Saturday, 9 November 2013

New blog design!

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed a few changes to the look of my blog these past few days. Yes, I've had a long overdue blog re-design and I'm absolutely delighted with the results! I've been wanting to streamline the look of my blog for a while now, but just didn't have the necessary design and IT skills, so I had it custom designed by Trina Moore at Pish and Posh Designs.  Trina was brilliant to work with: after purchasing a Custom Blog Design package, I completed a questionnaire outlining my design preferences and within days she'd come back to me with some wonderful ideas, all incorporating my favourite things! I couldn't be more pleased with the results...

Just look at that header! Cherries!!!! And buttons!!! Hoorah!  If you're wanting to freshen up the look of your blog but don't have the necessary design skills and are on a limited budget, then I can't recommend Trina highly enough.

Now that my blog has a professional new look, I'm also pleased to offer affordable sponsorship for suitable stitchy businesses. Sponsors need to be a good match for my blog and of interest to my readers. So if you have a sewing, fabric, pattern or vintage-related business, I'd love to work with you! Please contact me (via my shiny new email icon!) for details of my rates and options.

Have a great weekend everybody. x


  1. Dear Jane, I love the new look of your blog - such cutesy button cherries. I have just voted for your blog as my favourite sewing blog in the British Sewing Awards. Keep up the good work :)

  2. I love the new look! It's very you :)

  3. From what I know of your personality via the blog I think it has been captured in your new image. Love the clean streamline look as well.

  4. This is just gorgeous Jane! It really reflects you - excellent work!

  5. Wow, how refreshing, I love it. And a quicker upload for me. Must give Trina a call!!

  6. Congratulations with your new desing, it's very pretty! I'm thinking in doing the same.

  7. What a gorgeous new design! It is so you and I really love the cherry buttons.

  8. That header is totally you, Jane!

  9. Nice design! It really reflects your style well.

  10. love the new design and soo you

  11. LOVE the new look Jane! Very chic and playful, very you!xx

  12. Love the new look! It's very clean, playful but professional :)

  13. Very nice, the button cherry's are adorable :)

  14. It looks great! I love the cherries as buttons!

  15. Looks great! Love the logo x

  16. I love the new look!...Its so HAPPY! :)

  17. Love the new design, looks lovely :)

  18. Looks wonderful, Jane! Clean, clear, and so very you.

  19. Ohhh, I like it Jane - very clean, yet cute :)

  20. I love the new design, it is clean and fresh, but still conveys what you are about :)

  21. Your new design is perfect. I'm also very grateful for the link as I'm looking to move to self hosting in the near future and wanted to make over my blog but, like you, just don't have the skills. I'm pleased to see that Trina is going to be adding Wordpress to her offerings. Hurrah!

  22. Heya - just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for linking to Trina here - she just re-designed my blog and I *love* it :D

    1. Oh wow, it was my pleasure Jenny, Trina's fab isn't she?! Your blog looks great by the way! x



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