Monday, 12 May 2014

Delphine Skirt

Remember the cute little A-line skirt from the front cover of Love at First Stitch? Well, its real name is the Delphine Skirt and I was lucky enough to pattern test it, way back in October last year. It's become a familiar sight in my wardrobe and has been worn, worn and worn again, so it feels a bit odd writing a review all these months later! Here's what I thought...

For fabric, I used a red denim from the Goldhawk Road. I was only planning on buying a metre to send to Evie from Pendle Stitches as I knew she wanted some. At the counter however, I discovered it was the end of the roll and the shop keeper offered me the last three metres at a discount (you've gotta love those Goldhawk Road gents.) It would have been rude to refuse, so after dividing the remnant and sending half to Evie, I ended up with just under 1.5 metres. That's more than enough for this skirt and it's the perfect weight as the pattern requires a fabric with some structure to it, to keep its shape.

Apologies for the 'spoiling for a fight' face...
The Delphine skirt has a neat, fitted waistband and an exaggerated A-line shape. I stupidly cut out a size larger than my measurements as I was worried it might be too tight around the waist. Duh - not only was it too big, but the contrast between the fitted waist and the A-line was a bit lost. The skirt needs to be a good nipped-in fit around the waist i.e. not too big and baggy, otherwise you're liable to lose the exaggerated A-line of the skirt section. This contrast is (for me anyway) the main appeal of the skirt, so my advice is to choose the size that's nearest to your waist size and don't be tempted to make a larger size just "to be on the safe side".  The pattern sizes are accurate - trust them!

You can see the exaggerated A-line better in this picture
Delphine is a very simple skirt to make - even after cutting out the wrong size, I was able to adjust the waistband and skirt side seams to the correct measurements really easily. The instructions are clear and logical and the pattern is perfectly drafted. There was only one thing I changed about the construction and that was to use a standard dressmaking zip rather than an invisible one. This is based on my own personal experience with denim skirts and zips - my denim Ginger skirt has an invisible zip and you can really see the toll taken on it. In fact, it could do with being re-sewn as parts of it are hanging off (ahem!) Anyway, the denim I used is quite a heavyweight one, so I decided a standard zip would be more hard wearing.

The facings are neatly machine finished at the zip edges, which is a nice touch. I used a red polka dot cotton as my facing, partly to reduce bulk, but mostly because denim skirts HAVE to have polka dot facings don't they? I think I read somewhere that it's against the law to have any other kind!!

You can't go wrong with this skirt - the neat A-line shape goes with everything and because it's red and denim, it's already become a real wardrobe stable. The fact that it's denim also means you don't have to wash it very often (not in my house anyway!)

I now have a second Delphine in the correct size all cut out and ready to go. Expect to see it gracing the pages of this blog before too long. x

The Delphine pattern was given to me free of charge for pattern testing. All views my own.


  1. Oh I love this. I bought my first ever A line skirt today, and love it; it will certainly be entering my sewing to do list. Your version is so lovely, the polkadots are such a nice touch. Best thing about sewing our own clothes is being able to add those nice touches that make all the difference

    1. Thank you! I couldn't agree more, I love being able to add secret polka dot touches to everything I sew! x

  2. So pretty and so perfectly Jane! :)

  3. it's lovely. and of course it has polka dots - it's yours!

  4. This is lovely. I agree that red denim is a basic. I have a red denim Kelly that I wear to death. Mine doesn't have polka dot facings though. Ssshh don't tell anyone! (It does have floral and polka dot pocket bags though, does that count?)

    1. Yes, I'll allow that! Sounds great, may have to nick that idea! x

  5. Oh, I love this skirt, it's very bright and pretty!

  6. Ooh it looks fab and I LOVE the polka dots!

  7. What a lovely skirt. Thanks for the tip about inserting a normal zip for heavier weight fabrics. I used a concealed zip on a corduroy skirt and I think it's on borrowed time.

    1. Yes, they definitely don't last as long in my experience. x

  8. What a BEAUTY! Too many things to love about this skirt - red denim, red and white polka dots, the gorgeous shape! I can't wait to get my copy of Tilly's book because I think I foresee many many Delphine skirts in my life.
    Oh, and I love your blouse too!

    1. Aw thanks Suzy! Red is a bit of a neutral in my wardrobe, so luckily I have about 10 tops that go with this skirt! x

  9. I lurve it Jane! Such a cute little shape and fun to wear I bet! I usually don't get on well with skirts, but if I make myself some fitted crop tops asap, then I really think Delphine would be a pleasant addition to my wardrobe!

  10. It looks great!! Red is such a good color on you, and I love the polka dot facing :)

  11. What a perfect little skirt! This is next on the list after my Margot PJ's :)

  12. this is so adorable , I love the polka dot facings!

