Monday, 20 February 2017

Blog break

This is just a short post to let you know I'll be taking a break from the blog for the next few weeks. As you may know, my younger son has special needs and is currently going through a very difficult time. I'm just about keeping my head above water at the moment and there isn't a great deal of sewing being done. I thought it would be easier to take a complete break from sewing and blogging and hopefully come back to it with renewed sparkle once things are more settled at home. 

Thanks so much for your understanding.
Jane x


  1. I wish you well. If you are like me sewing is my outlet, and you are so inspiring with your creations. I wish you the best and look forward to your return.

  2. From a a mum with a soon to be teenager with special needs I know how hard it can be to sometimes keep your head above water. Look after yourself x

  3. From a a mum with a soon to be teenager with special needs I know how hard it can be to sometimes keep your head above water. Look after yourself x

  4. I didn't know about your son jane. As parents we worry about all our children so I hope things get better soon.

  5. Best wishes, Jane, to you both.

  6. I hope things get better soon Jane. You know we will be here for you when you feel that you can get back to the sewing and blogging. My girls are 2 teens and one under teen and having to change mindsets for different issues and ages is hard enough sometimes. Best wishes to you all. xx

  7. Hi Jane
    I'm glad you can give yourself this grace. I know that the tough times will seem like they will never end, and I can't tell you everything will be fine. But it most likely will improve. All the best

  8. Hoping it will get better. You also have to make sure you take care of yourself in the process. Be blessed.

  9. Tough times I know. Be kind to yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup xx

  10. All good wishes that things will be more smooth for you soon
    Debbie B

  11. All the best. Hope things pick up soon x

  12. Hope things get better soon. Take care of yourself .xxx

  13. Best to your family. I'm sure this break will greatly benefit you and you'll be very creative when you return!

  14. Best wishes to you, your son & the rest of your family. I hope he starts to get through this particularly difficult time soon.

  15. Take the time you need - your family must be your priority and we'll be here when you can come back xx

  16. Take the time you need - your family must be your priority and we'll be here when you can come back xx

  17. Sorry to hear that Jane. Look after yourself while you are looking after everyone else.

  18. Hoping this tricky time soon passes. Wishing you all strength and love to navigate it xx

  19. looking forward to seeing what you pick to sew when you are sailing smoother waters ;o)

  20. Adding my good wishes fo you and your family. Take care!

  21. Priorities matter and we wish you the very best! " other success can compensate for failure in the home."

  22. Good for you taking a break! We will be waiting for you, and will miss you. But I certainly understand that your family comes first. Good luck with what you need to do; hopefully we will see you soon and your problems will be solved satisfactorily. Best of luck to your son.

  23. All the love Jane to you, your son and the ones you love the most. x

  24. Sending you some hugs and a nice cup of tea from across the oceans.

  25. Take care Jane, and I hope things go well.

  26. Jane you have done so well with everything and I wish you all the very best. I am a great fan of your blog and hope you will be back when ready.

  27. Best wishes to you and your family Jane. Thinking of you at this time and looking forward to when you feel able to continue your sewing and blog x

  28. Sending you and your son good thoughts. Take care of yourself. Hugs!!!!

  29. Sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time at the moment Jane. Your family must of course come first. Don't forget to take some time to look after yourself too, as hard as that may be. Sending love and best wishes xxx

  30. Best wishes to you and your family. Susan x

  31. Sorry to hear things are a bit tough at the moment. Wishing you and your family all the best and look forward to reading your blog when you're back and ready. Take care of yourself xx

  32. Jane, please take good care! Remember to take care of yourself first so that you will be there to care for him.

  33. warmest wishes to all of you. Will wait patiently, knowing you are away because you are needed elsewhere.

  34. A Mama's gotta do what a Mama's gotta do! You'll hear the fabric calling you back when you're ready!

  35. Take care. We'll all still be here. Meanwhile look after yourself. X

  36. Lot of strenght and love to you and your family! Take care, we will be patient!
    Love and hugs from Vienna

  37. I will miss you, but totally understand.

  38. Love, hugs & prayers for your dear boy & his caring Mum coming from "down under". See you in a little while, Jane. xo

  39. With my best wishes for these tough days. I will think of you, take care of yourself and your family. Love!

  40. You are in my thoughts. Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you get back.

  41. Lots of love and good wishes Jane! x

  42. Sending lots of hugs to you both x

  43. All the best Jane. You'll be missed but your family must come first. Hugs x

  44. I hope things settle down soon for you Jane. In the meantime I will miss reading your posts.

  45. Missing you already, but family comes first. I hope things improve dear Jane.

  46. I'm sorry to hear that things are tough at the moment. Sending love to you and your family x

  47. I look forward to your return. In the meantime look after yourself and your family and I hope things get easier soon. Xx

  48. Best wishes to you and your family and I hope all goes well for you. The blog will always wait, family is more important. xx

  49. Nothing i can say that has not already been said. Will look forward to your return as and when. My very best wishes. Lots of love.
    Rosie xx

  50. All the best to you and yours, take care, and we will be here when you return ☺️

  51. Jane, I wish you and your family all the best and look forward to your return. xx

  52. best wishes for your family, and especially your son.

  53. Jane, you and your family are in our prayers. Mary in AZ

  54. Best wishes for you and your family, I hope things settle down soon!

  55. Wish you and your family all the best. Have faith that things will be better.

  56. Family comes first Jane. Your 'other' online family will be waiting for you whenever you come back. Take care & huge hugs to you all.

  57. Best wishes to you all Jane. I hope things improve for you and your son soon.

  58. Sending good thoughts and good energy your way! Wishing you and your family all the best.

  59. Hi Jane - I hope you're okay and that you're looking after yourself as well as others. Sending you big hugs. xxx

  60. So sorry to hear you are having hard times. Sending hugs.



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