Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Baby blanket tutorial

Babies are definitely flavour of the month at the moment. More than a few sewing bloggers are pregnant, as well as several people in various parts of my life. So I've been pretty busy making baby gifts.

My foolproof gift for a new baby is a lightweight fleece blanket, with printed cotton on one side and cosy fleece on the reverse.  I made one for my son's teacher last year when she was expecting and it went down very well. I've made two more since then and I can't tell you how delighted I was to see one of the newborn babes (baby Florence) wrapped in my blanket in the announcement photo.
Baby Florence's blanket
So I thought I'd put together a quick tutorial (although they're so simple to make they barely warrant the term tutorial!) They're basically a giant version of my lavender bags....

You will need:-

I x piece of 100% cotton fabric, approx 80cm wide x 105cm long (this will give you a blanket that's roughly the same size as a shop bought pram blanket)
1 x piece of fleece fabric cut to the same measurements.

1. Pin the two piece of fabric right sides together. It's worth taking the time to make sure the two pieces of fabric are pinned as smoothly as possible, as the bottom layer of fabric is liable to shift a tiny bit as you sew it.  

2. Starting about halfway along one of the shorter edges, sew all the way around each side, stopping about 10cm from where you started from. 

3. Trim the corners diagonally and trim the seam allowances back if they're quite generous.Turn the blanket the right way round through the 10cm gap you've just left.

4.  Stick the end of a paintbrush or similar into the corners to make sure they're nice and pointy. 

5. Press, making sure the seam allowance in the turning section is pressed under too.

6. Top stitch all the way around the edge of the blanket, including the gap you left for turning.

7. If you want to add a label, position it in a loop half way across the gap and stitch it in place as you top stitch across the gap (see picture above). 

8. One final press and you're done!

I must give credit where credit is due. It was seeing Laura's super cute version that first gave me the idea of making a baby blanket. Mine is a very simple, basic version, but you could add a blanket-stitched initial to personalise it as Laura did, or an appliqued initial and bound edges for a more professional look, as Kerry did recently.  The possibilities are endless, but hopefully this tutorial will prove to be a useful first step to anybody looking for an easy make for a new baby. Happy sewing!

The fabrics featured in this tutorial are available from the following:
Cream fleece fabric from this eBay seller
Blue helicopter fabric from Frumble Fabric
Flowery fabric used for baby Florence's blanket from Fabric Rehab


  1. lovely tutorial Jane. I use flannel to back my baby blankets - so many friends are pregnant at the mo, so I seem to always have one on the go! Can I ask where you source your fleece please? x

  2. Oh that's divine! I shall certainly be making one of these - so speedy and cute! Quick question: where did you find that adorable helicopter and flower fabric - are they Goldhawk road finds?

    1. Thanks Joanne. Sadly, it's not Goldhawk Road fabric - it would undoubtedly have been cheaper if it was! The Helicopter fabric was from Frumble and the flowers from Fabric Rehab, links are now on the tutorial. As you can easily get away with just a metre of fabric to make the blanket, I figured paying £11 or £12 per metre is worth it for a special baby make! x

    2. Ah brilliant thanks Jane - I agree :O)

  3. Oh Jane, this tutorial has made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! I love these little blankets so much and hope that I have an opportunity to make some soon! May I ask where you buy your fleece from please?

  4. Thanks for sharing Jane. I'm also curious as to where you purchased your fleece.

  5. Thanks ladies, I've added an update to the bottom of the tutorial, listing all the suppliers of the fabrics I used, including the fleece fabric. x

    1. Thanks Jane...we're so greedy aren't we!?!

  6. lovely! i made one for a friend recently - forgot to take a pic first tho but used a rainbow of ribbons across the top and embroidered the baby's name in the corner. i wanted to use flannel which i couldn't find, but my local helpful sewing shop lady suggested winceyette which was lovely and soft! i have another one to do so will have to take a pic first!

