Monday, 8 October 2012

Introducing Rosy Rosie

A loooong time ago, I wrote this post, explaining that some of my handmade craft items had been taken on by a local seller - Rowena Hughes. I'm now delighted to announce that Rowena has set up an online shop - Rosy Rosie - selling her gorgeous goods, which includes some of mine!!!! Type handmade by jane (that's me!) into the search box and all my lovely pieces should be listed. Below are just a selection, there are lots more on the website.

She's currently stocking my tooth fairy cushions

and purses

with a view to adding other lines once it's more well established. 

Rosy Rosie is well worth a visit - as well as all my splendid stuff, check out the beautiful handmade candles....

... and, for the trillions of pregnant sewing bloggers out there, the adorable baby clothes and toys. There's currently free UK shipping on all orders until next week, and on all orders over £30 after that.  Enjoy! x


  1. Jane, this is brilliant news! You're a one-woman cottage industry.

  2. Well done and what lovely things you make, no wonder they've been snapped up!

  3. Congratulations!

  4. Thanks for your lovely comments ladies! x

  5. Congratulations! That's such a wonderful achievement, I hope I get to this stage some day!

  6. Ooh congrats - so exciting!!! x



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