Friday 4 September 2015

I'm on Instagram!

Yes, I've taken another plodding step into the 21st century and opened an Instagram account! As you know, I'm pretty useless when it comes to social media (I still haven't quite got the hang of Twitter…), so adding Instagram to my repertoire feels like like I'll be running up and down constantly spinning plates. The main thing is that I've set up an account (well, my son did it for me actually), so I can be on the scene whenever there's a flash fabric sale or other exciting happenings going on. Hoorah! If you'd like to follow me I'm @janemarland and you can follow me here. Don't get your hopes up though, there are currently only two pictures on there, one of which is a pan of jam… It will get better soon though, I promise!

In other news, I'm getting there with my Made Up pledge. Just buttons and buttonholes, binding the armholes and hemming left to do. It's definitely starting to look like a blouse now! x


  1. Oh wow, love that curve at the lapels/collar! Good going, it looks beautiful!

    1. Thanks Jo! Yes, I like the lapel too, it's a really different little detail. Nearly there now! x

  2. Welcome to Instagram! The blouse looks lovely! Fantastic fabric! X

    1. Thanks Frankie! I just need to keep my fingers crossed for successful buttonholes now! x

  3. The blouse is lovely. I have not yet joined Instagram, I'm waiting for my soninlaw to come over and help me, he is wonderful that way! Thanks for the tip on the button on the underside of a blouse. I used it and it works great! You are a wonder!

    1. Ah, great to hear the button trick worked for you! It's like magic isn't it?! x

  4. So pretty. I haven't sewn for over two months, with the children off. Boo hoo! I was a fairly late convert to IG and I love it. Rachael's #sewphotohop was so much fun last month.

    1. I know how you feel! Hope you get to do some sewing soon. Yes, Rachel's #sewphotoshop looked like so much fun, it was one of the things that prompted me to open an account! x

  5. I quickly abandoned Twitter but I do enjoy IG - so much inspiration on a daily basis it is a positive force ( and an absolute time thief)!

    1. I can feel myself leaning more towards Instagram than Twitter already, even after two days! I agree, it's very inspiring. x

  6. Yay! Great to have more sewers on Instagram; it's a great place to swoon over and be inspired by so many excellent makes. And your Made Up pledge is looking beautiful so far! Looking forward to seeing the finished result.

    1. Thanks! I'm already really enjoying seeing everybody's sewing pics on Instagram! x