  7. Lovely Jane! That helicopter fabric is just lovely. Babies are flavour of the month aren't they? I'm also expecting a baby in December(and have been sick as a dog hence the blog silence!) so will definitely be whipping one of these up - you've inspired me! If you have any other baby-friendly crafty ideas I'd love to read about them!

    1. Oh Carly that's wonderful news!!! There's definitely something in the water at the moment! Hope the sickness has subsided now? My tutorial for a kids wash bag might be worth considering as it's got a waterproof lining and is large enough for a couple of nappies and a packet of wipes. I'll have a think about other makes and email you if I come up with anything else. Congratulations ! x

  8. This is cute! Did you quilt the middle at all? If not, does it sort of separate? I just made to baby quilts myself. I have to admit, they were a bit of a faff!

    1. Hi Karin, no I didn't quilt the middle (far too much like hard work!) The two layers do move about a tiny bit but it's not too noticeable once it's all top stitched. x

  9. Very nice - love that helicopter fabric too!

  10. Thanks for the tutorial. I am now off to buy some cute fabric.

  11. Aww Jane they are super cute, I'm chuffed my blanket was an inspiration!

  12. Jane, I make a similar blanket, but smaller, for 'floor time.' The only real difference is that I bind it with satin ribbon instead of bagging it in. I like your way though! SO many pregnant woman around, luckily now I no longer work in a big corporate environment, I am not making one a fortnight! :)

  13. Awww... so pretty, Jane. I've not got anyone to make for just yet but I will certainly bear this little number in mind. Quite pricey that fabric though... would have to be a special baby! x

  14. That is such a great idea! I bought some fabric already as soon as I read this, as one of my friends is due in the next month or so!

  15. That's perfect -- one of my best friends is pregnant right now and I have been wanting to make something for her. Thanks for the tute!

  16. Thanks for giving me this super cute yet simple idea to create this for my best friend who is about to pop!

  17. This is great! I've made a baby blanket before and it was a disaster... This looks much better - thanks!

  18. Sorry for the jumble of above comment!
    My keyboard is really jumpy today!
    I was trying to say that I loved the tutorial but wanted to check the size, as 180cm seems a bit long.

    1. Oh gosh, thanks so much for getting me to check the size, I've just realised it should be 80cm rather than 180cm!!!! Have now changed it on the tutorial, thank you again Pamela. x

  19. Jane, I bought a sewing machine about a month ago and am still learning. I am attempting this baby blanket for a good friend for Christmas but I am having major problems with the fleece moving on me as I sew. I've pinned it, but it's still sliding all over the place. Any ideas on how to keep my two pieced of fabric in place as I sew?

  20. Hi Jane, just wanted to say a big thank you for this tutorial - I've found it so useful! I finished my first baby blanket in time to give it as a Christmas present and am just about to finish sewing up my second, which I'm sure will not be my last!

    1. Wonderful! Just seen your baby blanket on your blog and it turned out perfectly. Glad the tutorial was helpful. x

  21. A very helpful step by step tutorial how to make a perfect home made children blanket. You have described it the perfect way that what points we should keep in our mind before going to make baby blanket!!!
    Thanks for the tutorial!!!

  22. thank you for this wonderful tutorial. I am about to make them for charity, perfect.

  23. A step by step tutorial... Yes, I seconded you Sue... It's perfect for everything. The baby blankets pleasure! :D

  24. Briliants! Very easy to make and follow.


    Mary of baby gifts personalized

  25. Hello Friends,

    Great post. Thank you for this wonderful tutorial. These steps are very helpful, how to make a perfect home made baby blanket. You have described it the perfect way. Thanks to sharing it...

    Click Here

  26. Well written. I love it. and i have also similar website http://www.personalised-baby.co.uk/

  27. What a lovely simple idea. I like upcycling fabric so this would make a great project for some cute curtains I've got in my stash



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