Saturday, 19 February 2011

Hoorah, an award

Excitement, excitement, excitement.  I’ve been given not one, but TWO Stylish Blogger awards from two stylish bloggers:  Kerry from Kestrel Finds and Makes and Lauren from Tea and Crumpets.  Kerry is a fellow fan of Colette patterns and has made some lovely interpretations of these gorgeous patterns.  Lauren is a 1940’s aficionado with a very stylish retro look.  

Thank you so much to both of you, I’m extremely flattered. The recipient of the award must list seven facts about themselves that readers may not know and nominate seven other stylish bloggers to receive the award.   So brace yourselves….

1. Up until the age of eight, I lived with my grandparents.  Heavily influenced by my Nan’s TV watching schedule, I have an excellent working knowledge of 1970’s light entertainment and American detective shows. As a result, my favourite game to play with my cousin when I was little was Ironsides, using my doll’s pram as a wheelchair.  My girlhood heart throbs?  Why Michael Douglas from The Streets of San Francisco and Tim Brooke-Taylor from The Goodies of course!

2. I adore reading and would do it all day, every day, if I was allowed. I can’t imagine a life without books - to me, it’s as essential as breathing.  My favourite book is A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving which I LOVE LOVE LOVE,  I’ll read anything (apart from science fantasy) and twitch if I haven’t got a book on the go. 

3. I love the colour red (though you wouldn’t immediately guess that from the amount of navy and grey clothes I’ve made!)  I even got married in a long, red dress and red shoes.

4. I'm utterly sentimental about everything - even more so since I've had children - and cry at the drop of a hat.  I bawled my head off all the way through my wedding service (and we only had a simple ceremony in a registry office) and had to be virtually carried out of the cinema after seeing The English Patient and then again after Brokeback Mountain.  A complete and utter wuss.

5. I can juggle. Whilst sharing a house with a hippy type during my first summer at university I was bored one day, so he taught me to juggle.  It’s gained me massive brownie points with my own children and anybody else’s children I happen to be babysitting. Just whip out two oranges and an apple and do a few minutes’ juggling - I guarantee they’ll hero-worship you for ever after.

6. I sleep like a log. I slept through the 1987 hurricane, even when the room next to mine had its window blasted through.

7.  I have a tattoo of Tintin on my right shoulder, which I had done when I was 18. My then boyfriend and I were big Tintin fans and it seemed like a cool thing to do at the time….

I’d like to pass this award on to seven stylish bloggers (in no particular order).  All seven write very different blogs and I very much enjoy reading them all:

Kate at M is for make
Suzy at Suzysewing
Portia at Miss P
Karen at Blueberry Park

Have a lovely weekend. x


  1. Congrats Jane! and thanks very much for passing it on, Kate x

  2. Love this! I sleep like a log too :-) Also, I bet you look fab in red!

  3. Congratulations Jane! Love the idea of you in your red wedding dress - must have looked amazing! I've loved seeing the projects you've made since we met - especially that gorgeous Collette dress - wow. But have only just managed to work out how to comment now I have an id! Call me a dinosaur! x

  4. Congrats Jane and thank you for nominating me :) I used to sleep like a log too but as I grow older my sleep's becoming lighter...not sure why.

  5. Hey Jane, I still know that hippy! I went to both of his weddings (second one in a yurt, of course) and not long ago had a great night out with him listening to the Weimar songs of Lotte Lenya et al.

  6. Hi Carol, WOW that's a real blast from the past! Give him my love next time you see him and let him know what a valuable life skill he taught me! Very pleased to know he's happily married. x

  7. Congratulations Jane, what a lovely award. I loved reading your facts and like a child, I too am super-impressed that you can juggle. Wow!

    Thanks also for naming me, that's really kind!

  8. Wow, two awards, does that mean you are a DOUBLY stylish blogger? :) I loved reading your 7 things, it's so nice to learn little snippets about people like this. I have never read A Prayer for Owen Meany so it's gone on the list. Thanks for naming me too, my first award! Cx

  9. Hey Jane, thanks, that really made my day. Always appreciate the fact that someone loves my blog enough to do that. I'm envious of you sleeping like a log - I only need a bit of something on my mind and my mind goes into overdrive and doesn'y let me relax! Karen x

  10. Well deserved awards and nice to get to know you better. I would put A Prayer for Owen Meany up there on my top books list as well, in fact it might be time for a re-read as it's been a while. Bethx



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