Friday, 8 May 2015

A new coat - but not for me!

I don't need a new coat at the moment, but somebody in this household certainly does…. 

Poor old Raggy was looking more than a little bedraggled a couple of weeks ago. Holes had started to appear and sadly for him, parts of his face were rapidly disintegrating. It was time for yet another new coat.

I gave him half a new face by stretching some plain cotton around the affected area. Then I chain stitched a new terrifying Joker-style smile. Look away if you're easily scared.

This didn't take me long at all and neither did the making of the actual flannel coat, it was sewing the bloody head to the coat that took FOREVER! 

It's not my finest work: his new head is on back to front (the other side of those twiddly bits should be on display from the front) and still looks a bit off centre and cock-eyed to me. It doesn't matter though, Charlie thought his new coat (including nightmare-inducing face) was fab.

Me: "Do you like Raggy's new face Charlie?"
Charlie: "YEEEEEESSSSSSSS" Accompanied by massive grin.

That's all I needed to hear!   x


  1. A fabulous new coat. Bless your boy. I went to read the previous Raggy post and can totally identify. My eldest is on the autistic spectrum too. Thank goodness for sewing skills.

    1. Yes, thank goodness for sewing skills! I didn't know about your eldest Fiona, something else we have in common! x

  2. What a handsome coat! It looks nowhere near as terrifying as my special pillow I had as a child that my Grandmother said 'washed away in the washing machine.' That thing was gross, but the loss of it was still very traumatic!

    1. Raggy's handsome coat makes up for his terrifying face! x

  3. My smiley face was strange question marks- only real happy faces for Raggy and Charlie :) !

    1. Definitely happy faces for those two! x

  4. You think that's terrifying? Look what I had to do recently:

    1. I've got to agree, they're neck and neck in the terrifying stakes. Those eyes!!!!! x

  5. Raggy looks like a whole new man! Great save!

    1. He IS a whole new man, it's only the top part of his head now that's original! Not that Charlie know's that of course! x

  6. Raggy could have his own blog!

  7. Ah, this, like the last Raggy post, melted my heart. x

  8. I'm so glad Raggy's regeneration continues, he seems to have a few things in common with a certain time lord! Just goes to prove that he's more than a few bits of fabric really. So glad that Charlie approves!

  9. The Raggy story continues, I think your first Raggy post is my all time favourite blog post ever and it's a pleasure to see he lives on!

  10. What a dear little boy you have Jane - & what a caring, loving Mum HE has! A true blessing!

  11. I love whenever one of these raggy posts pop up. Raggy lives to fight another day!!



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