Friday, 6 July 2012

Finished: Cherry Fabulous Dress

Ta-da.  It's finished; it's a dress, it's got cherries all over it and it is indeed fabulous (well I think so).  I'm just a little bit overjoyed with how this dress turned out, the pairing of fabric and pattern (V8727) seem to have worked pretty well.

So, what's to report? I only ended up making a couple of changes to the pattern.  I added half an inch of fabric at either side of the outer halter top.  This was to disguise those unsightly bits of (ahem) fat (for want of a better word), that seem to appear between your underarm and your bra strap. Is there an actual name for it?  You know what I mean though don't you?!  This seemed to do the trick, and I actually like the extra coverage. I also added small darts on each bodice cup to give more shape - thank you Mrs C for that tip! 

The only other change I made, was to take in the side seams of the skirt by half an inch and the back side seams by about an inch and a half in total.  What I should have done was cut a size 14 top and size 12 bottom, but I was too lazy to make a skirt muslin so there you go…. easy to sort out though.  I could have fitted the dress a bit tighter all round, but I'm keen to wear it as much as possible, and I think being able to breathe and walk and talk at the same time will make it that bit more wearable.

See that gap at the top of the bodice back? That's there because I can't bear to sew a hook and eye on...
The dress is fully lined with white silk cotton which is such a lovely lining to wear next to the skin.  There's actually quite a bit of hand sewing that's gone into this make, mostly sewing the lining to the zip and the bodice lining to the skirt.  There was a very interesting discussion on Karen's blog yesterday about hand sewing. I haven't changed my stance, I'm still firmly in the "hate it" camp, but I will say I almost enjoyed hand sewing the lining on this dress. Perhaps the more of it you do, the less devilish it becomes?  As a final. flirty touch, I added a white lace trim from Walthamstow market to the hem.

Overall, the pattern was pretty easy to navigate but I probably wouldn't recommend it to an absolute beginner.  There's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing with lining and dress fabric and  I nearly lost my way a couple of times.  It was a joy to make it though, and I'm satisfied that it manages to combine elements of the two Marilyn Monroe dresses that originally inspired me (pics of them in this post).  

Weather wise it's not going to get much better in the UK.  After the wettest June for over 100 years (!) my poor parents up north are having to brace themselves for a month's worth of rain in one day. Good job I don't live up north any more is all I can say to that… But, this is the sort of dress I will wear in the rain just because I feel like it. It's that fabulous!

Next up, not one, not two, but three instances of unselfish sewing!  I know, I can't believe it either!  Have a wonderful weekend everybody. x


  1. Oh this dress is just amazing! I love it!
    And its very Monroe ;)

  2. Gorgeous, and you look so happy wearing it!

  3. your dress turned out beautiful and it fits you perfectly, I think it is my favorite. I am probably bias as I am also a Marilyn fan!
    I wish we could share some of our heat wave with you!

  4. It is beautiful. I really like the fabric choice. I have reached the point where I don't care for the weather anymore, and I will wear what I want. Well the worst that can happen is that I catch a cold, but that's what lemsip exists for right?

  5. oh, what a pretty dress! And what a good tip for hinding those... things.. under the arms. I have them too, they bug me but what can you do? (well, sewing a dress that hides them obviously!)

    1. Good to know it's not just me then! x

  6. Wow! What an amazing dress! You look lovely in it.

  7. Va, va, VOOM! You are totally channelling Marilyn - and then some. This dress is just gorgeous and so are you. Look at that teeny tiny waist. Look at that chest! What a figure. Now, only because I am your friend and I love you I am going to say - sew a hook and eye on!!! Seriously! All that work, and one last tiny detail. It's a five-minute job. Okay, loving nag over!

