Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Shirt dress musings...and a mini giveaway

Who doesn't love a shirt dress?  They're simple and cute, yet still manage to retain a vintage edge.  Plus, you've got your whole outfit sorted at once, just do up a few buttons and you're good to go. I love them.  I've got a few in my wardrobe but my absolute favourite is a navy polka dot one from Primark that's definitely on its last legs.  Amazingly for Primark tat, it's seven years old but this really and truly is its last summer - if nothing else, the many washes it's had has faded the colour and it looks very weary.  It's time for a replacement.

I've been on the search for the perfect shirt dress pattern for awhile, and seem to have amassed quite a few vintage ones.  Who would have thought there was such variety?

Miss Moneypenny 

...dinner lady chic

...raglan sleeves...

 ...almost perfect but with strange collar...

...Vogue chic gorgeousness...

...Mad Men stylee 1)

...Mad Men stylee 2)...

I wanted to make one that I'd wear as much as my beloved worn out Primark specimen.  There was a big temptation to make another version of the kimono-sleeved wiggle dress I made for the Mad Men dress challenge.  But strangely, there's not much call for skin tight wiggle dresses down at the school gates and it probably wouldn't get worn as much as it deserves to do.

So.... amidst all that vintage glory, what did I decide on?  Well, if you follow Peter on Pinterest, you'll know he has a board entitled Worst Women's Patterns EVER and yes, on first glance, you'd be forgiven for thinking that my chosen pattern - the monster that is McCall's 4769 - deserves to be cast amongst the mutant patterns there.  

But look carefully and you'll notice that it does have a lot of potential.  The collar shaping is pretty and it's got just the right amount of shape to the skirt - not too full and not too pencilly. Once I've chopped a whole foot off the length, I KNOW this pattern will be awesome, I just know it.... It's like going to view a house and being able to see the home of your dreams underneath the artexed ceilings and stone cladding.  Plus, it's too late to change my mind now because I've cut it out.  I'll be using a sky blue and red polka dot cotton, along with the red vintage buttons you can see on my blog header.

Oh gawd, I'm getting the beginnings of cold feet now that I've written it all down.  I really hope I haven't pissed on my chips.  Whatever the result, I'll post the finished dress here, whether I end up with a stunning replacement or end up looking like the blonde frump modelling view C.  

In the meantime, I've decided to do the decent thing and release a couple of my shirt dress patterns back into the wild in the form of a mini giveaway. First up is Simplicity 6700, which is very similar to the Lisette Traveler dress pattern, this is a half size pattern (14 1/2), bust 35

Also up for grabs is Maudella 5184 - if you can see past the helmeted matrons on the front, I'm sure this will make a very chic shirtdress. It's bust size 38.

If you'd like any of them, just leave a comment on this post, stating which one you're interested in (you're welcome to put your name down for both) and I'll draw names out of a hat.  I'll leave this open until the end of the day on Sunday 3rd June.  Good luck!

Does anybody have any other shirt dress patterns they'd like to share?  I'm still open to suggestions for next time around - this isn't the first shirt dress I've made and it certainly won't be the last! Enjoy the sunshine. x


  1. You had me at "polka dot with red buttons!" It sounds fabulous, and lots of fun to wear. Can't wait to see it!
    Myself, i'm too scared of all the buttons to make a shirt dress, so I'll pass on the giveaway! That pattern deserves a good home! :)

  2. So many cute patterns! You could also carefully take apart your Primark dress and use the pieces as the pattern for a new one. :)

    1. Yes, I had thought of doing that - I'm a bit reluctant though because my dress would then be well and truly dead! x

  3. Oh, I do love the Vogue and Maudella patterns. I can't decide, they are both beautiful. Thank you for the giveaway.

  4. I actually own the New Look pattern - and I bought it for the same reasons - good bones. The styling is terrible though! I'll be waiting for your finished photos! (Although I do need a shirt dress, maybe I should just pull the pattern out and sew it.)

    1. Oh, and while the patterns are lovely, I'm thinking that mailing all the way from England to Canada might be a bit crazy, so I'll pass on the giveaway!

