Friday, 9 December 2011

My Secret Shame....

Don't get excited, it's nothing sordid!

Back in September (yes, I know, a whole three months ago), I worked myself up into a mad rage because the fabric I was using for my Sailor Trousers was fraying at a ridiculous rate.  After I'd stopped my fist shaking and foot stamping, I discovered that in my mad rage, I'd accidentally gone and bought an overlocker to remedy the situation.

When it arrived, I was feverish with excitement and all set to tart up my seam edges.  I chose the sewing bloggers' favourite -  Brother 1034D - which comes helpfully pre-threaded.  I started on my seam and immediately, two threads came loose.  Undaunted, I got out the instruction manual and that's when the trouble started.  I'm completely untechnical and whatever I did, I just couldn't get it threaded up properly again.  Plus the knife thing that cuts the thread was a bit terrifying, so back in the box it went.

And that's my secret shame, through no fault of its own, this has been its home since then....
Until this week when I decided enough was enough.  I got it out of its box and instead of reading the manual, I put on the instructional DVD that came with it.  I'm much better being shown how something works and this seemed to do the trick.  The lovely lady on the DVD talked very slowly and carefully, as if she was explaining things to a child (which in my case, she virtually was), she also looked reassuringly like a sewing expert - a bit like the models from Fit for Real People.  It worked!  10 minutes later I'd threaded my own machine and had this to show for my troubles!!!!!!

So, top of my sewing resolutions for 2012 will definitely be to conquer the fear and teach myself to master this clever, wonderful machine.
Gratuitous shot of my blog in the background!
 Have a good weekend. x


  1. ah, it is a thing of beauty, well done for getting to grips with it!

  2. hurrah! I too am absolutely terrified at the thought of that knife! and I'm thrilled that it comes with the DVD - I find it much easier to learn that way too. x

  3. I'm impressed.
    I'm impressed that you conquered your intimidation
    I'm impressed with the machine

  4. Congrats on getting to know your serger!!!!!!!! I have the same one and I must say it is one of the best things that ever happened to my sewing life!!!!! You will have a lot of fun with it, I promise!!!

  5. threading overlockers is such an impossible pain! i had some cheap singer overlocker that i never could figure out how to thread the 4th thread properly - even with the instruction manual & dvd cheering me on. i ended up buying a babylock serger - it threads itself! booyah! lol

  6. Way to go! Like you, I learn better from seeing something done than by reading instructions.

    Glad your nice machine didn't stay living in the box. Your perseverance paid off.

  7. Fantastic! Congrats for conquering your fear. I would probably be so scared of it I wouldn't even be able to take it out of the box for weeks once it arrived. :D

  8. Well done Jane ! See - its not so scary when someone visually shows you :-) Your serged edge looks perfect ! Cant wait to see what you do with it k xx

  9. This made me laugh! We used industrial overlockers at college (soooo many years ago now) that we had to call a man in to 'fix' if certain threads broke. I have a Bernina myself and I LOVE it, I'm sure you'll be in love with your new toy in no time. Beth/The Linen Cat

  10. It took me awhile to get going with my 1034D too, but it really does come in handy! I love that the DVD is actually a copy of the video tape version, the screen is so teeny tiny. The overlocker is so handy with knits too!

  11. Yay! Good for you Jane. First steps taken, you will be on a roll. Like lladybird I've also got a self threading baby lock, talked into it by the man in the shop!!

  12. Good on you Jane, soon you will wonder how you ever managed without one!
    I have an old Brother from about 1980, it still goes great after all these years (without a service...shsh!)

  13. I definitely know how you feel! I felt the same when I first bought my serger. Luckily, mine came with a one-time class. That was an absolutely fabulous start. I've had mine for a year now, and though I don't know all the ins and outs, I use it alot more that I thought I would. It's such a handy little thing. Give it time. You'll get the hang of it and use it all the time. Promise!

  14. I have that machine too, I didn't know it was a bloggers' favourite but it was so highly recommended by my local sewing machine centre that I went for it. I had an Elna before but it broke after only 5 garments so I got a refund and went for the Brother instead - pleased me no end seeing as it was half the price, not to mention half the weight and size. By the way, check out this book
    - I read a review a few months ago on the 1034D and someone mentioned this book, saying that it featured heavily in it. I haven't got round to buying it yet but it's on my list. Thought you may be interested. I haven't seen the DVD, my husband very sweetly stood on it the other day so I'm not so sure I shall have that luxury. Oh well - love the serger anyway!!
    Happy serging xx

  15. Oh how I would love an overlocker! I also need a new sewing machine so maybe that needs to be done first.

  16. I love my 1034D. If you ever lose the DVD then each section is available on youtube. I watched them before deciding to buy mine and it looked so easy to thread that the decision was easy.

  17. Oh man, I wish my overlocker came with a DVD - I live in fear of it coming unthreaded, which usually follows with me stubbornly trying to thread it for about 5 hours, then giving in and taking it to the repair shop for them to do it (costing me $$$)

    Well done on sorting yours out! Now it knows who's boss!

  18. Every once in a while, when my overlocker just WILL NOT stay threaded, i throw a mini tantrum and ignore it for a while until I'm not mad at it anymore. And mine, well, I spent extra $$ on a Husquvarna Viking 200S because the entire front place opens up for ease of threading...

  19. I have that machine, got it for my birthday in October and I absolutely love it. Once you've done it a couple of times, the re-threading is no big deal. Interestingly, two threads broke on mine straight out of the box too. D'you think they make it that way so's to force us into learning to re-thread?

    Thread cones it came with were enough for two dresses, one jacket (fully lined) two skirts and a petticoat, for which a very brave me even changed to the gathering foot for. Not yet brave enough to switch out the knife to try a rolled hem or a blind hem... But I'll get there :)

    Relax and enjoy it, it's made such a big difference to my sewing that I can't believe I didn't get one sooner.

  20. I had the same situation with my 1034D. It was collecting dust and guilt and so I finally made it a New Years Resolution to learn to use the durn thing. I couldn't believe how user-friendly this little guy it! I am no longer afraid, and rethreading is suprisingly quick. Congrats on conquering the serger!

  21. I can totally relate to that. I haven't been let loose on one of these yet.... but I know where to come for help when I do!!! x

  22. When I got my overlocker I did exactly the same thing! I had it for christmas 2 years ago and it just sat in the box for 6 months as I lost my sewing mojo and didn't know how to work it. Now I use it on seams on every project I make and I love it though I still don't know much about it (like how to change the needles for example!)

  23. Nothing shameful, you're finally using it! I recently got my very own serger (or 'overlocker' as we call them in Australia) so I know your excitement! I'm looking forward to all of the lovely, clean seams coming your way!

  24. Congratulations! You have done better than me - I was very generously given the money in October (as a birthday present) from my parents to buy an overlocker...but still haven't even bought one yet! I'm too intimidated by the choices!!!



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