    1. Loving nag totally taken on board! You're right, it is a tiny detail but I might as well make it as perfect as I can. Because it's you, and only you, I'll do it today, otherwise it will be hook and eye-less forever.... x

    2. ...and THANK YOU for your lovely comments Karen! You've definitely made my day. x

  8. You are correct it is indeed FABULOUS and you look fabulous in it. Really pretty pattern and looks beautiful on you. Did you think Vogue patterns came up big or not in the end?

    1. Thank you! Actually I think the were pretty true to my actual measurements. On the envelope my measurements were size 14 bust and size 12 bottom. I only had to take the skirt in because I'd cut the whole dress out as a size 14. So fairly accurate I'd say. x

  9. Fabulous indeed! You look stunning, lady!

    Also, I would very much like to have some of your rain, if you could send it this way. We are in the middle of a drought & I'm worried about my herb garden :( Not too much rain, though - I would like my lawn to stay dead. You know, so I can keep not mowing it :)

    1. Thanks Lauren! Ha ha, I'll happily send you some of our rain. I'll also e-mail you a picture of my garden which looks like a RAIN FOREST, all that rain means it just keeps growing and growing, it's ridiculous! x

  10. Adorable! What a great summer dress.

  11. That is one pretty dress. You must now book a sunny holiday so you can wear it.

  12. AWSOME!! is all I can say. That dress looks fantastic on you - very Marilyn! ;D

  13. Love the lace at the hem - and such a gorgeously summery dress! Very pretty :)

  14. Looks great, love fabric with cherries on.

  15. It's amazing! So perfect on you!

  16. This is so perfect. Summery, fresh, amazing. Love it!!

  17. Lovely dress! Looks great, we definitely could do with some summer weather!

  18. Wowsers you are simply stunning in this dress - a perfect fit! Simply gorgeous. I hope the weather steps up for you Jane - you deserve to rock this outdoors!

  19. What a gorgeous dress, and let's not forget that super cute figure! The pattern is absolutely lovely -- great choice for this dress. I, too, find Vogue pattern sizes true to fit, versus Butterick and McCall's that run big for me.

    I feel for you regarding hand sewing. While I love hand sewing, I used to hate, yes hate, cutting fabric. A friend once told me that if I cut fabric, line, underline, and interface my garments, then I need to make peace with the cutting process (one garment pattern can be cut 4 times). As I love sewing and cutting fabric is the only way to attain a finished garment, I realized that hating that aspect of sewing was truly ruining my whole experience. I finally made peace with the cutting process, and now don't hate cutting anymore. Still, I don't love cutting, but it isn't that monster ruining my sewing experience.

  20. Beautiful, beautiful frock. I wish you a day of blazing sunshine to wear it.

  21. Love, love, love that dress. I've seen a couple of versions of this dress and yours is by far one of the loveliest. I love how happy you look in it too. The sun will come Jane, honest it will!!!!!! xxx

  22. Wow - you look fabulous in your new dress :)!

  23. Just wonderful Jane! What a great pattern, with perfectly matched fabric. You look so pretty and curvy in it! Quite the Sassy Seamstress!!!!

  24. Fab dress, you look amazing. I think you just need to ignore the weather, if you go out in that dress it will make everyone who sees you feel like summer has finally arrived :) ps - we refer to 'underarm muffin top' and you are so not alone!

  25. It's great; sexy and a little bit different. Well done you!

  26. You look amazing in this dress. Just fabulous. It's gorgeous!
    I feel for your parents. In Lancashire we are just swimming in it! British Summer Time indeed!