  5. We're having a moment of syncronisity as I'm also in the middle of shirt dress plotting (although I haven't got as far as cutting!) and have come down to the Lisette pattern, but it may well get bumped if I'm lucky enough to land your Maudella pattern! All I'd need to do is FBA it as its a vintage pattern in near as my size!

    I can't wait to see what yours is like. I'm hoping to use some Navy broderie angalise with a red lining and then red buttons... Lining and buttons still to be sourced!!

  6. Simplicity for me, and I am curious now to see the primark dress, will the new one live up to it?

  7. Hehe, I have strange collar pattern. I like that it tries to replicate the outline of a normal collar but with none of the fiddliness of actually having to make it! I have yet to use the pattern, mind...

    I think Vogue's shirtwaist dresses of that time are some of the loveliest. So beautifully elegant.

  8. I think that your dress sounds like it will turn out great.

    Thank you for the giveaway. A shirtwaist dress is a must for a great vintage wardrobe. I love the Maudella.

  9. i have new look 4769 too! i've been hesitating using that pattern because of the cover model also, how funny! cant wait to see how yours turns out, and if i may, i'd like to put my hat in for Maudella. thanks!

  10. I actually made up McCall's 4769 - it way my shirtdress photoed here:
    Granted I used the Sewaholic's Lonsdale skirt and I drafted a different sleeve, but for the most part, that McCall's pattern has very good bones. Make it up - you'll love it. Plus you'll love how much you can do with it in the end too. You can swap out different skirt options and make it up with different sleeve and collar variations too. I know the cover model looks pretty sad, but really the pattern is good - its one of those screaming for you to look past the pattern envelope!
    I ADORE that raglan sleeve pattern. Oh my goodness - I do so wish you would give it up to me, even though I know its not in the giveaway! Ha ha! Can't wait to see what you come up with! I'm sure it will be chic and fabulous, as always!
    xoxo, Sunni

    1. Sunni you've just made my day! I LOVE your dress and would never have dreamed it was originally McCalls 4769. Can't wait to get going on it now, I KNEW the bare bones of that pattern were good! X

  11. i would be delighted with any other day x

  12. To my shame I have that pattern pinned because I liked the polka dot version shown in the side panel next to the main photo. I think it has potential and with a bit chopped off the length it could be very nice indeed.

    1. Ha ha, it was the polka dot drawing that made me think it could be awesome underneath its almost floor length dimensions! Great minds think alike! X

  13. You know, I was kind of surprised to hear that pattern made it to 'worst patterns ever' - because I saw the potential you did, and aside from the odd length, the dress is a very nice wearable style - I totally envisioned you wearing it and looking great!!

    Of the two patterns in your giveaway, I like them both, but I'm inclined to think the shaping of the Maudella would be more flattering for me - I love the shape of the skirt part especially :D I've been tossing around the idea of a shirt dress for awhile now but haven't made one yet! LOL

    1. It was the front cover that really put me off Symon, the styling is just so horrible and frumpy, especially that bag! Fingers crossed eh?! X

    2. LOL yes, I totally understand! I'm positive you'll make it work though! ^__^ (and yeah... what's up with that bag??? LMAO!!)

  14. I LOVE the phrase 'pissed on my chips', I'm totally going to introduce it into my daily vocabulary. I would like to enter to win either pattern, is that too greedy? I hope I haven't pissed on my chips* by looking greedy.

    *woo hoo! It's working!


    1. Certainly is! I love it too and try to casually drop it into the conversation whenever I can, it just makes me laugh! x
      PS. Not greedy at all! x

  15. Looking forward to seeing your dress. Funnily enough I was thinking today how a shirt dress would be smart for the Summer. I shall have to check out my pattern stash. I like the Maudella but I think the Simplicity would be a better bet as it doesn't have a waist. I would add darts however at the back and front, much like the darts normally found in a shift dress. Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  16. I can't wait to see your newest completed work. Can I throw my name in the hat for both. Thanks Marie

  17. I can't wait to see your newest completed work. Can I throw my name in the hat for both. Thanks Marie

  18. I think I have the same polka dot dress though in brown, definitely a trusted favourite - I don't have many pieces in my wardrobe that last 7 years :) I would love to win the Maudella pattern - thanks for the chance :)

  19. How funny! I also have a Primark shirt dress I want to replace and have been sorting through my multiple shirt dress patterns to find just the right one! You have a great selection - love the raglan sleeve version, after discovering how easy they are I'd be tempted to make that one. Or the McCalls with the vertical seams would look lovely.

