D I'm really stoked to have won this pattern! You're a doll! I'll send you my address straight away! XO



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