Sunday, 11 September 2011

Autumnal Traveler Dress

I’m back at the sewing machine and loving every minute of it!  So here’s the first of my autumn makes: the Lisette Traveler Dress, view A.  

I used my 1930’s-look floral charity shop fabric and was very sceptical as to how it would turn out.  Having now strutted around in it for a day, I’m finally getting used to it, but more on that later…. 

The Lisette 2246 Traveler Dress pattern is a lovely, lovely pattern to sew. It’s brilliantly drafted and the instructions are a delight – clear, simple and workable.  I can see what other bloggers are talking about when they wax lyrical about Lisette patterns - I can’t recommend this one highly enough.

Having heard that these patterns run quite large, I cut a size 12, even though my measurements actually belong in the size 14 column.  I also decided to try the Miss Petite option on the pattern, which basically takes in a one inch tuck right across the pattern pieces, shortening the bodice length as well as the actual finished dress length.  This was a good move as the final fit of the dress is just what I wanted – fitted but casual.  I did a tissue fitting on my dummy and the only bit that slightly worried me was the bust.  In the end it just about fits across the bust but it’s a close call.  I could probably have done with an extra inch or two in that area but it doesn’t gape open so I can live with that. Sewing it together was a dream, there wasn’t one bit that didn’t make absolute sense and I even learnt a new skill - how to make shaped pockets.

The vintage fabric is great to sew with – it barely frayed at all. It has quite a weight to it - almost like a quilting cotton – not drapey at all, but that actually works well with the style of this dress. I finished the dress off with cream vintage buttons from my stash (the red ones I originally chose became completely lost in the busy floral of the fabric).

It works well with a belt too
So back to the fabric …. it’s not so much the floral overload that the jury’s out about (I love floral prints, especially 1930’s inspired ones, and have sewn a lot with them), it’s more the colours.  Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know I’m not exactly known for my adventurous colour selection.  In fact if I was told I was only allowed to make clothes using navy, blue/green, grey and red fabric forever, it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.  This fabric has colours that don’t ever appear on my radar: pink, purple and, wait for it, orange.  All warm hues when my personal colour palette is cold, cold, cold.  Despite all this, I’m still drawn to the fabric and the style of the dress is very me, so I know I’ll wear it a lot this autumn.  Now I just need to buy co-ordinating tights in every hue …. x


  1. Very cute Jane!!! I have made this but it turned into a UFO. Its in pink gingham but hopefully it will get finished. Your version has spurred me on! xx

  2. Wow I love it! You've done an amazing job, the fabric is gorgeous and it looks like a perfect fit. It's great with the red tights as well. Can't wait to make one now!

  3. Ooh, lovely! Fab photos and lippie. Interestingly, I love those colours on you. And the tights - great.

  4. It's gorgeous! And I think the floral and the colours looks great on you.

  5. I love it -- both the fabric and the dress pattern, and both look great on you! To me the colors are just perfect for the transition into Fall -- not overly autumnal, but the hints are there.

  6. First of all, your lipstick is to die for. You look so beautiful.
    Secondly, the dress is lovely. I have this pattern too. hmm, thinking now......I love it more with the belt.

  7. Embrace these colours Jane, they look gorgeous on you! What a great little number the dress is, perfect for autumn!

  8. What a perfectly wonderful dress! I have this very pattern and would love to do the same view. I would have never thought to use a floral print, but it really works well. Nicely done, Jane!

  9. You look great and the colours are really nice on you. I'm ashamed to say I have this pattern but have not used it - I'm inspired to now! What a great job.

  10. Ooh... this is really nice. The cover illustrations of the Lisette patterns kinda give me the creeps so I've avoided them until now, but your make is making me think again.

    Certainly a change to see you in these colours - they do look nice on you. And you could always wear a turquoise necklace with it! x

  11. Gorgeous! You look great in these colours and I like how you styled it with the red belt and tights.

    I haven't tried the Lisette patterns but this dress looks so good I think I'll have to try them now.

  12. Wow Jane that is awesome - those colours really suit you! I'm loving that dress so much - I may have to buy a Lisette pattern immediately. Love the fact that a different coloured pair of tights will give it a whole new look too. Absolutely stunning

  13. Argh bad internet connection, my actual message should have said:

    Love this Jane, your autumnal shirt dress is very inspirational, I want one!

  14. Jane, this is lovely! the colours really suit you. I'm looking forward to starting on my shirtdress too! x

  15. Jane that is fantastic. The Lisette patterns look rather dull and unpromising. With this inspired fabric choice, you've given this one a wow factor.

  16. oh, but those colors look so good on you! i'm glad you went with this fabric - it looks great with that shape of dress!

  17. Wow, I LOVE that fabric! It works really well with the red, and I bet you could easily change the look by accessorising to bring out some of the other colours (mustard? green?).

  18. I love the dress colours (said she who is equally unadventurous). You do pull off red lipstick wonderfully too - very envious. x

  19. Jane, it looks fabulous. Those colours really suit you. Lovely dress.

  20. Jane it works! It's a lovely pattern fabric and the style is wonderful! They are gorgeous bright crisp colours that even though not what you usually wear totally suit you. How does it make you feel wearing it? I think it also suits your bright sparkly personality!!

  21. An excuse to buy mustard tights! And I bet it would look good with leggings too! And boots - great with boots! You look fab, Jane - embrace the autumnal colours and the versatility of this dress :)

  22. I love this dress and the colours are fantastic!

  23. Wonderful fall dress! So many possible outfit variations with different colors of tights and cardigans. And the belt gives it such a great shape.

  24. I think it's a fabulous dress, and the colours really suit you! :o)

  25. Very, very nice indeed. Good to hear your comments about Lisette patterns, I have 2245 (Portfolio) ready and waiting in the wings but I'm not sure when that will happen. I'm having a bit of a clothes sewing hiatus at the moment but have recently replaced my overlocker so there's no excuse now!

    Love the print, which works so well with the dress style. And yes, I agree with the others - you look great in the red lippy!

  26. Ooh, I love this pattern. I like the fabric you've used and the way you've accessorised it. This will definitely be one for the list - I've just made a Simplicity dress and found it very easy to follow.

  27. Love this print! Just stumbled onto your blog and can't wait for you to be back up and running! :)

  28. Wow Jane! You really outdid yourself on this one! It looks fantastic!!

  29. It's fab and I love the matching tights!! Bethx

  30. what a great job you have made of this pattern. This is the first time I have read your blog. I shall drop by

  31. my first time visiting your blog - i searched for the dress, and now i am sure i will make it - i think your version looks really good - and you look beautiful in it.

  32. So beautiful.... It's second on my list of autumns make... I may jump to 1st after living your version



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