    I love both the giveaway patterns but I think the Simplicity one would be my fave as it looks easy to wear every day.

  20. I'd like to win the Simplicity pattern. Polkadots and red buttons sound great! I have the same McCall's pattern in my stash - I'm eager to see how your make turns out!

  21. Hello, I'd like to win the Simplicity pattern, and I want to say you thanks to give us this chance to win a pattern.

  22. I'd love the Maudella pattern! Shirt dresses are lovely, but it's always so hard to find the right one...

  23. The Maudella was made for me. It is so hard to find a size 38 bust. Truth be told, they are all lovely.

  24. I keep to-ing and fro-ing on the McCalls pattern, as I see the potential, but am not sure if I can get past the cover styling!
    The Maudella shirtdress is lovely though, so would gladly throw my hat in the ring for your giveaway.

  25. Peter doesn't always have perfect taste :). I like the McCalls pattern, if you ignore the made up version on the front. (Count me out for the giveaway - neither pattern would suit me).

    Have you considered dying your Primark dress - you might lose the polka-dots (or get very faint polka-dots) but may get another season or two out of it. Or dig out every single dress, top and skirt pattern you've ever sewn successfully and see which, if any, pattern pieces are the same as your beloved dress and then make the bestest frankenpattern ever!

  26. I'd love to put my name in for the second pattern - not sure the first one would work for me. It is weird when pattern companies do their styling so badly.... they have gone to all the trouble of making it - they could at least do it in good fabric and style it well... I look forward to the results

  27. I have a major shirt dress-sized gap in my wardrobe and this could turn into just the opportunity to fill it! Put me down for both - thanks. :)

  28. Ha ha!! I laughed through this Jane, thank you...my internet didn't download the pics when I first looked, so I came back, and well worth the wait!! I've a few shirtdress patterns, but feel like theres a real diffrence in how they are presented in the feelings they evoke ( evidenced by your current make)
    I'm not entering myself for any more, have dinner lady chic a plenty and hope your chips are fine!!!!

  29. I have seen Peter's pinterest wall! Man there are some awful patterns out there.
    I like your choice of McCall's 4769, I think with a less busy fabric and made a tad bit shorter it will be fabulous.
    I enjoy reading your ever since I found your Joan dress from Julia Bobbin's mad men challenge.
    I would like the simplicity pattern because its in my bust size.

  30. I don't agree with all of Peter's worst pattern choices. There is one very promising trouser suit that caught my eye. I'd love to win the Maudella pattern and I thought your Vogue pattern was the best of fine batch.

  31. Can't wait to see your dress Jane. I agree, it will look loads better as a shorter length. Would love to win either of those patterns please have been having a look round for just such a dress style.


  32. I want to make a shirt dress too this summer, though I doubt I will have the time while writing my thesis. But if I should win the Maudella pattern I maybe would have to find the time :-)

  33. I'd love to win the Maudella pattern - I've been looking for something like that for awhile!

  34. I think your dress will look fab! The buttons and the polka dots sound great and I actually like the pattern photo you have minus the extra length. I often chop off some of the length on vintage patterns anyway. I would love to enter for the Maudella pattern as I think it is really stunning.

  35. I can't wait to see how your dress turns out as I agree, the pattern cover is BLAH. I would love the Simplicity 6700 dress pattern. Fingers crossed!

  36. I am a now a total fan of the shirt dress! They are so easy to wear and so comfy and so timelessly stylish. I love the sound of your fabric/colour choice and can see you in it already! Great selection of patterns you have there. I was mulling over which era and opted for 40s but I quite fancy a go at a 50s one now! And I think I could carry off that helmeted matron look so count me in for the Maudella one please.... and I'll figure out how to grade down from a 38 to a 34 bust in the mean time! x

  37. Hi Jane, I actually made the McCalls pattern..And I love it.. It is one of my favorite shirt waist dresses.. I am old [ha] but even my daughter ,who is in her 30's [a school teacher], loves this pattern.I think you will be very happy with it.Can't wait to see yours..Happy sewing.

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