Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Pyjama Party!!

Pity my poor husband - instead of a beautifully quaffed and made-up housewife greeting him at the door with a cocktail, most days he's greeted by me....in my pyjamas.  I make no apologies, I adore wearing PJ's, there just so cosy and comfortable. I own an impressive array of bottom halves but sadly, most of them are way past their sell by date.  Which is why I signed up for Karen's Pyjama Party Sewalong in a nano second.  A simple idea but such a fabulous one don't you think?

I've made PJ bottoms for my boys before, but not for me, so I'm going to use this (allegedly) easy peasy Simplicity pattern. 

I'm hoping to make two pairs of pyjama bottoms but still can't make my mind up about making a pyjama top too.  I do like matching sets, but more often than not, I wear a vest or camisole. It's a tricky one.  

Anyway, here are my fabrics: a bluey/grey cotton shirting and a lovely vintage flower print cotton.   

The flowery fabric is actually a sarong, given to me by my friend Rose. She's never worn it and passed it on to me as she thought it was more my style. She's so right, thanks Rose love!  I was going to go down the 1930's siren route and make some PJ's out of silk cotton, but decided to sensibly try and stash bust instead.  Talking of 1930's sirens, I was very distracted by these amazing nightwear patterns from one of my treasured issues of Good Needlework Magazine.  They're from August 1932.

Just so elegant and glamorous.  Imagine my excitement when I saw in the contents page that they were also featuring a pattern named Jane....

...sadly quashed when it was revealed to be a child's dressing gown (doh).  I LOVE the Mimi PJ's on the same page though, much more my style.

Style-wise, I'm still drawn to my 1940's pattern for a pyjama top. 

The one on the left though, not the knotted midriff-baring one. Much as I love it, I'm probably about 25 years too old to pull it off.  At the end of the day, it comes down to basic laziness... can I really be bothered with the whole rigmarole of collar, buttons and buttonholes?  I may just make a Sorbetto top instead.  In short, if I end up with two pairs of pyjama bottoms from this sewalong, I'll be happy - if there's a matching top of some description in there too, I'll be ecstatic.  I'm really looking forward to this!  Happy Tuesday. x


  1. Oh my! Those silk robes with the embroidered sleeves. In my other life, I drift around wearing one of those, a martini glass in one hand, a cigarette holder in the other. I would so love to make something like that one day. Wouldn't it be amazing? I'm so glad you're joining the party. I think we're approaching the 150 mark of people taking part! NB In my pj photo I'm wearing a Sorbetto top!

    1. I know, so would I, preferably trimmed with ostrich feathers! Wow, 150, that's AMAZING! Good call on the Sorbetto, you've just made my mind up for me! x

  2. PJs is a good idea (I say as I sit here in track pants and an ancient long sleeve top).

    Lately I have been watching a TV show on ABC Australia called "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries". It's about a murder-solving siren in the 1920's who is a totally style icon! Your pictures above reminded me of her. If you can find the episodes online I strongly recommend it - I'm sure you'd love it!

    1. Apart from sewing, my other big love is crime/detective books and shows so I LOVE the sound of Miss Fisher! Am off to Google her now, thanks so much! x

  3. All those beautiful vintage lounge wear, and we end up in PJS?
    Although your floral selection looks pretty. I'm taking part too and I am also making a top which is similar to the sorbetto, great minds think alike!

  4. That Simplicity PJ bottom pattern must be the easiest thing in the world to sew; I made it long before I even thought of sewing any other clothing for myself and my pants have lasted me at least 3 years. I did end up having to chop off about 3 inches from the top as I didn't want them up around my rib cage though.

    1. Oh that's good, my suspicions were right then, it's really as easy as it looks! X

  5. Haha, this is so funny Jane! So eager am I to get into my PJs when I get home from work and so much does my boyfriend hate them (mainly due to their comforting saggy crotch nature)that I'm not allowed to wear them before 9pm! I love both your fabric choices by the way, your new PJs are going to look adorable!!!

  6. I'm using the same pattern for the Party - am glad to hear it is actually nice and easy!! I think you're fabric selections might be prettier than mine though :-)

    1. Yes, I was glad too! PJ bottoms are a must when you're pregnant, I predict you'll never want to take them off! X

  7. So much vintage goodness! I would love one of those wafty kimono jobs!

    1. So would I, I'd especially like to answer the front door wearing one, just to get a reaction! X

  8. Oh I love those vintage images of sleepwear. They look so much more glamorous than I do in my PJs!

    I've gone down the vintage floral route for my PJs too. Can't wait to see everyone's finished!

    1. I can't wait either! Will look out for your vintage floral ones. X

  9. I'm using that pattern too, and really am a beginner, so I'm happy to see Stephanie's comment above that it's easy! I've also chosen a floral fabric, although sadly mine isn't vintage - yours is lovely! Very interesting to see the pages from Good Needlework Magazine - I like the Mimi PJ's too!

    1. Aren't Mimi's PJ's adorable?! I love the piped collar and the little belt. Good luck using the pattern, it really does look super easy! X

  10. Jane,thanks for telling about the pj sew along. I have been intending to make some.. now this will get me to actually do it.ha I'm in..
    Love your blog.

    1. Forgot to add, Love the magazine articles.. And I really love the red Jane dress. Would love to have that pattern for my grandaughters.

  11. I can never look at your 1940's pattern without imagining the girl on the left is you, in cartoon form!

    I'd only make pj bottoms as well, but I love your vintage images, very inspiring, I do actually own quite a vast collection of silk vintage style bedwear, sadly I haven't worn any of it since I had the boys and would now feel quite daft swanning about in my silk teddy.


    1. Ha! I know, neither can I, I love the way she's brandishing a hairbrush! Oooh, vintage silk bed wear, how glam, you should definitely swan around in it. X



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