Wednesday, 10 September 2014

And now for something completely different….

…yes, this post has NOTHING whatsoever to do with One Week, One Pattern! And lots to do with my new sewing table. Ooooh!

As I've written about before, I'm lucky enough to have a separate room in which to sew. It's our loft room so it also has to double up as a guest bedroom and, more recently, it's had to triple up as a home office. Previously I  used the large computer desk for my sewing and had my sewing machine living by the side of it. I hauled it onto the desk when I needed it and it went back to its spot at the end of the day. I had to go through the same rigmarole with my overlocker too. A tidy solution, but a bit tiresome. Recently my husband has been doing more work at home and needed to colonise the desk more frequently - the time had come for me to sort out my own dedicated sewing table.

The shelves above the main desk were staying exactly the same i.e. filled with all my sewing crap fabric/patterns/notions, so all I needed was a new table. I trawled my way through local junk shops looking for something to announce itself to me, but nothing did. Until I spotted this gem on eBay. 

An original 1950's melamine table with a gingham top! I loved it on first sight - it's like a table version of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. I can now have my sewing machine AND my overlocker out on display at the same time, which saves a massive amount of time. Even though I still have the shelves above the main desk, I did need something to put all my day to day stuff and ongoing projects in, so I went for the sewing bloggers' favourite - the Raskog trolley from Ikea.

My new sewing area is in a nook under the roof and doesn't get as much light as my previous desk. An angle poise lamp, trained straight onto my sewing machine was a good solution. I now also have a real life pin board for the first time in my sewing life. This won't stop my Pinterest addiction, but it is handy for pinning inspiration and ideas and having them right in front of my eyes. 

Unlikely pin-up: Mr Philip Larkin

My favourite piece of art by David Hockney

The pin board is a cheap one from Argos that I covered in blue gingham to match the table. Actually, that's a lie, I didn't do anything. I just stood around like a lemon while my husband stretched the fabric over the pin board like a canvas and nailed it into submission. Thanks Jon! 

I love my new sewing space, it's so perfectly me. And after a long summer off with the kids, I can finally get some sewing done! x


  1. I love the table - I would buy that too! Your new space looks dreamily well organised and I look forward to seeing all the fabulous things that you produce in it.

    1. Thank you! it's dreamily well organised at the moment - let's see how long that lasts! x

  2. I can't want to have my own space. Since I have to share a desk, trust me I am well organize. Everything I see has a place and that a good thing.

  3. So jealous !!! I currently sew in our dining room, so I have to be super tidy and make sure everything is packed away! And I have to give it a once of every time someone comes to dinner!

  4. There's nothing like a dedicated sewing space. Mine is tiny, its the cupboard under the stairs. But I have a stool the right height and kitchen units for all my fabric and sewing box. Not having to move my sewing machine makes it much quicker to just nip and do a bit. Not room for a trolley though so I use a desk tidy tray for scissors and pins etc.

  5. I love seeing sewing spaces. Melts me little heart! :)

    Love all the details!

  6. i love seeing other sewists sewing spaces. there is so much inspiration to be found! i have the luxury of an entire spare room to myself, but still find myself needing more spaces. after seeing the ikea trolly everywhere, i realised i could use a pretty vintage tea cart in a similar manner. it fits precisely under my sewing table, and it'll be a great place wor my wips...

    1. Ooh, love the idea of a vintage tea trolley! x

  7. I love seeing your sewing area, Jane! So perfectly you. I can't believe your tabletop, swoon!! It's inspiring seeing your space, I could easily move right in. ;)

    As an aside I'm so sad OWOP turned out to be during a week where we were camping for two days (not exactly Emery-friendly, which is what I was planning to wear lol) and in the middle of a big work project so I was off about when it was coming up. So I'm sitting this one out watching from the sidelines. x

    1. Ah yes, I thought you'd like the table Tasha! No worries about OWOP, I'm delighted you'll be cheering from the sidelines. You should wear all your Emery's for one week at a later date though, it would be great to see them all in rotation! x

  8. Is that the Ultimate Trousers pattern there lurking?? :) Love your sewing space - you can never have too much gingham!

    1. Yes! Well spotted! I've made a muslin and just need to make a few tweaks before sewing the final version. Looking good so far....! x

  9. How lovely! Even your sewing space has your strong aesthetic! So cool!

  10. The blue gingham is a perfect accent to your lovely sewing space!

  11. Thanks for the glimpse into your lovely sewing room, although of course I now have a complete case of sewingroomenvy!
    Enjoy your space . . . I'm off into mine now to finish my OWOP dress to wear tomorrow :-)

  12. Perfect sewing surface - pretty, practical and gingham!

  13. It's so happy and cheerful! I love it, Jane! That table is amazing!

  14. It's perfect. I love the colors and it all looks very personalized and sweet in your space.

  15. Such a nice space to sew in! Your table is awesome!

  16. Well jealous! Fab gingham table and a dedicated sewing space. Enjoy!

  17. I love that turquoise blue Raskog trolley - just what I need!

  18. It all looks fab!
    You are so lucky to have a sewing space. We do have a spare room but it is my self employed husbands home office. I use the dining room table. Sometimes I hate the time setting up and tidying away as it just eats into sewing time. I'm currently making a shirt and this week I've left the machine out and it's made such a difference. I was worried about the 2 pairs of little hands messing about with it but so far so good.

  19. So jealous! LOVE it, the cart and the pinboard

  20. So gorgeous - I just love your gingham table and matching pin board! I'm also rather in love with your 'sewing party' tin and the very pretty framed print that you have propped up on your table!

    1. Aw the framed print is so precious - it's a vintage fashion illustration, bought for me as a present by the lovely Scruffy Badger! x

  21. So lovely! My in-laws have a gingham table in their kitchen that I keep eyeing up! I've made hints but they are very attached to it!!

  22. I only have enough space for either the sewing machine or the overlocker to be plugged in and used so I am very jealous! I do a lot of swapping and lifting and heaving. You have a great space there. My darn fabric arrived today for OWOP!!! I had an apology from the online retailer but too late for me to do anything other than admire everyone elses. Jo x

  23. What fun and how very you! Dedicated sewing spaces are so nice!

  24. Lovin' the 'Dorothy' reference, and what a fab make-over of your lovely space!
    I have completely de-stashed mine and am lucky enough to have had it published in Love sewing mag issue 5...
    I saw you in there too: congrats!!
    Off to finish last day of owop..can't wait to see yours
    bestest daisy j x

    1. I saw your sewing space in Love Sewing magazine - absolutely gorgeous! x

  25. My sewing room is a guest bedroom slash home office too! The only reason it ever gets cleaned is when I know someone will be sleeping in there... And when stray threads start sticking to my projects of course. Haha.
    This sewing table is so adorable. One can never have enough gingham!

  26. Hahaha, 'a table version of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz'!!! Priceless!!! Looks for some sewing!

  27. Ooh - that's so inspiring! Though I am not sure I would want ol' Philip leering round the corner of the shelves at me!

    1. That's precisely why he's on there, it makes me laugh every time I look at it! x

  28. Im told that cutting mats should be stored flat to prevent warpage over time when stored on end, as they are so darned expensive thoughtn I would pass on this nugget for consideration.
    Love the gingam table lid.

    1. Good advice, I'll make sure I store it flat from now on, thanks. X



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