    1. Thanks Evie, they're in a valley so were quite lucky, I think Todmorden which is very nearby took a real hit though. Bloody rain. x

  27. Oh my goodness, your dress is fabulous!! And you look a million dollars in it!! :)

  28. Wow, loving thr dress Jane! I'm so glad of the tip on the cover up bit for the "extra bits" as I call them. I have those too, very annoying. I'm just about to start a very similar dress with silky fabric I got in a shop in Wathamstow market!! I've read about yours and others trips there and dragged my Husband and daughters there in Jubilee week!! Got some lovely stuff too. Really must re-start my blog with sewing now I've got some completed items worth showing. Given up on cardmaking. Bleugh!! Looking forward to the next "unsefish" items


  29. Cherry fabulous indeed! You are a knockout in this dress Jane, the cherry print suits you to a tee and the style is so flattering! Go get 'em girl...whoever they are ;o) I seriously hope the weather brightens up so you can wear this like all the time!xx

  30. Stunning. You look awesome in this dress. It would cheer up any rainy day.

  31. I love how you make dresses I am going to be making me a new dress soon. I know that I'm just going to drive myself crazy if it doesn't work out right but I am going to try wish me luck.

  32. Fun and flirty...and it fits perfectly! Very cute, Jane!

  33. Absolute knockout. What more can I say?

  34. Stunning! you look amazing!! Love the little detail of lace at the hem; so romantic :)

  35. I's look so...I feel faint, that dress just KILLS!!!

  36. Swit swoo! You are leading lady in this baby :) You absolutely need to be on a poster. I'm with you on the hook and eye front but I know it's worth it pah.

    1. Thanks darling. Oh god I hate hooks and eyes with a passion. I've sewn them on now though, thanks to Miss Karen's stern talking to! x

  37. Cheeky cherry! You look lovely, sod the rain just get a cherry patterned brolly and go show it off! x

    1. Oooh a cherry print brolly, now there's an idea...! x

  38. There is nothing else to say except: that is simply a gorgeous dress and you are wearing it beautifully!

  39. O my much do i love this on you? It is GOY-JUS Jane - looks like it fits perfectly in my honest opinon & I bet halter tops do take a bit of tweaking, so it was just as well you bit your impatience & went muslin for once. I'd say tthis is the remedy to rain so pretty is it - & you can wear it with a scarf/stole or cardi *& still get the cherry-joy from it (of couse you hae to keep your cherry bag with it constantly!!!) Hoorah! I can feel an obstinate anti-rain make coming on myself!!

  40. Hotchacha! How marvelous you look!

  41. Very pretty dress, I love the cherry fabric and you look gorgeous in it :) Maggie xx

  42. Lovely dress. it looks stunning. Us up north had to brave the rain, so I feel for you're parents - hope they escaped the worst of it.

    1. Thank you, yes they were OK, but a nearby town was completely flooded. Hope you were OK too? x

  43. This is so cute! I'm totally inspired to give some vintage patterns a go!

  44. Jane! This dress is the most fabulous thing I've ever seen you make, and you make so many fabulous things. What else could you make with that gorgeous fabric other than a halter neck! Beautiful.

  45. Such a cute dress. Hope it doesn't rain for the Olympics!

  46. What a stunner! You and the dress alike and together! :)

  47. As said many times above - fabulous dress! It looks like a great fit as well and I love the detail of using trim on the hem. Let's hope the weather does improve - we're off 'up north' for our holidays (again!) so some sun would be nice and then you'd get to wear your lovely dress. Bethx

  48. Fabulous indeed! Cherries, halter, gorgeous fit - wonderful! x

  49. i LOVE this pattern, it is so perfect with your bag.

    i really wish i had time to devote to learning to sew; this style of dress is so beautiful, but when i look for them at the store, they never quite fit appropriately (i have a big chest, small waist, something is always too loose or too tight and the halter is never big enough). maybe one day i will take the plunge.

    enjoy the dress, you look incredible.

  50. I love your finished dress. It really looks like the Marilyn one and it shows off your fab figure.

  51. Wow! What a truly fabulous dress, and its perfect on you. Great job!

  52. THis dress is adorable. Love it.Cute little purse too.

  53. THANK YOU everybody for your kind and wonderful comments about my dress. I'm so grateful, thank you. Jane xx

  54. I bet you're glad you made this summer dress now, aren't you, Jane?!

    1. YYEESSS!!! What's the weather like eh? Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous! I've been wearing sundresses every day this week. x



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