  13. Lovely skirt Jane, as ever! What method have you used for the zip?? I'm intrigued to know how you make a standard zip look invisible...

    1. Hi, it's just a standard centred zip insertion. The stitches are visible on the outside but you can't see them in the photo. I'll do a close up when I finish my next version! x

  14. i really love this on you.. so glad i got a glance before it was announced. Mine is cut and i already can tell i will be using it all the time.

    1. I guarantee you will! Forgot you'd seen it in action! x

  15. Oh, it's so lovely - no wonder it's become a staple. I've been lookign for a good skirt pattern for a little while now, as I've recently been sent some fabric which isn't quite enough for a dress.

  16. This is lovely a great shape on you. I haven't sewn with denim yet for some reason the idea is scary! Loving the polka dots I will remember that rule.

    1. Don't be scared of denim, it's fab! Here are some tips to make it less scary: x

  17. This is gorgeous and you are so wonderful to send some of that fantastic denim to Evie! I know she's been looking for good red denim for ages.

    1. Thank you! I should thank Evie, if I hadn't been on the lookout for red denim for her, this skirt wouldn't exist! x

  18. This is so cute on you! EVERYTHING you make suits you so perfectly and seems to all go together! I'm always amazed! The polka dot facings are especially cute! I've always hated wearing a-line skirts, but I'm kind of wondering if that's because I didn't have them fitting snugly at my true waist. May have to revisit that shape!

    1. Aw what a lovely compliment, thank you! x

  19. What a great skirt! I have pre-ordered Tilly's book and cannot wait to get sewing. I love red, too, and I feel so happy when I see your red makes :)

    1. Yep, red is a definite mood enhancer! x

  20. Never thought of using red denim- more fool me, looks great on you. Cute polka dots too.

  21. great job on that zipper installation! i had to look twice to make sure it WASN'T an invisible zipper!

    1. Thanks! I think the picture is deceiving as you can't see the stitches on the outside (actually they're quite well camouflaged by the denim!) x

  22. I always knew you'd be a law abiding citizen Jane & knowledgeable of the Polka Dot Rule Book! Your zip installation is beautifully there a trick to make a standard zip LOOK invisible?
    By the way, I so appreciate you know the difference between "its" & "it's"! Makes me happy...I obviously need to get out more! LOL

    1. Ah, glad my correct use of grammar has been noted, that's made my day (seriously!)
      I assure you, the zip is definitely not invisible, I'll show a photo of it from the right side when I post my next Delphine skirt. x

  23. I love this skirt too! And I agree denim doesn't need to be washed that often!

  24. Love that colour!

  25. Love the skirt and I love the polka dot facings. If that isn't the law then it darn well should be.

    1. I've convinced myself it is the law! x

  26. Smashing! I have just ordered my copy of the book, so it's lovely to see your take on this skirt. If you hadn't put polka dot somewhere I'd have been mighty disappointed!

  27. You look so cute! This shade of red really suits you beautifully...and, know my love for polka dots!

  28. Actually it's the blouse you have on that caught my eye! The pussy bow is this is quite unique. Please tell me you made this as its ace!

    1. Thanks! I did indeed make it and it's one of my favourite ever makes. Read all about it here: x

    2. Hi Jane, just had a look. The collar detail on the back is lovely also. Very well done, thanks for the link. You reminded me that I made a blue bow blouse a little while back out of some left over fabric, I love wearing it. Your fashion eye is great for choosing that polka dot - All the best, J

  29. ah, I now just realised I NEED a red skirt in my wardrobe. Hopefully it will be just as perfect as yours. And perhaps we can make the polka dot facing law a European one? I would however add floral facings to the list of permitted facing fabrics though.

  30. Jane, can I ask, did you make the pattern longer? On you it falls in just the right place for me but in Tilly's book it seems to fall 2" above her knee which is shorter than I would normally wear.

    1. Hi Sheryl, it's a long story! I did originally lengthen it by two inches, but then decided it was too long and chopped two inches off the bottom. I've just made another Delphine and didn't change the length at all and it's turned out about an inch shorter than the first one. My measuring on the first version was obviously a bit rubbish! So I'd say yes, inadvertently it's been lengthened by about an inch. I'll address all this when I post about my second version, thanks for bringing it up. x

    2. Thank you for that Jane. I had a feeling that I would need to make it a bit longer. Looking forward to your next Delphine. X

  31. I've been on the hunt for more patterns to sew that are not dresses, and I really love this! It's amazing and gorgeous. I think it's a great timeless staple.

  32. That looks a great skirt, I have been looking for a simple A-line pattern to use my cute Scotty Dog fabric with, and this looks perfect. The contrast facing is a fabulous idea.

  33. Brilliant and looks especially nice with the lovely polka dot shirt!!

  34. mine is too big at waist - any ideas for taking it in?



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